


Aeson Magloire

Sargatanas [Aether]

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RDM WHM AST ACN (SMN SCH) raise macro 赤白占学召 蘇生マクロ

I made macros to help casting raise and equivalent spells. If you find errors, please let me know.

When I played as RDM, party members asked me why I did not raise others.
I replied to them I did not have time, because Verraise took 10 sec to cast.
Actually I used Swiftcast already.
Right before party was wiped, a RDM was survived. That's why I was asked such question.
I got such feed back from time to time. The last time one player said RDM could take advantage of Dualcast. I admit I was not aware of the ability when I raise others. I also felt it was too busy to cast during battles. So I made macros. I tested light party and full party for RDM macro. It worked very well. Here is the macro:

We need to re-arrange party list order, so that we can raise party members in correct order.

This macro tries to raise party members in this order for full party.
1. Healer
2. Tank
3. Blue Mage
4. Red Mage
5. Summoner
6. Other DPS
Once macro finds a player to raise, cast raise (or equivalent) to the player. The rest of raise will be ignored.
If party is light size, the order of dps is opposite.


Other details are as follows:

"/merror off" turns off error messages in chat
"/merror off"はエラーメッセージをチャットで出なくします

/p "....." writes messages to the chat in party mode
/p "....."はパーティーメンバーにメッセージを送ります。

<t> takes the name of target, usually specified player to raise. This message let other healers/casters know which player I attempt to raise.

<se.3> makes system sound #3.
<se.3> はシステム音#3を鳴らします。

/ac is an action. We specify the name of spell.
/ac はアクションです。呪文の名前を指定します。

/micon changes the picture of the macro icon
/micon はマクロのアイコンの絵を変えます

I added one second wait to make sure Swiftcast is active.

Here is text version of the macro, so you can copy and paste.
To make multi-language support, you can type spell name and press tub, so you can put in parenthesis.

For RDM Verraise with Swiftcast

/merror off
/p Verraise on <t> <se.3>
/ac Swiftcast <wait.1>
/ac Verraise <t>
/ac Verraise <2>
/ac Verraise <3>
/ac Verraise <4>
/ac Verraise <5>
/ac Verraise <8>
/ac Verraise <7>
/ac Verraise <6>
/micon Verraise

For RDM Verraise with Dualcast

/merror off
/p Verraise in 3 sec <se.3>
/ac Jolt <wait.3>
/ac Verraise <t>
/ac Verraise <2>
/ac Verraise <3>
/ac Verraise <4>
/ac Verraise <5>
/ac Verraise <8>
/ac Verraise <7>
/ac Verraise <6>
/micon Verraise

For WHM Raise with Swiftcast

/merror off
/p Raise on <t> <se.3>
/ac Swiftcast <wait.1>
/ac Raise <t>
/ac Raise <2>
/ac Raise <3>
/ac Raise <4>
/ac Raise <8>
/ac Raise <7>
/ac Raise <6>
/ac Raise <5>
/micon Raise

For AST Ascend with Swiftcast

/merror off
/p Ascend on <t> <se.3>
/ac Swiftcast <wait.1>
/ac Ascend <t>
/ac Ascend <2>
/ac Ascend <3>
/ac Ascend <4>
/ac Ascend <8>
/ac Ascend <7>
/ac Ascend <6>
/ac Ascend <5>
/micon Ascend

For ACN Resurrection with Swiftcast

/merror off
/p Resurrection on <t> <se.3>
/ac Swiftcast <wait.1>
/ac Resurrection <t>
/micon Resurrection

(Note) SMN and SCH needs different order to raise. Please refer to RDM and WHM macro

赤魔ヴァルレイズ + 迅速魔

/merror off
/p ヴァルレイズ on <t> <se.3>
/ac 迅速魔 <wait.1>
/ac ヴァルレイズ <t>
/ac ヴァルレイズ <2>
/ac ヴァルレイズ <3>
/ac ヴァルレイズ <4>
/ac ヴァルレイズ <5>
/ac ヴァルレイズ <8>
/ac ヴァルレイズ <7>
/ac ヴァルレイズ <6>
/micon ヴァルレイズ

赤魔ヴァルレイズ + 連続魔

/merror off
/p ヴァルレイズ in 3 sec <se.3>
/ac ジョルト <wait.3>
/ac ヴァルレイズ <t>
/ac ヴァルレイズ <2>
/ac ヴァルレイズ <3>
/ac ヴァルレイズ <4>
/ac ヴァルレイズ <5>
/ac ヴァルレイズ <8>
/ac ヴァルレイズ <7>
/ac ヴァルレイズ <6>
/micon ヴァルレイズ

白魔レイズ + 迅速魔

/merror off
/p レイズ on <t> <se.3>
/ac 迅速魔 <wait.1>
/ac レイズ <t>
/ac レイズ <2>
/ac レイズ <3>
/ac レイズ <4>
/ac レイズ <8>
/ac レイズ <7>
/ac レイズ <6>
/ac レイズ <5>
/micon レイズ

占星アセンド + 迅速魔

/merror off
/p アセンド on <t> <se.3>
/ac 迅速魔 <wait.1>
/ac アセンド <t>
/ac アセンド <2>
/ac アセンド <3>
/ac アセンド <4>
/ac アセンド <8>
/ac アセンド <7>
/ac アセンド <6>
/ac アセンド <5>
/micon アセンド

巴術リザレク + 迅速魔

/merror off
/p リザレク on <t> <se.3>
/ac 迅速魔 <wait.1>
/ac リザレク <t>
/micon リザレク


Comments (5)

Tono Japonism

Leviathan [Primal]





Aeson Magloire

Sargatanas [Aether]



/p <t> I can raise you soon. hang in there
/recast Swiftcast
/micon Swiftcast




Annabel Ashcroft

Faerie [Aether]

Interesting. I guess this is good for 'fire and forget' or when multiple people die and you don't want to have to be trying to target. Just cast and it will grab someone important.

Sometimes though, there are times when you want to be particular about WHO you raise, especially non rezzing dps's.

I would rather raise the one who is skilled and just had bad luck then the one who is ALWAYS dying over and OVER. ;-)

But the macro, the way it is set up, might end up rising the bad one instead.

Aeson Magloire

Sargatanas [Aether]

Hi Annabel,

thank you for your comment. The first attempt is <t>. So if you use Swiftcast, you can raise target member.
Or if you only want to raise the player you want with DualCast, like you say, this macro won't be effective. But I just want to remind Red Mage that we can take advantage of Dualcast ability.

At times, we may not be able to target players in case we are too busy to escape from AoE. Instead of wasting Swiftcast, I'd rather raising someone. It is nice if we have a back pocket

Aeson Magloire

Sargatanas [Aether]

Let me add one more comment. If we target an enemy and cast a raise, it won't be executed. The macro with Dualcast (Jolt) waits 3 seconds. During the wait time, if we can target player correctly, we still can raise "target" player. I have not tried but probably the macro works the way I described.
I use macro to take a short break so that I can keep focusing mechanics. If healers and mages survive, chances are party defeats enemies.
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