BE'ingBeing, to me, is about coming into harmony with The Divine — with the natural flow of life.
When you’re in this state of being, it’s as though everything you do comes from a place of connection and deep presence.
As seemingly magical as it may seem, life doesn’t miraculously become easy or free of challenges. But I will say, the weight of those challenges feels less heavy.
Because, in that moment, deep down, you just know — you’re no longer carrying them alone. You’re supported by something greater than yourself.
And when you allow yourself to be in a state of being more often, life stops feeling like a series of problems to solve or battles to fight.
It becomes a dance — where you’re both an active participant and a witness to the beauty of it all.
Lotsa love, Midori ♥
ps.If you consider yourself chill, friendly, supportive, and kind, I invite you to join our community of like-minded people. All are welcome!
The Sanctuary