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Coming December 8, 2020

Futures rewritten. Futures unknown.

New Story


Main Scenario Quests

Futures Rewritten

With Elidibus defeated and the fate of the First secured, the Scions make their long-awaited return to the Source. But in the new future they now look towards, will that which is written upon the pages of history be an anthem of hope...or a dirge of despair?

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New Challenges


Raid Dungeon

Eden's Promise

Ryne and her mysterious counterpart Gaia have succeeded in restoring balance to the elements of the Empty. Much of the credit goes to the Warrior of Darkness, whom they invite to observe whether life continues to flourish in the once-barren desert. While the flame of hope burns brighter than ever, this tale is far from over...

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Gaia and Eden's Promise Character Designs

Tetsuya Nomura


New Dungeon

Matoya's Relict

The Makers' Quarter was once home to some of the finest crafters Eorzea had ever seen, but it has lain in forgotten ruin since the Sharlayan exodus. It is there, hidden amidst overgrown foliage, that the entrance to the former workshop of the Archon Matoya can be found...

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Chronicles of a New Era

The Sorrow of Werlyt

Gaius and the Warrior of Light are another step closer to thwarting the Empire's warmachina development project after vanquishing the Sapphire Weapon. However, newly unearthed information alludes to another foe lurking in the shadows, and you must take decisive action before it is too late.

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Castrum Marinum

Your recent victories have led to the discovery of vital information regarding the Weapon project, confirming the existence of a warmachina code-named "Emerald." It falls to you to spearhead a preemptive strike before this menace can be unleashed upon the world.

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PATCH 5.45

Resistance Weapon Quests

Save the Queen: Past to Rest

The battle for the southern front wages on, and having failed to retake Castrum Lacus Litore, chances of victory appear slim for the Resistance. Slimmer still should the IVth Imperial Legion bring the full might of Save the Queen to gear.

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PATCH 5.45

New Large-scale Battle

Delubrum Reginae

Beneath the wastes of Bozja Citadel lie the ruins of Queen Gunnhildr's kingdom. The temple at its heart, once a shining beacon of hope for Bozja, now remains forever shrouded in darkness. And it is there the Warrior of Light must lay the queen's legacy to rest.

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PATCH 5.45

Blue Mage Update

Patch 5.45 sees the level cap for blue mage raised to 70, as well as the introduction of all-new blue mage job-specific quests and gear. Practitioners of the cerulean arts will also discover new spells to master, and find their blue mage logs updated with 4.x patch content. Being blue has never been so much fun!

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PATCH 5.41

Ishgardian Restoration Updates

With the residences of the New Nest providing homes for countless Ishgardians and the markets of Featherfall ever flourishing, the Firmament is evolving day by day into the living, breathing heart of the post-war Holy See. So it is that Lord Francel de Haillenarte turns his eyes to the fourth phase of the restoration effort, which will see the construction of a cultural district where nobleman and commoner, man and dragon alike might further enrich their lives through aesthetic pursuits.

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PATCH 5.45

Skysteel Tools Upgrade

As the Firmament lays foundations for a new era in Ishgard, the time has come to present its skybuilders with tools representing the pinnacle of Skysteel perfection. But what esoteric means must be employed to reach such daunting heights?

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Faux Hollows

The Navel (Unreal)

The faux commander wishes to hear a tale of heart-stopping terror and victory against impossible odds, for which your climactic encounter with Titan seems the perfect candidate. You cast your mind's eye back to that fateful day, when you stood on the very precipice of certain doom...

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Treasure Hunt

The Shifting Oubliettes of Lyhe Ghiah

Fuath tricksters, renowned for their devilish sense of mischief even amongst the impish fae, have overrun the dungeons beneath Lyhe Ghiah. It is said they have ensorcelled the deepest sanctum with their chaotic magicks, and tempt mortal visitors into playing their "games" with the promise of unearthly riches. Should you stumble upon their hidden domain, know that you gamble your life with every spin of fate's wheel!

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Ocean Fishing Update

As well as charting new fishing routes for his adventurous passengers, the ship's captain has devised a series of missions to challenge you during the course of a voyage. Complete mission objectives to earn bonus points, and aim to haul in your highest score ever!

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The Manderville Gold Saucer

Triple Triad Update

In order to provide a better card-battling experience, the Triple Triad rules and user interface have undergone a number of revisions and improvements. The Gold Saucer has also introduced new tournament modes that cater to both beginners and veterans alike. These short-style competitions are available on a regularly cycling schedule, and require all participants to build temporary decks from randomly generated "house" cards. All you need to do is sign up and play!

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Doman Mahjong Update

The exciting Eastern pastime is more accessible than ever, thanks to the new Quick Match option and a number of improvements to the interface.

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New Systems


Explorer Mode

The new Duty Finder feature known as "Explorer Mode" allows you to revisit dungeons in their completed state, and will initially be available for instances that were introduced with Patch 5.0 or later. With this mode enabled, you can mount up and ride around the dungeon, or put down a striking dummy and batter it with limit breaks. And with no hostile creatures to bar your path, you are free to roam and take screenshots to your heart's content!

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Performance Update

New instruments are being added, allowing for even more creative freedom!

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New Game+

Relive more of your past adventures with newly added chapters for main scenario quests from Patch 5.1 to Patch 5.3, as well as level 80 job quests and role quests.

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New Items

Allagan Tomestones of Revelation

A new variety of tomestone opens the way to powerful gear.

New Mounts

Be it by land, sky, or sea, these new mounts will take you where you need to go.

New Minions

Be the envy of your fellow adventurers with these adorable wind-up toys.

New Emotes

Express yourself with these new gestures and poses!
