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Free companies are player-run organizations which allow their members to pool resources, be it items or gil, to accomplish feats that would be difficult or impossible for a single individual.
The benefits of joining a free company include a dedicated chat channel for all members, the ability to purchase an estate to serve as the group's base of operations, and the use of free company actions that grant bonuses such as increased experience points.
No two free companies share the same goals and motivations, so be sure to choose the free company that's right for you.
Linkshells and cross-world linkshells are chat groups which allow for quick and easy communication between players who are not necessarily in a party or free company. Unlike free companies, players are able to join multiple linkshells, making it possible to join different communities dedicated to various aspects of the game.
Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same World.Teamwork is key, so be sure to find a team with whom you're confident you can hone your skills together.
PvP duties: allow players to compete against one another in unique instanced arenas.Celestial Crew Recruiting Additional Members
Plot 1, 13 Ward, Mist (Medium)
Lunar Lodge
Apply Below!
Recruiter Profile
Care Free Leviathan [Primal]
Upon first joining this game years ago, I played solo for a long time. I was overwhelmed at first and quite confused, so I bounced in and out of FCs that were either huge, just plain quiet, or simply uncomfortable. I eventually decided to establish an FC that is not only inclusive and entertaining but also welcoming and wholesome. Since we are a solid, close-knit crew and have been for quite some time, I am continuously extending an offer to folks in the community to join us! ♥
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Hello, I'm still green on the game, but I would love to join your FC.
Deadlyz Ascension Leviathan [Primal]
o/ Hello, I would like to join. Just transferred to Leviathan tonight and looking for a new FC.
Community Member Care Free Leviathan [Primal]
Hey! Fantastic, I'll reach out to you in game here in the next hour! <3
Kukra Firestarter Leviathan [Primal]
Heeey! Me and a friend are looking for a good fc to make friends!! Can you send an inv?
Inuyasha Nero Zalera [Crystal]
Hi there me n a friend r looking to join a new fc to meet new people n have fun
Zander Olisch Halicarnassus [Dynamis]
Heya! Found your FC on here and sounded like a good group. Would you guys be willing to take one more? :D
Split Schizophrenia Leviathan [Primal]
I would love to join your FC. I am new to the game and to Leviathan. Just looking to make friends and establish a group of likeminded people to enjoy the game and go thru the MSQ and new content.
Eretrea Black Leviathan [Primal]
Hello! I would like to join your FC. I have been playing since launch, and my current FC faded out. Would love to join a small group and make new friends.
Pearl Akoya Mateus [Crystal]
Hello! I am interested in your fc <3 Do you guys plan to adventure into Raids?
Community Member Care Free Leviathan [Primal]
Absolutely! Actually a few of us are part of a couple statics for Savage, Ultimates and TEA. I personally stayed up all night until the birds were chirping doing this latest Raid because it is AMAZING.
Pearl Akoya Mateus [Crystal]
I am still interested in your FC! I been trying some but some dont seem to feel like a home :( people stick to their own cliques or arent even online when they say they are active! I would love to try your FC and get into raiding. I don't have much experience and really want to get my foot in the door.
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Hello. I've recently created an alt on Leviathan named Myalla Syakko and am looking for an active fc and to make new friends while enjoying the game. ty and hope to see you soon
Community Member Care Free Leviathan [Primal]
Thank you for reaching out! I'll find you in game and send you a /tell. <3
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Sorry boutthe wait. Been on my main. Getting on now if your around
Boo Jangles Leviathan [Primal]
Hey, would love to join I'm a returning player shaking the rust off.
Molly Tres Leviathan [Primal]
i was wondering if i could join the FC? I'm getting back into the game after a couple of years.
Alys Cebe Leviathan [Primal]
Hello, I'm not sure if your still recruiting. But I was wondering if I could join your FC.
Wocky Balboa Siren [Aether]
Hello! Just joined Leviathan and wanted to join your FC! I'll be on until about 11PM EST. Looking forward to meeting everyone!
