

Xara Shaii

The Redeemed

Lamia [Primal]

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My Crafting Cache/Horde of Great Hoardaciousness

This move TO a house that once, like, housed some hoarders (one of whom hid THOUSANDS of bucks in random places, like the freezer, Kotex wrappers, etc., and another of whom spent MILLS on obscure art) might seem a bit insane, but it's complicated.

The point is, WE HERE NOW, and making the best of a not-best situation is what I do best. Kinda. (May God help us all...)

Anyway, this above is just ONE layer of my own Crafting Material Horde (of Hoarding), including leather, art supplies, and exotic lumber. (aka #whyI'mADDICTEDtoFF14! Any other addicts in the audience??)
Comments (1)

Ashram Narse

Mateus [Crystal]

Sounds like a project among projects. I do not envy you. Good luck.
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