Airships are miracles of the Eorzean skyscape—flying vessels born from the ingenuity and ambition behind the Garlean Empire's most advanced technologies. The airships of the realm's free nations most commonly achieve flight by either one of two means—large balloons of hide and cloth filled with gases less dense than the surrounding air, or wings of magitek making, made to beat by powerful ceruleum-burning engines. Despite whatever technological simliarities they may share, however, the realm's vessels are easily distinguishable on sight from the enormous and sinister juggernauts of Garlemald—armored monstrosities designed for the sole purpose of destruction.
By pioneering the sky routes between the realm's major cities and establishing regular flights along them, Highwind Skyways, an institution founded by the exorbitantly wealthy aristocrat and adventurer Tatanora, is now slowly but surely making commercial flight an ordinary aspect of everyday life in Eorzea. Even so, only a few airships are permitted to take flight at any given time, for the Garlean Empire is always watching, ready to strike at the first sight of an enemy vessel.

Bridging the waters of the maritime city-state of Limsa Lominsa and the docks of Vesper Bay, the ferry allows adventurers to freely travel between the Eorzean mainland and Vylbrand for a nominal fee.
Local ferrymen are also willing to lend their boats to those seeking to traverse shorter distances.

Known for their masks modeled after the ever faithful chocobo, Chocobokeeps can be found at outposts across Eorzea offering adventurers use of their chocobo porter service.
Mounted on one of their specially bred chocobo, travel switfly and safely to one of several nearby stables. These chocobo have been trained to travel specific routes to their destinations, so relax, enjoy the view, and let these trustworthy taxis handle the rest.

These massive crystals can be found throughout Eorzea, allowing adventurers to travel great distances in an instant. When first attuning to an aetheryte, adventurers will learn the spells Return and Teleport, which are necessary to use these aetherial constructs. For the ever-wandering adventurer, attuning to as many aetherytes as possible will ensure swift transport to nearly any location.

The first of two spells learned when attuning to an aetheryte in your starting city. Return can be used in the event of an emergency, such as when you are incapacitated in battle. However, must have a strong connection to an aetheryte for this spell to work, so it may only be used to return to your designated home point.

When first adventuring beyond the walls of your starting city, attuning to an aetheryte will grant you the spell Teleport. Using this spell, you can travel instantly between aetherytes to which you are attuned. It should be noted that adventurers are expected to pay a small fee in gil for the upkeep of the aetheryte network.

No adventurer should set out into the wilds without a trusty mount. In addition to the ever-popular chocobo, Eorzea is home to a number of other peculiar creatures which may serve as trusty steeds.

This rare creature is rumored to dwell far north in the outer reaches of Coerthas.