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Enesha Melwalx

Zodiark [Light]

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The end is nigh

Only 23 Raw Emotions left to end this madness.
I can already taste it. The feel of completionism, the power of BiS, the sense of self-achievement. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, the brighter future, the infinite possibilities of wiping in the time-space… And other random shits I can’t come up with right now ‘cause you know, I’m lazy and non-imaginative.

Back to us: it could’ve been 19 by now but eh, I’m dumb and forgot to accept the Quest before diving into the Fractal Continuum (Hard) and only noticed it after 4 runs.
This idiocy of mine aside, there’s something I’d like to tell the whole community, since it appears people don’t seem to be very interested in studying something fully.

Whoever came up with stating Hells’ Lid being the fastest Dungeon to farm for Raw Emotions for sure didn’t play all of the lv70 ones. Fractal Continuum (Hard) is. Both as normal Light Party (Duty Finder) and as BLU squadron (Party Finder).

It would take a while to explain why FC is preferable to HL, but I’ll summarize it with no downtimes. If you want a direct comparison, FC is around 1 minute shorter than HL even with bad/average DPS, while is around 30 seconds shorter in case DPS is supergood (BLUs) and you manage to coordinate the team fully to skip both the second and final bosses’ transitions in HL. Which, trust me, never happens unless you’re very lucky in finding the good players around. Have fun with that though.
These numbers seem ridiculous at first glance, but multiply them for all the times you have to do those Dungeons and you’ll notice minutes become hours. This is a long-term optimization, not a short-one. If you’re a normie that just wants their relic for their main Job, just DF whatever you want. But when you have to farm 90+ of these Dungeons, now, you see the issue here.

And, by the way, before you ask, I spent these days trying all of them out before writing this statement, so it’s pointless to say “BuT tHe InTeRnEt SaYs HeLl’S lId Is ThE fAsTeSt”. It’s not. Get real and go do them yourselves if you want to find it out. I saved you the effort and bother. Don’t come crying to me later.

Now that I shared the info with everyone (or at least the few that will read this Blog), let’s get back to the usual shots:

With this, now only SMN and BLM are left!
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