

Joe Schmoe

Hyperion [Primal]

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Joe's game design/FF XIV Stream, 9/26/2019

Did a couple of commentary videos, one on Wednesday and one on Thursday. Hope you all enjoy.

A meh session today. I was going to work on designing my game this time, but I couldn't stay focused after a while, so I ended up streaming this game instead.

Today I just worked on my GC turn-ins, and ended up getting my leatherworking class to 77. And I forgot to mention too, my mining has reached level 79. If, in the event that both my gathering classes reach level 80, I'll probably break off from level 77 gear upgrading and focus on getting white gatherers' scrip so I can get the level 80 gathering gear. Ended up screwing up a craft because I was....

.... and accidentally made an NQ item after going through all the trouble to get the mats to make it. *sigh*

And as far as game design goes, LORLORx said when he was learning to do it he used the Unity and Unreal game engines, so chances are I might go ahead and give them a go, see if I mesh better with those. But otherwise, he basically encouraged me along by saying "Just keep at it", so therefore I will. I'm thinking of streaming game design on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, but that cuts into my "go outside" (I'm not an outdoorsey person, but you get the idea) time. I'll figure something out eventually. :/>

And the records I played today were:

NWA - Straight Outta Compton
Suicide - Self-Titled Debut
Frank Zappa - We're Only in it for the Money

Okay, time to shut 'er down. Gotta nap, then get ready for work <Take care.> everyone, and have yourselves a good night/day. ;)>

Why I Stream. and 20 Streamer Rules I Always/Don't Always/Never Follow.
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Spinning LP records and working on a text-based RPG. Trying to make it work.
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