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Free companies are player-run organizations which allow their members to pool resources, be it items or gil, to accomplish feats that would be difficult or impossible for a single individual.
The benefits of joining a free company include a dedicated chat channel for all members, the ability to purchase an estate to serve as the group's base of operations, and the use of free company actions that grant bonuses such as increased experience points.
No two free companies share the same goals and motivations, so be sure to choose the free company that's right for you.
Linkshells and cross-world linkshells are chat groups which allow for quick and easy communication between players who are not necessarily in a party or free company. Unlike free companies, players are able to join multiple linkshells, making it possible to join different communities dedicated to various aspects of the game.
Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same World.Teamwork is key, so be sure to find a team with whom you're confident you can hone your skills together.
PvP duties: allow players to compete against one another in unique instanced arenas.Freedom! Recruiting Additional Members
Plot 28, 18 Ward, Shirogane (Medium)
Club Tropicana
Apply Below!
Recruiter Profile
Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Hey there! I'm usually online from 10pm (GMT+10) onwards, so feel free to send me a tell in-game!
Alternatively apply via our FC house placard, or leave a message here and the time when you will be online, and we'll work around that! :)
(I can't send you an invite if you're not online or in an instance e.g. Bozja/Diadem!)
?Hippo Campus Tonberry [Elemental]
Hi Hi Im Interest in your freedom! Im very new in this game Im online around 7pm - 11 (GMT+11) except weekend that I always online
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Hey Ranuk welcome to Freedom! \o/
Olydior Javier Tonberry [Elemental]
Hello! I'm interested in joining your company and hope I can get in! I'm usually online around 9pm or 10pm onwards (GMT+8)
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Glad to have you, Olydior! :)
Yeah Buddy Zurvan [Materia]
Hey, keen on joining! On whenever I'm not working basically. Pretty wild roster but should be on around 6:30pm AEST
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Welcome to Freedom, Savannah! :D
Rigel Arc Garuda [Elemental]
Hi, i'm interested in joining in! I'm online around 10pm GMT+8, i just applied via placard too with my friend. Hope we can get in! :D
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Glad to have you, Gio! :D
Vares Freyr Garuda [Elemental]
Hello there! I'm interested in joining your FC. I'm a new player and usually online on 11pm gmt 7 on weekdays and all day on weekend :)
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Welcome to the FC Luciov! :D
Dettlaff Vonavalos Aegis [Elemental]
Hi! I'm interested in joining Freedom, I'm new player and really need some advice, you guys have discord? I usually online on 6pm GMT+8
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Hey Dettlaff, happy to help with any advice that you need! See you later :)
Eterna Ire Tonberry [Elemental]
Hi! I'm interested in joining Freedom, I'm new player and really need some advice, you guys have discord? I usually online on 7pm GMT+7
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Welcome to the FC, Eterna! and yes we have a discord :D
Ara Valerie Aegis [Elemental]
Hello, I'm new to the game. Interested to join the group ^^ usually online from 6pm GMT+8 onwards. I have discord too
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Welcome to the FC, Ara! ^^/
Ashe Lee Kujata [Elemental]
Hello, I'm interested in joining this FC! Keen on getting into endgame content.
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Welcome to <Wham!> :D
Croxe Aresta Aegis [Elemental]
I'm interested in joining this FC! I'm a new player.Usually online at 7/8pm (gmt 7) on weekday and all day on weekend. Also i'm a friend of two of the members here Nico and Lio xD
Thank you
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Welcome to the FC Croxe! Lio & Nico will be very happy :D
Kaileia Taes Sophia [Materia]
Hi there! I'm interested in joining your FC Freedom. I'm a new player and usually online on 9pm gmt +7.
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Welcome Kaileia! :D
Ralph Kim Aegis [Elemental]
Hello!! :D I'm interested in joining your FC! I'm a new player. Now I'm just finished Shadowbringer (5.1) and usually online at GMT+11~14. Thank you!
Ralph Kim Aegis [Elemental]
Oh! I know a little bit about FFXIV because I played FFXIV on the Korean server that is why I want to go to various activities with you guys!
