


Runa Caliburn

Brynhildr [Crystal]

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Fool Me Once...Fool Me Twice

...I have no words for the MSQ currently. Call it me being naïve, but I was REALLY hoping for unjerkwadish Garlean lacky. But lo and behold we get a pure sinnamon bun too bitter sweet for this world. Not going to mention their name, but if you do congrats you know my pain. But I do have some shred of hope, because hey if Nero can change so can he.

Other than that patch is good so far. I need to get on top of my Sigmascape grinds.
Comments (3)

Bear Ironfist

Faerie [Aether]

Didn't fool me for a second. Hien and Alphinaud are fools, unworthy of my aid or consul.

Runa Caliburn

Brynhildr [Crystal]

Yeah I got a little too gullible this time. I never learned anything from Illbeird and Adilegi. Then again Illbutt was more of a slow burn. This one just tore my heart out and shot it's still beating corpse twice. With a salt lined nail gun.

Bear Ironfist

Faerie [Aether]

No one with a haircut like that can ever be trusted.
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