Standings based on total company credits earned by free companies.
1 | | LaLaLandIfrit [Gaia] | 4287978 | |
2 | | CoroaIfrit [Gaia] | 2679471 | |
3 | | Lumiere FamiliarIfrit [Gaia] | 2072364 | |
4 | | LONDO BELLIfrit [Gaia] | 2031387 | |
5 | | SUPER DRYIfrit [Gaia] | 1934484 | |
6 | | Warriors of LightIfrit [Gaia] | 1826124 | |
7 | | Rarab Tail HostelryIfrit [Gaia] | 1662927 | |
8 | | Letzt BatallionIfrit [Gaia] | 1540554 | |
9 | | L'Oiseau bleuIfrit [Gaia] | 1408080 | |
10 | | Base of ParesseIfrit [Gaia] | 1354005 | |
11 | | PIACEREIfrit [Gaia] | 1314858 | |
12 | | ApricotjamIfrit [Gaia] | 1302489 | |
13 | | YggdrasillIfrit [Gaia] | 1283577 | |
14 | | Brigade of LightIfrit [Gaia] | 1280280 | |
15 | | Pearl Milk TeaIfrit [Gaia] | 1196469 | |
16 | | Hasta La VistaIfrit [Gaia] | 1171455 | |
17 | | Iwagon'sIfrit [Gaia] | 1158084 | |
18 | | TARA-SUKUIfrit [Gaia] | 1145655 | |
19 | | Bright FutuerIfrit [Gaia] | 1115142 | |
20 | | ALICE IN EORZEAIfrit [Gaia] | 1106049 | |
21 | | Liberal WindsIfrit [Gaia] | 1083168 | |
22 | | prologueIfrit [Gaia] | 1076364 | |
23 | | BondsIfrit [Gaia] | 1023138 | |
24 | | Omelette RiceIfrit [Gaia] | 1011900 | |
25 | | Black SmithIfrit [Gaia] | 987930 | |
26 | | Devil PhoenixIfrit [Gaia] | 987327 | |
27 | | Freedom Fellow11Ifrit [Gaia] | 984876 | |
28 | | NoranekosIfrit [Gaia] | 967920 | |
29 | | BoY'S TaLkIfrit [Gaia] | 967437 | |
30 | | GRANDMASTERIfrit [Gaia] | 953868 | |
31 | | OMEGA WEAPONSIfrit [Gaia] | 947139 | |
32 | | Sunshine GardenIfrit [Gaia] | 940611 | |
33 | | Love&PeaceIfrit [Gaia] | 915879 | |
34 | | Knights of NightIfrit [Gaia] | 910509 | |
35 | | DeamonLordLilyLoversIfrit [Gaia] | 888573 | |
36 | | StrelitziaIfrit [Gaia] | 888552 | |
37 | | pyon!nyan!payu-n!Ifrit [Gaia] | 885288 | |
38 | | Brigade of LazinessIfrit [Gaia] | 868242 | |
39 | | PINK BARONIfrit [Gaia] | 867465 | |
40 | | THE MERCENARIESIfrit [Gaia] | 854202 | |
41 | | HISUIIfrit [Gaia] | 847650 | |
42 | | Evening PrimroseIfrit [Gaia] | 846600 | |
43 | | the OcrinIfrit [Gaia] | 843762 | |
44 | | Eyes On Me ExtremeIfrit [Gaia] | 825207 | |
45 | | Little PleasureIfrit [Gaia] | 820572 | |
46 | | AnynoteIfrit [Gaia] | 816573 | |
47 | | Pon-de-RingIfrit [Gaia] | 809472 | |
48 | | Golden Hops FriendsIfrit [Gaia] | 801870 | |
49 | | RegadorIfrit [Gaia] | 798519 | |
50 | | -crazy bear-Ifrit [Gaia] | 797055 | |
51 | | SeventHIfrit [Gaia] | 782529 | |
52 | | VINUSHKAIfrit [Gaia] | 773448 | |
53 | | Maca of LightIfrit [Gaia] | 759786 | |
54 | | Wild RoseIfrit [Gaia] | 751992 | |
55 | | Date Links!Ifrit [Gaia] | 750786 | |
56 | | DIAMONDIfrit [Gaia] | 744354 | |
57 | | Missing-in-ActionIfrit [Gaia] | 708909 | |
58 | | Black DogIfrit [Gaia] | 700023 | |
59 | | RISING FORCEIfrit [Gaia] | 682482 | |
60 | | ArkadiaIfrit [Gaia] | 680943 | |
61 | | -Polar Bear-Ifrit [Gaia] | 676731 | |
62 | | PREMIUM MEVIUSIfrit [Gaia] | 670596 | |
63 | | FAUCHON!Ifrit [Gaia] | 667704 | |
64 | | RED ZONEIfrit [Gaia] | 667170 | |
65 | | Flame TailsIfrit [Gaia] | 657993 | |
66 | | KOMOREBIIfrit [Gaia] | 655734 | |
67 | | ODIN SPHEREIfrit [Gaia] | 648525 | |
68 | | Heavy RotationIfrit [Gaia] | 635241 | |
69 | | Comrade's hopeIfrit [Gaia] | 627024 | |
70 | | Gridania of NestIfrit [Gaia] | 626100 | |
71 | | Force Operation XIfrit [Gaia] | 622116 | |
72 | | STEEL BALL RUNIfrit [Gaia] | 618300 | |
73 | | Mofu MofuIfrit [Gaia] | 615999 | |
74 | | Pitan companyIfrit [Gaia] | 611520 | |
75 | | MoFuJuKu CorporationIfrit [Gaia] | 607011 | |
76 | | The OutSidersIfrit [Gaia] | 603180 | |
77 | | Shock and AweIfrit [Gaia] | 600402 | |
78 | | Nouvelle VagueIfrit [Gaia] | 598170 | |
79 | | Triple AceIfrit [Gaia] | 591480 | |
80 | | Echoes of EternityIfrit [Gaia] | 588138 | |
81 | | KOTATSU&MIKANIfrit [Gaia] | 586215 | |
82 | | HIGEDANIfrit [Gaia] | 574371 | |
83 | | HUB at GridaniaIfrit [Gaia] | 571602 | |
84 | | UOTAMIIfrit [Gaia] | 570039 | |
85 | | Ano-sono-etoIfrit [Gaia] | 563775 | |
86 | | Personne ExcentriqueIfrit [Gaia] | 560010 | |
87 | | The time of eveningIfrit [Gaia] | 558327 | |
88 | | FairyGardenIfrit [Gaia] | 555504 | |
89 | | N.CsIfrit [Gaia] | 551850 | |
90 | | Agema SENTINELIfrit [Gaia] | 547635 | |
91 | | Stray LightIfrit [Gaia] | 538254 | |
92 | | Garchomp_6VIfrit [Gaia] | 535500 | |
93 | | mamedaifukuIfrit [Gaia] | 533832 | |
94 | | Raku IchiIfrit [Gaia] | 526056 | |
95 | | BloodyFamilyIfrit [Gaia] | 515424 | |
96 | | UKIGUMOIfrit [Gaia] | 512670 | |
97 | | Enough, Gladio!Ifrit [Gaia] | 505866 | |
98 | | Polsapo-TaiIfrit [Gaia] | 505434 | |
99 | | Midnight high!!Ifrit [Gaia] | 504408 | |
100 | | Sacred SevenIfrit [Gaia] | 502290 |
* Standings displayed are based on the list of Worlds and data centers available at the last calculation.
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