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Hi Ralph, we'll be happy to have you, just apply at our FC house placard and see you soon :)
Sugar-lips Habasi Aegis [Elemental]
Hi! I'd love to join your FC. I played a bit of FFXIV a few years ago but I've forgotten how to apply XD
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Hey you’re welcomed to join us! Either apply at our housing placard, or hop online in the evening and send a tell to me or any of my FC mates! :)
Lumi Kyrielight Aegis [Elemental]
Hey, I'd love to join your free company, im a new player who just hit 80 and im looking for people to chill with and maybe do some of the harder content with, I'm usually online at GMT+0 8PM - 4AM
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Welcome to the FC, Lumi! :)
Jonni Boi Tonberry [Elemental]
Hey, would love to join you guys. Applied :D I usually played around GMT 11:00 or GMT +10 21:00
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Welcome to the the FC, Rin! :D
Talyn Raellia Ravana [Materia]
Hi! I applied in game. Looking forward to joining. I am usually on around GMT +8 18:00 on wards
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Welcome to the FC, Maeda! :D
Satan Claus Shinryu [Meteor]
I'd like to join !
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Welcome Satan Claus! :D
Mitsuha Kuromiya Aegis [Elemental]
Hi! I'd love to join if recruitment is still on ^^
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Hey Mitsuha yes we are! Hope to catch you soon! :)
Maran Gani Aegis [Elemental]
Hey I'd like to join, new player, want to connect with the community :)
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Welcome to the FC, Maran! :D
Community Member Karim Karisious Aegis [Elemental]
Hey Jeph I'm currently lv 60 DRK I'm trying to find FC to join and I came across your FC Btw I'm GMT +7
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Welcome to the FC Karim! :D
Chupapi Munanyo Aegis [Elemental]
Hello I am a 60 BM, Looking for a FC - GMT + 10
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Hey Chupapi how to see you online soon! :)
Fern Bliss Aegis [Elemental]
Hello, I would like to join the Fc. My English is quite bad. Oh, also I'm a returner so my game knowledge is thin, more like a casual player and interest in making friends!!
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
That's alright Fern! We will be more than happy to help guide you through :)
Cryst Talene Ravana [Materia]
Hi, 1st time player looking for FC. Pretty casual most of the time.
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Hey Cryst hope to catch you online! :)
Tor Garadon Aegis [Elemental]
Hi, new to ff14, wondering if I can join your FC. Thanks :)
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Hey Tor sure thing! I'll send an invite your way :)
Jeanny Lastra Tonberry [Elemental]
Good Day! Im a new player and would like to meet new friends and ones i can rad with, i hope i can join ur free company
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
G'day Jeanny, we'd love to have you onboard :)
Logius Lurosia Aegis [Elemental]
Hi (^o^)丿, I'm interested in joining Freedom. I'm a new player who enjoys raiding. hoping to find some new friends in this FC. :D
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Sure we'll love to have you Logius! :)
Seo Bear Tonberry [Elemental]
Hello! I am a returning player recently started playing back again. Hoping to join this FC and find new friends to chat with!
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Welcome to the FC, Seo! :D
Winter Celeste Sophia [Materia]
Hi! I am returning player, really want to join a good FC to meet some friends. I'm online quiet often on the weekends :)
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Welcome to the FC, Winter! :D
Triple Critical Atomos [Elemental]
Can i join sir but i dont know how im still newb
Triple Critical Atomos [Elemental]
Can i
Join pls i need friends im new to the game…i
Dont know how to join
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Hey Ultimos sorry I missed you! I see that you have found an FC, hope you have found a place to belong to and all the best! :)
Kibble Nautala Sephirot [Materia]
Howdy, would love to come join your FC!
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Welcome to the FC, Kibble! :)
Ruma Sculdina Sophia [Materia]
Heyo, I'm looking for an FC and you all sound wonderful!
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Hey Ruma thanks! You sound wonderful too and we'll be happy to have you! :)
-- -- ----
Hi, I’ve just arrived and was looking at the FCs and found yours.I am LGBTQ , and would honored tobe apart of your FC. Hope you will concerned me my name. Armani De’estallia I am in Ul’ Dah right now I am a gladiator Thank you for your time
Mio Yasuda Aegis [Elemental]
Hi. I would like to join FC if it is possible. I've been playing for a long time but every now and then I stop and start over. It is usually related to my mood :) But I would like to finally stay longer and meet a lot of people to have someone to talk to
Community Member Caalan Dazkar Aegis [Elemental]
Hello! I'd like to join in this FC too!
i like the medium size community. i'm very chill and casual kind of player. I'll be online around 5pm-9pm GMT+7 mostly in weekend but i'll try to contact you in-game if possible o7
Community Member Jeph Durandal Aegis [Elemental]
Welcome Caalan! :D
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