

Speed Demon

Umbral Espada

Sophia [Materia]

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LF>small FC on Ramuh!/ 小さなフレンドリーなFCに参加できますか?(ラムー)


I'm looking to join a FC/ FCに参加したい!

-Small (<Less than 50 members)

-小さい (50人以下)

About me:

I'm from Australia, and like to help others and am always down for a good chat. I'm pretty chill, friendly and easy going. I spend most my time at my house in The Lavender beds(W 22, P 24). I moved from Tonberry and although at least 80% of the community spoke English, I didn't like how overly crowded it was, so I moved to Ramuh where I met some friends through a trial and joined their static.

I'm interested in joining preferably a FC that can speak both English and Japanese and has players from OCE and Japan. leave a comment here or in-game if I can join. Thanks~


私はオーストラリア出身です, 私は人々を助け、彼らと話すのが好きです. 私はフレンドリーでいつも話すのが好きです, 私はほとんどの時間をコテージで過ごします (W 22, P 24-ラベンダーベッド) 5.3の間にここに引っ越しました. 日本の選手と交流したい , 日本語を学びたい.

今のところ英語しか話せません , 私はあなたが英語を学びそして使うのを手伝うことができます ww

参加できる場合は、コメントを投稿してお知らせください, またはゲームで私にメッセージを送る

仲良くできることを願っています .
Comments (4)

Cala Mac-lir

Ramuh [Meteor]

Our FC has 45 members, so it doesn't meet your wishes, but I will help you with FC joining.



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Umbral Espada

Sophia [Materia]

@Cala Mac-lir - Thanks alot!/ありがとうございました
@Nan Nan - ありがとうございました

Kaga Joestar

Ramuh [Meteor]

Do you found a FC to join?
I also want to find one hahaha
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