Standings based on total company credits earned by free companies.
1 | | Knights Of NocturneAdamantoise [Aether] | 6558746 | |
2 | | Wings of AzeymaAdamantoise [Aether] | 5880947 | |
3 | | Dream GalaxyAdamantoise [Aether] | 4747424 | |
4 | | Dark Diamond EmpireAdamantoise [Aether] | 3821995 | |
5 | | Espers HavenAdamantoise [Aether] | 3720386 | |
6 | | A Single SparkAdamantoise [Aether] | 3398331 | |
7 | | EminenceAdamantoise [Aether] | 3294914 | |
8 | | MOOZ 2.0Adamantoise [Aether] | 3204783 | |
9 | | Knights of SpiraAdamantoise [Aether] | 2768433 | |
10 | | The Seventh CircleAdamantoise [Aether] | 2700353 | |
11 | | House of the CrookedAdamantoise [Aether] | 2424682 | |
12 | | Angels of DarknessAdamantoise [Aether] | 2054535 | |
13 | | Order of Wild RoseAdamantoise [Aether] | 1985700 | |
14 | | AscensionAdamantoise [Aether] | 1981086 | |
15 | | Dragon's GateAdamantoise [Aether] | 1948874 | |
16 | | The Shin KickersAdamantoise [Aether] | 1743258 | |
17 | | Sanctus CrucisAdamantoise [Aether] | 1731474 | |
18 | | AraAdamantoise [Aether] | 1720092 | |
19 | | PanaceaAdamantoise [Aether] | 1692562 | |
20 | | TopAdamantoise [Aether] | 1664976 | |
21 | | HeartbreakerzAdamantoise [Aether] | 1563267 | |
22 | | Wind-Up Free CompanyAdamantoise [Aether] | 1545906 | |
23 | | Nightshade CovenAdamantoise [Aether] | 1527522 | |
24 | | Squirtle Squad!Adamantoise [Aether] | 1443882 | |
25 | | Atelier NyaAdamantoise [Aether] | 1443516 | |
26 | | Carby ChaosAdamantoise [Aether] | 1376289 | |
27 | | Hatsu no IsedaAdamantoise [Aether] | 1362111 | |
28 | | Ipomoea AlbaAdamantoise [Aether] | 1356438 | |
29 | | Dungeons n' DragoonsAdamantoise [Aether] | 1322220 | |
30 | | OdinGuardAdamantoise [Aether] | 1321443 | |
31 | | The Hand of RagnarokAdamantoise [Aether] | 1253475 | |
32 | | Fairy TailAdamantoise [Aether] | 1210530 | |
33 | | Chromatic CrusadersAdamantoise [Aether] | 1204776 | |
34 | | The Moogle MafiaAdamantoise [Aether] | 1204161 | |
35 | | Gambit PrimeAdamantoise [Aether] | 1204152 | |
36 | | Apex OrderAdamantoise [Aether] | 1136502 | |
37 | | Salty SpitoonAdamantoise [Aether] | 1050609 | |
38 | | Celestial ChampionsAdamantoise [Aether] | 1032804 | |
39 | | Blood Bath & BeyondAdamantoise [Aether] | 1031304 | |
40 | | The TenshodoAdamantoise [Aether] | 1012764 | |
41 | | Team EPICAdamantoise [Aether] | 1000788 | |
42 | | Heroes In ProgressAdamantoise [Aether] | 951675 | |
43 | | Cult of the AlpacaAdamantoise [Aether] | 948171 | |
44 | | Fluffy TailsAdamantoise [Aether] | 916479 | |
45 | | Mag's AtelierAdamantoise [Aether] | 916470 | |
46 | | Hunter ScholarsAdamantoise [Aether] | 910071 | |
47 | | EndlessVoidAdamantoise [Aether] | 905682 | |
48 | | The OutsidersAdamantoise [Aether] | 905661 | |
49 | | GravityAdamantoise [Aether] | 902040 | |
50 | | MakeEorzeaGreatAgainAdamantoise [Aether] | 896916 | |
