Standings based on total company credits earned by free companies.
Tallying Period: 08/01/2024 to 08/31/2024
Displaying 1-19 of 19
51 | | Phoenix DownSeraph [Dynamis] | 12869533 | |
106 | | DeterminatioNMaduin [Dynamis] | 10453950 | |
108 | | Binary Gaming NetMarilith [Dynamis] | 10413000 | |
123 | | Anti Raid GigHalicarnassus [Dynamis] | 10022610 | |
125 | | Scions of SeraphSeraph [Dynamis] | 10008278 | |
126 | | SoloMidGolem [Dynamis] | 10005450 | |
150 | | Party Finder PoliceMarilith [Dynamis] | 9562003 | |
155 | | LuniteSeraph [Dynamis] | 9407373 | |
182 | | SalvationSeraph [Dynamis] | 8801022 | |
193 | | Odder Otter MilitiaMarilith [Dynamis] | 8690407 | |
220 | | SeraphicSeraph [Dynamis] | 8064729 | |
313 | | Danger BongosMaduin [Dynamis] | 6914033 | |
356 | | Sylphic SerenityMarilith [Dynamis] | 6453360 | |
374 | | The Scions of DawnCuchulainn [Dynamis] | 6309534 | |
408 | | Celestial BestiesGolem [Dynamis] | 6141714 | |
438 | | NanolinkMarilith [Dynamis] | 5959710 | |
445 | | MoOnSeraph [Dynamis] | 5900856 | |
454 | | The Fluffle GangSeraph [Dynamis] | 5854240 | |
470 | | Fairy TaleRafflesia [Dynamis] | 5690853 |
Displaying 1-19 of 19
* Standings displayed are based on the list of Worlds and data centers available at the last calculation.
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