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New Challenges

The lands of Norvrandt abound with danger, offering a host of thrilling challenges. As we strive to bring ever richer experiences to the world of FINAL FANTASY XIV, we have invited esteemed guest creators to create a harrowing new story to test the mettle of the realm's greatest heroes.

New Alliance Raid

YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse

This exciting new raid written by guest creators YOKO TARO and Yosuke Saito will see FINAL FANTASY and NieR come together as never before! What grand adventure awaits the enigmatic automaton garbed in white?

Guest Creators

Yosuke Saito

Yosuke Saito

Member of the Board and Executive Producer, SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD.

Notable works include: NieR (series), DRAGON QUEST X Online, DRAGON QUEST XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age



President and Game Director, BUKKORO

Notable works include: NieR (series), Drakengard (series)

View the special site

New 8-player Raid


Beyond the boundaries of Norvrandt lies the Empty─a land drowned in the primordial Light of the Flood. To redress the balance of the elements, our hero must wield a power the likes of which the First has never known. The power of Eden.

Instanced Dungeons

As light threatens to engulf Norvrandt, her people would seek sanctuary in shadow. Yet even the dark denies them solace. What new dangers lurk in the dungeons of Shadowbringers?

The Dungeons of Lyhe Ghiah

According to rumors circulating among scavengers, the diabolical Fuath have filled the dungeons below Lyhe Ghiah with all manner of treasures. Those drawn to the ancient castle in search of riches are forced to provide sport for their fae hosts, with only the truly skilled and uncannily fortunate able to escape with their lives and perhaps even a few priceless trinkets.

Restoration of the Holy See of Ishgard

The Dragonsong War has long since ended, but its scars yet remain. As man and dragon work together to restore the Holy See to glory, they aim to lay the cornerstone of the new Ishgard─the Firmament. However, nations are not rebuilt in a day, and this one has come to find it wants for helping hands...