Season 4 Results


Solo Ranked Rewards (Place)

When the season ends, the top hundred players from each data center will receive rewards via the moogle delivery service.
* The number of rewards distributed may differ between data centers in the event players have the same ranking.

Top Prize

Furnishing (One Player per Data Center)

Top Ten

Earring (Ten Players per Data Center)

Top Hundred

Mount (One Hundred Players per Data Center)

Solo Ranked Rewards (Tier)

Players will receive one of several accessories depending on their tier placement at the end of the season.

* Image shows the diamond lone wolf ring.

Party Ranked Rewards (Place)

When the season ends, the top thirty players from each data center will receive rewards via the moogle delivery service.
* The number of rewards distributed may differ between data centers in the event players have the same ranking.

Top Prize

Furnishing (One Player per Data Center)

Top Ten

Earring (Ten Players per Data Center)

Top Thirty

Mount (Thirty Players per Data Center)

Party Ranked Rewards (Tier)

Players will receive one of several accessories depending on their tier placement at the end of the season.

* Image shows the diamond pack wolf ring.