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♥... Connection


The idea of being whole, independent, and content in being alone is often celebrated — and rightly so!

But sometimes, society pushes a narrative that needing others makes us less — less strong, less capable, and somehow less worthy of true love and genuine respect.

Here’s the truth . . .
You and I are not solitary creatures by design.

We are wired for relationships, for community, for love.

To crave connection isn’t a weakness; it’s one of the most beautiful aspects of our human nature.

I believe wholeheartedly that you can be strong and independent while also honoring the need for connection, community, and contribution.

What I'm saying is . . .

Many of us feel the need for deep and meaningful connection, yet we’ve been taught to hide or suppress that desire — and to think that it's something we should be ashamed of.

So if you've ever been conflicted between what the world is telling you to think versus what you feel in your heart, you're not alone — and it doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with feeling this way.

It means you’re human. — It means you're a human with a soul that knows it’s part of something far greater than itself.

Acknowledge your desire for connection. — Then honor it by allowing yourself to gravitate toward people, places, and things that inspire growth, bring you peace, and nourish your soul.

Lotsa Love, Midori ♥


If you consider yourself chill, friendly, supportive, and kind, I invite you to join our community of like-minded people.

The Sanctuary
Comments (2)

Kmi Henrikz

Ragnarok [Chaos]

I'm surprised to read this here. I liked the post and support the sames ideas about connection.
As we grow as adults, It is more difficult to connect, especially if you are working in a small company or as a freelancer. There will be less chances to meet people, and new ones you meet will probably be "judge" by all your past experiences with people and expectations of how your relationships "should be".
Let's break through our difference and connect when you feel it :)

Midori Tigris

Sargatanas [Aether]

Hi Kmi, Thank You! (((smiles)))

I hear you, and I completely agree — genuine connection can feel more challenging as we grow, especially when our life experiences tend to influence how we perceive new relationships.

With that said. . . I know it’s not always easy, but I believe that when we stay open and let go of the weight of expectations, we create space for meaningful connections to unfold naturally.

I’m truly grateful to have you here! ♥
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