Mauricio Torres Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello, I'm a returning player who pretty much had the same problems as you did. I'm looking for a crew to stick with i might see the game differently. If you guys are still recruiting i'll gladly join!
Einar Dalamiq Leviathan [Primal]
Hey guys, I had a work trip that had me out for 2 weeks and I came back to a disbanded FC. Looking for a new group to play with. I just love the game and enjoy playing content at all levels, especially joining in to help others looking to clear content or get better at something. I have 90 RDM/WAR/RPR and this week I've gotten WHM to 83. I want to cover all roles and be as helpful to group content as possible. If you have space for me, I'd love to be a part of the group.
Community Member Care Free Leviathan [Primal]
Yeeesh, sorry to hear that. Certainly not a good feeling.
On that note, we would love to have you! We're always helping other players do new things or working to clear content. If you wanna be involved in fun hard content or just vibe in a casual group setting, this is the spot for you.
I'll try to find you in game but if not you can search us up and apply to join the FC in game!
Community Member Felicity Eseme Leviathan [Primal]
Hi! My friend and I would like to join your FC!
Valerius Dy'ner Leviathan [Primal]
Hey, I'm just starting to get into the game (only been playing for a month now) and would love to join your FC and have some people to play with if y'all are still recruiting.
Community Member Care Free Leviathan [Primal]
Definitely! I will add you as soon as I can find you online in player search. You can also give an application if you can find Celestial Crew in the FC search in game, too, just in case I'm not online!
Oh and, definitely would love to have your buddies join, too. Still recruiting for a while yet.
Pearl Akoya Mateus [Crystal]
Would love to join the FC! Please find me ingame when you can! I responded to a previous msg but thought leaving a new comment might be easier to see lol
I would love to get into the raiding part of the community
Community Member Care Free Leviathan [Primal]
Thank you for commenting again! Sorry about that! I've been having a tough time finding people by searching, like right now it says there's no search results when I try to look you up, but you can always search up the FC in game and send in an application if we're not online at the same time! ♥
Kira Rey Halicarnassus [Dynamis]
Hey there, I've just recently started playing again on Leviathan and am looking for some chill people to hang out with (I binged EW at launch and burnt out for a bit). I didn't want to lose my house transferring my old character, so I'm leveling up again here; If you're still recruiting, I'd love an invite
Aqua Caelum Leviathan [Primal]
Hey there, very interested in joining if you all are still looking for members.
Community Member Rhayn D'arc Leviathan [Primal]
Your FC sounds like the kind of group I've been looking for. I will try to contact you this evening about joining.
Pascal Delon Leviathan [Primal]
Hey! Returning--and still pretty new--player is is interested in joining!
Muffin Paws Leviathan [Primal]
Hey there, looking for an FC to get into raiding, I mostly play Sage. Let me know if you're interested in recruiting me.
Community Member Care Free Leviathan [Primal]
I'm sorry for the late reply. Our FC static is full on shield healers but we do have plans in the future to do other older raids, and I'll be making a team for that. A lot of us have cleared the tier already or are at least close. You're welcome to join if this crew's standards are something you can follow! ♡
Toots Magoots Leviathan [Primal]
Hey how's it going! I'm brand new to the game and still trying to figure things out. I'd love to join with an active group. I'm a pretty casual player, a few days a week, a couple hours at a time, but I'd love to contribute and get in with an open community.
Mona Chrome Leviathan [Primal]
Hello. :) I am a returning player interested in joining. I was there for when EW came out but had to take a break due to irl issues. I am an omni crafter with my own small business. I have experienced some unfortunate events ingame and also in other ffxiv discord and would very much like to have a safe spot tp enjoy the game.
Community Member Miriya Katherine Leviathan [Primal]
I have been a player for about 6 months now and would like to join this FC. I'm based in EU so my times might be a little different if that's ok?
