


Elianne Nellemond

Odin [Light]

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Early P5S PF Macro

/p ━━━━━  - Proto-Carbuncle ━━━━━
/p ┏━ Spreads ━┓┏━━ Stack Groups ━━┓
/p     +  → N/W(Red/Purple)
/p     +  → S/E(Yellow/Blue)
/p    DPS Rotate CW, TH CCW
/p ┏━ Toxic Puddles ━┓┏━━━ Jumps ━━━┓
/p  CCW from North -- / igzag
/p  CW from North Opposite of 1st
/p TM in, HR out Run CCW towards
/p ┏━ Satiate Add ━┓ 1st after 2nd jump
/p  - / ircle
/p  Opposite of 1st
/p   Run clockwise then
/p  (Invuln) CCW after 4th jump
/p ◎

Please forgive me if they are not the easiest ways, this is early in the tier and it's what my group did.
First time publishing a macro, I hope it'll make life easier for fellow PF warriors!
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