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P'liko Cuga

Sophia [Materia]

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Just like MonHun.

It probably says something about my usual state of mind that whenever I run through new content and see something I've never seen before, the most common thought that runs through my mind is "Oh, that can't be good."

Every new mechanic instinctively brings out the pessimism in me, making me wonder how the heck I'm supposed to survive that. Or how I'm supposed to help the party survive that, so they don't blame me for failing them in their time of need.

In Monster Hunter (solo) I at least get to stay out of range and note the enemy's standard moveset before I cautiously give it a poke. This isn't really viable in MMOs, though.

Watching videos and reading guides helps somewhat, but I learn best through experience. Unfortunately, this requires that first run-through, so that sense of dread will never go away.

It does get better, of course; old dungeons which used to stress me out are now relaxing strolls. I really do just need to run through the content a few times before I have fun.
Comments (1)

Lolo Menehune

Siren [Aether]

Iko, that feeling of anxiety is the perfectionist in you probably ; ) As long as you have up to date gear, close to ilevel weapon, and appropriate cross class skills your good to go! The rest just comes in having confidence or a "I don't give a F*$™" attitude. As a healer or tank I'll admit the nagging feeling of failure can sometimes be a bit of an obstacle to work against in brand new content. But the ability to work through it and have fun is what we gain in experience!
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