Naz One Leviathan [Primal]
Hey, returning player here looking for more people to run content with. I'd be glad to join discord and say hi first
Kaito Oi Raiden [Light]
hello, your fc looks like it's a family and you are group of fun individuals. I'd be honored to join your fc if you are still excepting and I'll have a best friend join too if he could <3
p.s whoever or whomever did the fc house looks soooo goooddd OwO
Varron Vex Ultros [Primal]
I would also like to join, this group looks like a fun bunch. though I'm new to fc's
Community Member Care Free Leviathan [Primal]
Are you familiar with going to residential districts?
Varron Vex Ultros [Primal]
Not really, I've seen one though haven't had a reason to interact with them playing solo as I have for awhile.
Dazurak Emiya Midgardsormr [Aether]
Heya, I'm looking to join your FC, I'm active most hours, so feel free to shoot me a message to talk more.
Jurg Dumbmin Leviathan [Primal]
Hi I’m just wondering if you had more space. I’ve just been soloing so far but would like to join a community that is welcoming! Hope your all doing well.
Community Member Kof Soula Leviathan [Primal]
Would yall be willing to take another member? Had some drama happen in my old FC over a race change in game and dont really feel welcomed anymore, Im pretty new to the game (only been playing for around 2 months) but im on as much as I can be and would love to have an FC like yall to socialize and hang out with <3
Whispers Softly Leviathan [Primal]
would yall be willing to accept another member. i just came back to the game and my FC is dead constantly like maybe 1 person on. Would love to be a part of a thriving community
Community Member Sixtine Chapelle Leviathan [Primal]
Hi! Hope there still remain a cap, now I'm finding a fc and I really wanna join in ;w; is it possible?
Community Member Andante Cantabile Leviathan [Primal]
Hi, I was interested in joining. I recently came back into the game and looking for an active fc. Would it still be possible right now?
Azem Seven Hyperion [Primal]
Hi hi. I visited your lodge yesterday and left a comment in your book but couldn't for the life of me figure out how to apply to the FC. In case you can't tell I'm a new player lol. Would love to join you guys!
Community Member Care Free Leviathan [Primal]
Oh man, I'm sorry! I just looked to see if you were online just now and probably just missed you, but the way you apply is by clicking on the sign/placard right outside our house and submitting an application. It'll notify me!
Community Member Alzir Barker Leviathan [Primal]
Hello! Looking for an FC to join and came across yours. I was wondering if there is still a spot open for a sprout like me? Thanks!
Zeiis Caratos Leviathan [Primal]
hello, I'm in a dead fc, is there a way that I can have a session with your group and see if I'm a fit? I have played for two years, or should I say I have no life the game for two years... so I have done a lot, besides savages... I'm a heavy crafter/gatherer and know how to run a garden and subs... so I'm looking for a role with responsibilities. please let me know if you are looking for a person like me... I'm older so fitting in with a younger crowd has been difficult...
Daraen Grima Leviathan [Primal]
Hello! I have been looking for a way to make friends and this FC looks promising, I want to join, just not sure if there are any free spots? I have been thinking about leaving my current FC as people always ignore me if there is a chance I can join please let me know
Kynaan-van Auldrin Sephirot [Materia]
Hey all. Im Ky. I was hoping I could possibly join the FC. From what ive read yall sound like a tight group of people and friends and im all about that and want to be a part of that. Its all ive really wanted from an FC. Im looking for new people to meet and just kinda be a bit of a goof with new people and new friends.
I suck at intros but i do have custom emojis that kinda sum me up
Kindo Hathroken Leviathan [Primal]
Hello! im incredibly new and really would love some friends to play with! the profile ya'll have set up damn near brought me to tears. Everything listed above in the description is what i'm looking for in a FC <3 i hope i'm able to join your FC!
Community Member Care Free Leviathan [Primal]
Hi! Sorry, I'm a few hours late. I would love to chat with you in game next time you are online! I never log out, so you can search for Care Free in the Social tab and send me a /tell. If you're new though, I'd love for your first FC experience to be wholesome since it can be a bit dicey out there.
