MMO Newbie's Thoughts!
Final Fantasy XIV is the first MMO I have EVER played, and this alone is really daunting to me. It's scary running around in dungeons not knowing what a lot of the jargon really means - it's a good job I have google! But I think after 6 weeks of playing I'm really understanding it.
I'm always worried I'm going to run into someone mean in DF or something, but most of my experiences have been very positive, and about 10 days ago I hit 100 Player Commendations! I was so proud!
I think the next few weeks for me will entail getting some more sweet gear for SCH, and then finally going back to level up WHM. I started as CNJ with all the intention of playing as a WHM, but when it came to leveling up ACN, I fell in love! So I'm stuck right now with a level 32 WHM... I will get there!
I've been playing a lot of MMOs for a lot of years and I can understand that "Oh god, i don't even know what to do here, i hope they don't rage me" thing but you shouldn't mind it, this game has quite the nice community (also, you're on a good way with those 100 comms!) Just keep up the good job and you'll get used to all the jargon :P
This was my first MMO as well when I started last year in the last beta phase, though tbh I played it pretty much as a co-op with my flatmate for the first months, suffering strangers in dungeons because we had to XD Some of the terms used still confuse (or annoy) me, especially when they originate from really poor spelling :p Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it soon =D Good luck!
Also, this helped me a lot:
We still sometimes XD when C'alih does something! I've been playing a lot of MMO's and every new MMO it's always "how does this work, what's that suppose to do, what is the tactic suppose to be here" etc. So don't worry to much about that. As far as commendations go, maybe I should stop playing with C'alih and Rhaya so much. They never give me commendations! :)
Keep up the good work and don't let the C'alih get to you!
Nice! It may be because I don't do a lot of dungeons, but I only have like 50 more comms than you and I started playing last September xD
Glad you haven't run into any mean parties, and that you're getting the hang of everything around here :)
im new as well and have found people to be genuinely nice and helpful when you ask , i hope to find a regular group to help ease me into the later chapters ive never even done a raid yet but am not worried since my experience has been good so far , I think its little more nervous just making sure i dont mess up
This is my first MMO too! It's been such a positive fun place! I've even met some people I consider actual friends rather than playmates!
I have had alot of good luck with meeting cool people in Duty Roulettes and whatnot. Helps that my best friend and her boyfriend got me hooked in and introduced me to some other awesome people. There are some jerks, but thankfully so far they have been few and far between. It's nice. Glad you are enjoying it
Welcome to the fun. Hope you enjoy it.
Thanks for all the responses! Sometimes I feel like I'm the only newbie around, but when I do see a total newbie (with the greenleaf) I get so excited and usually talk to them (scare them off!)
I guess we all have to start somewhere with MMO games, and I really do think this is a great one for beginners. :)
This was my first MMO (at least standard MMO fare, I played RuneScape for seven years before leaving it for this) as well besides maybe a week of WoW and various other free MMOs. I had some friends come over from RuneScape, which certainly helped me get into the swing of things, as well as met lots of cool people starting all the way back in closed beta.
And since your on the same server say "hi" if your ever bored. I don't know when to shut up but I help time pass by. Also be forewarned, Kupo is crazy and wants to rule the wold. I think he is behind the boy band craze myself. he comes.
Here he comes here comes Kupo racer, he's a demon on wheels.
Don't be afraid to be new; we are all new at some point (have played other MMOs before, but this is my first subscription based one). Yup, it can definitely take some getting used to if it's your first game in this type of genre, but you'll get the hang of it.
Don't worry, be happy ^^