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Free companies are player-run organizations which allow their members to pool resources, be it items or gil, to accomplish feats that would be difficult or impossible for a single individual.
The benefits of joining a free company include a dedicated chat channel for all members, the ability to purchase an estate to serve as the group's base of operations, and the use of free company actions that grant bonuses such as increased experience points.
No two free companies share the same goals and motivations, so be sure to choose the free company that's right for you.
Linkshells and cross-world linkshells are chat groups which allow for quick and easy communication between players who are not necessarily in a party or free company. Unlike free companies, players are able to join multiple linkshells, making it possible to join different communities dedicated to various aspects of the game.
Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same World.Teamwork is key, so be sure to find a team with whom you're confident you can hone your skills together.
PvP duties: allow players to compete against one another in unique instanced arenas.Moonlight Templars Recruiting Additional Members
Plot 5, 22 Ward, Mist (Large)
Faire Summer Court
Apply Below!
Recruiter Profile
Eliana Spark Diabolos [Crystal]
Hi there, I am Eliana Spark - FC Leader of Moonlight Templars (Faire). Thank you for viewing our Recruitment Page. Feel free to /t me ingame or come visit our Diabolos FC house (Plot 5, 22 Ward, Mist), click on the Placard to submit application. It may take a little while for us to get to your application, please be patient and we will accept it as soon as possible.
?Theo Rii Diabolos [Crystal]
Hey there, I would like to join Moonlight Templars. I am a fairly new player.
Sayda Viras Diabolos [Crystal]
Looking for an invite! Returning player after a 4-5 month hiatus. Thank you!
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New player looking for a fun guild to join. Would I be able to get an invite, please? :)
Autumn Fire Zalera [Crystal]
Returning player looking for an active FC that does things together. I'll try and look you up in the FC profile in game but not sure where it's at lol. Thanks
Lythia Lalamen Halicarnassus [Dynamis]
Hello, I don't know how to look up an FC in game so I'm just leaving a comment here, I'd like to join!
Community Member Eliana Spark Diabolos [Crystal]
Welcome to Faire Lythia :D
Kaladin Stormbreaker Diabolos [Crystal]
I'm looking to get in a FC that may provide a static for old content raids and trials. That a thing?
Community Member Kham Mii Diabolos [Crystal]
can i get an invite plz?
Community Member Eliana Spark Diabolos [Crystal]
Hi Kham /t me in game or come to our FC house (Plot 5, 22 Ward, Mist), click on the Placard to submit application if you are still interested. Looking forward meeting you.
Delino Avadon Goblin [Crystal]
Former WoW prog raider looking to make the jump to FFXIV. Just looking for a group to grow with and take on challenging content.
Community Member Eliana Spark Diabolos [Crystal]
Kinda /t me in game or apply by clicking our FC house placard. Looking forward meeting you
Raine Rhyne Diabolos [Crystal]
I am interested
Community Member Eliana Spark Diabolos [Crystal]
Hi Raine. Feel free to come to our FC house (Plot 5, 22 Ward, Mist), click on the Placard to submit application or /t me in game
Community Member Evander Gold Diabolos [Crystal]
Hi, was interested in joining. I tried stopping by the FC house and clicking on Placard and then was lost from there lol. I tried to /tell but it seems you were offline when I tried. Figured I would try my luck here.
Grixis Valenar Diabolos [Crystal]
Good morning! I am looking for an active free company to join. I read over the summary above, and I am very interested in Moonlight Templars. I have been playing FF14 since about April of last year.
Jim Pekins Diabolos [Crystal]
Hello im looking to get into Raiding I am a WOW refugee with raiding experience there and am looking to start my ff14 journey in endwalker I play mostly warrior and dark knight atm.
Community Member Eliana Spark Diabolos [Crystal]
Hi Jim, feel free to drop by our FC house (Plot 5, 22 Ward, Mist (Large)) or /tell Eliana Spark or Amelia Spark when you are online. I will send you an invite
Montana Wildhack Coeurl [Crystal]
Hi. Currently in another FC, pretty large one, in fct, too large. Also, was wondering if you could let me set up a garden to grow fruit for Chocobos and minions. I'm pretty set with all jobs at 80 and going for my 5th relic so I could be helpful. Please let me know and thanks.
Community Member Eliana Spark Diabolos [Crystal]
ofc Kayda, no one is using the patch at the moment, feel free to use it
Torn Aybera Diabolos [Crystal]
Hey PS4 Paladin main looking for a home for Endwalker.
Community Member Eliana Spark Diabolos [Crystal]
Welcome to Faire Torn :D
Death Ray Diabolos [Crystal]
Hello, I'm a fresh transfer from Aether and would like to join your FC! Interested in savage and end game raiding content. New to ffxiv but an mmo veteran.