Looking forward to meeting you! <3
Kimi Ko Leviathan [Primal]
Hello! I came across your post and was curious if you're still allowing new players to join. :) I am returning to the game after a few months break. I used to belong to a tight social group which I loved, but came to find out that people have stopped playing/gone their separate ways in recent months. I tried to message you online as well but it was almost 2:00am PST so I assume you're sleeping. ^_^
Xena Divine Leviathan [Primal]
Hello I'm looking for a good FC to join and i saw you were still recruiting. I am in Time zone est
Svalbard Sovrn Leviathan [Primal]
Hey! I’m looking for an FC and this sounds like a cool one! Do you have a Discord server I could join to see if this would be a good fit?
Russell Corgmire Leviathan [Primal]
I am interested to join your free company if you would have me
Mr Hyde Leviathan [Primal]
did high end dutys for heavensward, would love a group to learn/teach with for current high end content. main tank and heal, pls hmu from leviathon
Yeshua Nephilim Leviathan [Primal]
I would love to join the FC if you are still taking in new people
Kami Mol Famfrit [Primal]
Hello I am a sprout and looking for a good FC to join, would yall be interested in having me?
Deadly Cuddles Siren [Aether]
Hi! I'm a fairly new player looking for a decent fc to be apart of!
Doozy Kun Leviathan [Primal]
A community that I can actually connect to. I wanna be able to hop in the discord and joke around with some buddies do random stuff in game with all the time and talk about anime etc. Tired of wandering wanna find Friends to play FFXIV with more than just an FC
Community Member Care Free Leviathan [Primal]
I understand completely! That's part of the reason I made Celestial Crew. I would love to have you a part of our community. You can always apply to the placard at our FC house's location, or send me a tell -- it may take me a bit to get back, since I work weekends, but I promise you I will keep my eye out for you.
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Hello! I am a returning player just getting back into things. Would like to find a friendly fc to call home. Would love to join if I could.
Alesana Faire Leviathan [Primal]
I sent you an FC application in the game but I figured I'd message here as well.
I've been looking for an FC to build a friend and family group with. I love the world of Eorzea so far and there's so much fun to be had there. I've recieved a lot of company invites but none have really interested me for one reason or another. However, I love the ideals ya'll seem to carry and the respect you have for each other. I think your company would be a great place to explore Eorzea with. :)
Community Member Care Free Leviathan [Primal]
Absolutely! Saorine told me about you while I was away, and when I got home you were offline. I went ahead and accepted your application because just from this post and what you said to her, I think you'd be a great fit. You seem very genuine and sincere, and I really appreciate that. ♥
I am looking forward to meeting you! I work early, so I anticipate meeting you throughout the upcoming week. Our discord is in our FC greeting, and if you need *anything*, please feel free to DM me there!
Glargus Ironbreaker Leviathan [Primal]
I am interested in joining this FC. I am still not done with the MSQ but I am looking for a fun group to hang out with while I'm playing the game.
Community Member Care Free Leviathan [Primal]
You don't need to be finished with the MSQ to be a part of the crew! We're spoiler sensitive for folks who are still experiencing the story, so don't worry. Send me a /tell sometime today, I stay logged in all the time (when it's not 90+ degrees out...).
Brayden Hisakashi Brynhildr [Crystal]
Hello! I am seeking a close-knit FC like you all! I've really been trying to find a community that feels like a family and like home. I'd appreciate you taking the time to reach out and possibly moving forward together! :D
Community Member Care Free Leviathan [Primal]
If you're looking for a close-knit FC, this is it! I would very much love to hear what your aspirations and goals are for the game.