51 | | Eternal NephilimAdamantoise [Aether] | 878325 | |
52 | | WhimAdamantoise [Aether] | 851181 | |
53 | | The Longshadow GuildAdamantoise [Aether] | 845151 | |
54 | | Eorzea DebaucheryAdamantoise [Aether] | 826860 | |
55 | | Zodiac Brave RebornAdamantoise [Aether] | 824238 | |
56 | | FurndalosAdamantoise [Aether] | 819549 | |
57 | | The Fallen OnesAdamantoise [Aether] | 806316 | |
58 | | Eis'DragonsAdamantoise [Aether] | 801222 | |
59 | | Hiding n Plain SightAdamantoise [Aether] | 795360 | |
60 | | Knights of MeracydiaAdamantoise [Aether] | 777282 | |
61 | | Funny Boy LodgeAdamantoise [Aether] | 776946 | |
62 | | Dogs of WarAdamantoise [Aether] | 760392 | |
63 | | HyruleAdamantoise [Aether] | 756252 | |
64 | | Sacris SolemniisAdamantoise [Aether] | 745239 | |
65 | | Metal ChocoboAdamantoise [Aether] | 739755 | |
66 | | chibbunstylermindAdamantoise [Aether] | 729996 | |
67 | | Carbuncle KingdomAdamantoise [Aether] | 727656 | |
68 | | Donuts N DominationAdamantoise [Aether] | 724986 | |
69 | | Big Pumpkin PatchAdamantoise [Aether] | 717246 | |
70 | | Lunar HavenAdamantoise [Aether] | 715392 | |
71 | | Glory to MankindAdamantoise [Aether] | 697224 | |
72 | | The ReturnersAdamantoise [Aether] | 694563 | |
73 | | Misfit HeroesAdamantoise [Aether] | 693636 | |
74 | | The ShipyardAdamantoise [Aether] | 689910 | |
75 | | Heaven's EchoAdamantoise [Aether] | 674802 | |
76 | | The Leather ClubAdamantoise [Aether] | 672573 | |
77 | | EILT DRUINAdamantoise [Aether] | 666363 | |
78 | | Order of Dusk & DawnAdamantoise [Aether] | 654321 | |
79 | | BassmenAdamantoise [Aether] | 645144 | |
80 | | PAWNCH FACTORYAdamantoise [Aether] | 636909 | |
81 | | Ion BeyondAdamantoise [Aether] | 628383 | |
82 | | Mist KnightsAdamantoise [Aether] | 616080 | |
83 | | Stone OceanAdamantoise [Aether] | 607830 | |
84 | | Silv CompanyAdamantoise [Aether] | 597567 | |
85 | | Hallowblade ZaibatsuAdamantoise [Aether] | 591951 | |
86 | | Adventurer TimeAdamantoise [Aether] | 591672 | |
87 | | Fool's JourneyAdamantoise [Aether] | 590967 | |
88 | | The WayfarersAdamantoise [Aether] | 589689 | |
89 | | Obsidian CouncilAdamantoise [Aether] | 583269 | |
90 | | Full Frontal NerdityAdamantoise [Aether] | 568998 | |
91 | | Broken NoodlesAdamantoise [Aether] | 565401 | |
92 | | HQ VibesAdamantoise [Aether] | 561399 | |
93 | | Eorzea's FinestAdamantoise [Aether] | 557370 | |
94 | | Wolf's RainAdamantoise [Aether] | 553071 | |
95 | | TomorrowAdamantoise [Aether] | 550671 | |
96 | | FC That Never WasAdamantoise [Aether] | 546594 | |
97 | | Defenders Under OathAdamantoise [Aether] | 544206 | |
98 | | Somnium CrepusculumAdamantoise [Aether] | 542964 | |
99 | | TheKrakenClubAdamantoise [Aether] | 534822 | |
100 | | Pau HanaAdamantoise [Aether] | 533187 |
* Standings displayed are based on the list of Worlds and data centers available at the last calculation.
Standings Top