Community Member Eliana Spark Diabolos [Crystal]
Welcome to Faire, Death Ray.
Community Member Ibuki Hatsukawa Diabolos [Crystal]
Hi I would like to join, Interested in Savage and ultimate content, I'm just starting at it.
Holy Smokes Diabolos [Crystal]
Long time WoW player looking for a raiding FC, Experienced healer, working my way through the MSQ, just finished first part of Stormblood, so will take me a bit to catch up and be raid ready.
Kio Dar Diabolos [Crystal]
I'm a returning player, interested in endgame raid content. Could you please send me a Tell in-game? I'd like to learn more.
Lupariah Windrunner Diabolos [Crystal]
Hey how are you doing? Two friends and I are interested in joining your FC. We're all interested in Savage raid content and Extreme Trails. We also would love to do mount farming and treasure maps.
Leith Elsanhide Diabolos [Crystal]
I'm a returning player interested in joining
Saoirse Khali Rafflesia [Dynamis]
Would love to talk to someone about joining
Dakota Marx Gilgamesh [Aether]
Super interested in joining dc transferred from primal really wanna get into a static or start raiding again.
Damian Nasq Malboro [Crystal]
Greetings! I am a returning player just starting Endwalker content and would like to join your FC!
Navarian Wolfsbayne Exodus [Primal]
Hello there, returning player from Endwalker launch. Looking for a solid FC to join. Seems like yours would be a good fit for what I like to do in game.
Booster Boost Diabolos [Crystal]
Hi Brand new player who just got into ff14 but plan to get into the highest level of content when i get to it
Klein Shiroma Diabolos [Crystal]
I would like to join, I am a returning player trying to improve my tanking. I'm mostly looking for a group to do high-end content with the freedom to learn and grow
Community Member Eliana Spark Diabolos [Crystal]
hello, Unfortunately the recruiting webpage has no direct link to In game.Kindly /t me in-game or come visit our Diabolos FC house (Plot 5, 22 Ward, Mist), click on the Placard to submit application.
Chloe D'apchier Diabolos [Crystal]
Hey was wondering if you guys are more rp focused or more focused on just casual playing?
Community Member Eliana Spark Diabolos [Crystal]
Our FC members varies. Some focus on raids, mount farm and some are casual gamers. We dont focus on RP but we do have a few members that enjoy RP time.
Kei Kisaragi Cactuar [Aether]
Hi I'm pretty new to the game and I would like to join your FC!
Kitsune Tengoku Halicarnassus [Dynamis]
Hi im a Casual Gamer looking to join hopefuly you guys still have a slot
Yoichi Hakodate Diabolos [Crystal]
Hi I'd like to join this guild! hope you have a spot and this roster is updated :3
Community Member Eliana Spark Diabolos [Crystal]
Hiya, at this moment, I cannot invite you to FC via loadstone page. Kindly click on our online members, view company profile, and apply. Or come to our Diabolos Large FC house (Plot 5, 22 Ward, Mist), click on the Placard to submit application. Thank you :D
Community Member Adaljiteria Calcantus Diabolos [Crystal]
Hiya im hoping to join with you all!!
Shadow Cast Diabolos [Crystal]
Howdy I am returning to the game but had to start over sadly :/ are yall open to returning/relearning players!!
Community Member Eliana Spark Diabolos [Crystal]
hi Shadow, yes we are recruiting. Feel free to submit appliations as I cannot invite you to FC via loadstone page. Kindly click on our online members, view company profile, and apply. Or come to our Diabolos Large FC house (Plot 5, 22 Ward, Mist), click on the Placard to submit application. Thank you :D
Syd Moonshine Diabolos [Crystal]
Hello, I am interested in joining. I've just started the Endwalker expansion and looking forward to Dawntrail! I'm a daily player looking for a new FC
Community Member Eliana Spark Diabolos [Crystal]
Hello Syd We love to have you with us :D
Feel free to submit appliations as I cannot invite you to FC via loadstone page. Kindly click on our online members, view company profile, and apply. Or come to our Diabolos Large FC house (Plot 5, 22 Ward, Mist), click on the Placard to submit application. Thank you :D
Capina Dingus Diabolos [Crystal]
Hello, started playing in Endwalker looking for some people to play with and start raiding. I have been playing WoW and raiding there for years and looking to see how it is on the FF14 side. Really excited for Dawntrail.
Nathan Bishop Diabolos [Crystal]
I've been looking around for an FC to join that is active at around 8:45pm-11pm (Philippine Standard Time) on weekdays.
I'm levelling up alt DPS jobs so I'm hoping to find an FC where there are people active during the indicated time who are willing to form a party with me to get into dungeons quicker.
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