I will do my best to keep my eye out for you in the game, but this process would go a lot faster if you swung by the house and submitted an application since I'll likely be at work the majority of this weekend, and we have other crewmates that will be able to meet you quicker! ♥
Brayden Hisakashi Brynhildr [Crystal]
Sounds great! I will definitely take the time to swing by and fill out an application. Wouldn't mind chatting some more about the game too if needed! :D ❤️
Community Member Care Free Leviathan [Primal]
Heya! I saw your app and I sent you a tell about 30ish minutes ago when I got home from work, but you ended up logging out. I'll be around for a few more hours tonight if you log back in! I haven't forgotten about you. ♥
Brayden Hisakashi Brynhildr [Crystal]
I'm online right now! I am going to raid with some friends in about 30 minutes but I'll be on for a few hours if we can run into each other! ❤️
Community Member Care Free Leviathan [Primal]
I've played phone tag before, but not FFXIV tag-
Okay, I admittedly absolutely crashed after raid, BUT the good news is I'm home at 5pm PST today, and I have several days off ahead, so one way or another, either tonight or through the week... we will connect, LOL.
Saerin Sevgilin Siren [Aether]
Hello hello!! I wandered upon your FC Recruitment Page and I automatically fell in love with you all! Your ideals, hopes and aspirations for your members, and overall friendly/laid-back vibe really speaks to me!! I'm a beta player who is honestly tired of wandering around after a decade and never finding a place to call home. Life happens, people move on, but my love for this game keeps me here. I'd love to join with my partner if possible! Feel free to send a tell, I'll be looking out for you!
Soteria Vervand Leviathan [Primal]
Hello! I'm almost done being a sprout but one of my friends recommended I join you guys as he joined and has had a blast with this FC. If you'll have me, I'd love to join!
Community Member Care Free Leviathan [Primal]
Thank you so much for reaching out to me on discord, these last few days have been absolutely bananas for me, so I haven't been able to play much. After talking to you, I am real glad you're a part of the crew now, and I can't wait to introduce you to the super unique parts of the game you've yet to discover! ♥
Community Member Bimbo Barbie Leviathan [Primal]
I'm so nervous typing up this post haha but I'm interested in joining your FC! I'm a new player currently in a dead FC. I'd love to meet and be friends with everyone!! :D
Yooruce Willis Leviathan [Primal]
Hello, I am a returning player to the game. Currently, I am playing the new game plus mode to experience the story. I've been looking around for a FC and stumbled upon you guys and would love the opportunity to join you guys. Just looking for a community to join to make friends with and experience the game together :)
Lord Kolz Leviathan [Primal]
Sounds like an interesting FC. Got two questions. One are groups teaching higher end content like extreme or savage? Anything would be fine. Second, is the discord (if there is one I am guessing so lol) active daily?
Community Member Care Free Leviathan [Primal]
Sure thing!
1.) When it comes to higher end content, we teach and learn together, always. We have 2 statics, one being semi-serious while one being semi-casual. Since this is purely community driven, someone will go, "I feel like doing E12S" and other crewmates will be like, "Me too!". Then we just watch some guides, learn the stats, and die a thousand times until we eventually beat it! We've done that quite a few times, planned or impulsive.
2.) The Discord is quite active. We're chaotic. ♥
Supreme Clothing Leviathan [Primal]
Hey, I applied ingame! Let me know if you need a contact - lachelein on discord
Community Member Care Free Leviathan [Primal]
Gonna be saying this to the next few comments as well, I'm terribly sorry for the lack of reply here -- we hit our cap and I'd stopped recruiting for a while, which means I neglected this website, too!
But I remember you reaching out in game -- good luck in your FC search!
Lylah Fae Seraph [Dynamis]
Hi! Not sure if you’re still recruiting, but I applied in game earlier today. ? I’ve been playing the game for a couple of months now and I’m looking for a friendly, active fc to join and be part of a community of some sort. ??
X'raenah Rihll Ultros [Primal]
Hey! Off and on player, been around since XI. Coming back to the game and your FC seems perfect for me, as I've never quite been able to find a home like I did in XI back in the day. I'd love to join, if you'd have me.
Jinn Sun Leviathan [Primal]
Hello, I’m a new player. I was wondering if you’re still accepting newcomers. I’m really interested in crafting/gathering at the moment.
Community Member Parasyte Zombie Leviathan [Primal]
Hi, still quite new to the game, I'm wondering if you're still accepting people. I'm still learning how to play the game but I'd love to join a community and play with other players.
Dinobob Buggin Leviathan [Primal]
Hey, just looking to join a chill FC and have fun. Im still fairly new but would like to join. Thanks!
Yor Light Leviathan [Primal]
Hey, just return from the game after a year+ break. Looking a FC that is fun and laid back to hangout with. Maybe do some Savage and stuff.
Castor Pollux Leviathan [Primal]
I read through your uhhh.. i guess the word is mission statement? I have no idea!
ANYWAY, it sounds like you guys would be real fun to hang out with, which would be quite nice after over a year of being in a suddenly dead FC.. and I did make an application via placard in-game, but I figured I'd drop a line here as well!
Hopefully we can connect soon! :3
Serafina Starr Exodus [Primal]
Hi! I applied in game via the the placard. I am interested in joining. I really resonated with everyone that was said in your post . please feel free to contact me on discord seratonin.rx or in game
Curtis Leor Leviathan [Primal]
Hello, I applied in-game through your free company search. Just getting back to complete main story and get leveled in prep for the expansion the summer and want people to play with :)
Alice Falling Leviathan [Primal]
Hi! I was awkwardly standing outside your FC house and you, or some of the other FC members, probably ran into me. I am really shy at sending first messages, (you should have seen me talking to my partner while trying to apply to my static group). Anyways, I ran back and applied on the placard. I have been playing for probably about 2 years and I have only ever been in one FC where I was an officer who ran our ships. Sadly it kid of died out and I am looking for a group to connect with!
Community Member Care Free Leviathan [Primal]
Hey Alice! We saw your application and with this maintenance, it's been hard to catch you when we're both online! Also… you might find comfort in knowing that a LOT of our crewmates struggled to send that first message, and one night a while back we all bonded over the “first-day initiation nerves” LMAO.
Don't worry, I'm 100% aware of ye and will reach out as SOON as I see you on!
Russell Corgmire Leviathan [Primal]
Hello, i Would like to join your Free Company, My Discord ID is .laxrussell
Grevious Brightblade Leviathan [Primal]
I am new to the game and would like to join your Free Company. What are the requirements?
Alexander Dusk Leviathan [Primal]
Hello! I recently just reactivated my account and stopped playing a couple of months before endwalker was released. I really enjoyed reading the description of your FC statement and also enjoy wanting to find a group of players where memories are created through communication and teamwork. I'm very interested In something refreshing besides the new expansions I'll be playing and hope I can still apply and join the company.
Thank you
Kaiser Pendragon Leviathan [Primal]
Sent you a msg in game as well as added u to F list looking to join up with a active social community.
Community Member Pavi Mountaincaller Leviathan [Primal]
Hello! I sent an application to the placard, but I figured I would cover my bases and send a message here as well! I stopped playing right after Endwalker came out when my FC ended up fizzling out while the first raids were coming about. I've been really missing this game and having a community within it so I'm trying to get involved with it all again, hopefully making friendships that will last! This FC really stood out to me with its community (and of course, a love for One Piece).
Roujin Shojinaga Leviathan [Primal]
I am interested in joining the FC to call a home. I am a returning player. I stopped playing when there was no expansions and level cap was 50. I am trying to get the hang of things again. Currently working on the MSQs, I am way behind lol.
Community Member Eldynn Osteel Leviathan [Primal]
Hey there!
I applied to the FC a few days ago (during the holidays which probably wasn't a good time), but just reaching out here to just make sure it's seen!
I recently have become FC-less due to inactivity and have been on the lookout for a new one to join. This looks super cozy and I love the One Piece style vibe going on. Hoping to catch you online so I can send you a tell about potentially joining. Thanks. :D
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