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  • About Free Companies

    A community to play together with friends on the same World.

    Free companies are player-run organizations which allow their members to pool resources, be it items or gil, to accomplish feats that would be difficult or impossible for a single individual.
    The benefits of joining a free company include a dedicated chat channel for all members, the ability to purchase an estate to serve as the group's base of operations, and the use of free company actions that grant bonuses such as increased experience points.
    No two free companies share the same goals and motivations, so be sure to choose the free company that's right for you.

  • About Linkshells and Cross-world Linkshells

    A dedicated chat channel for players who share a common aim.

    Linkshells and cross-world linkshells are chat groups which allow for quick and easy communication between players who are not necessarily in a party or free company. Unlike free companies, players are able to join multiple linkshells, making it possible to join different communities dedicated to various aspects of the game.

    Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same World.
    Cross-world Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same data center.
  • About PvP Teams

    A team dedicated to enjoying PvP duties.

    Teamwork is key, so be sure to find a team with whom you're confident you can hone your skills together.

    PvP duties: allow players to compete against one another in unique instanced arenas.
Free Company

Dragon Fang Clan Recruiting Additional Members


Dragon Fang Clan

Recruiting Additional Members

Sephirot [Materia]

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Active Hours
6:00 20:00
6:00 24:00
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#Beginner & Novice Friendly
#Work-life Balance
#Socially Active
#Player Events
Welcome to <FANGS>! We're happy to have you!

Dragon Fang Clan, <FANGS>, is a fun FC in Sephirot. We have a diverse playerbase, with a laid back social group of people from new players that just started playing, Casual players that run dungeons, maps, crafting, gathering, and housing, to end game groups that run savage content, we do it all! We’re primarily focused on teaching and helping newer players, guiding them and giving them a home in Eorzea.

Speaking of homes, we have a gorgeous, fully equipped FC mansion in Empyreum, open to all, with many amenities for you to use such as chocobo training, food, FC buffs and rooms available for all members. Come check it out on Plot 60, Ward 8, Empyreum.

We also have an active discord that sees daily use that we use to keep track of events and socialize outside of the game, full of memes, food pics, and active voice comms throughout the week.

We run and host weekly events and giveaways, with prizes being funded out from our workshop and the pockets of our officers and admins. They focus on progression, mount collecting, maps, golden saucer, events for brand-new players like hide-and-seek, and even out of game events like Jackbox Party Pack and Gartic phone.

We are a great group of people that are always there for one another. We are always focused on helping one-another out, and getting the absolute best out of our adventures in Eorzea. If you are interested: Just send a message to one of our officers or admins, apply online, or in-game. Thanks!

You can learn how to submit an application in-game by following this link.

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Plot 60, 8 Ward, Empyreum (Large)

Estate Profile

The Dragon's Den


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Recruiter Profile

Community Member

Dust Bite Sephirot [Materia]



Nevia Faline Sephirot [Materia]

Hey Alice, just wondering if you would allow my partner (he's a newbie) and I to join your FC? I transferred over from Hyperion and haven't played in a year so I'm a bit rusty.


Alice Hexington Sephirot [Materia]

We sure would Nevia, apologies for the slow reply I have been in Melbourne all weekend and caught covid.

We absolutely would welcome your partner! Players of all skill levels are welcome! I'll try reach out in game asap. What hours do you normally play? If you also would like you can send an application in ingame as well :)

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0 / 500

(Edited)  -

Community Member Rekt Reavers Sephirot [Materia]

Hi Alice, my wife and I are looking for an active social group. We are both WoW veterans with over a decede put into end game content. We've been on the CoD/BR/FiveM scene for the past few years and decided we'd give this game a chance. We're relitively new but both rather social, we are looking for a FC that does end game content pve/pvp, social events and players that socialize outside of the game also. We are fairly active usually every day/night. Was wondering if you would give us a shot.


Alice Hexington Sephirot [Materia]

Hi Rekt! You two are more than welcome. I'm typically semi-afk in Limsa and you can request an invite off of any <FANGS> member by looking at the FC in-game. Submit an application from there, I'll just auto accept it.

You can also just shoot me a tell and I'll tab back in and send you each an invite straight up! I'll be player searching to try send you an invite whenever I'm online too.

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0 / 500


Community Member Dazkar Khatun Sephirot [Materia]

Hello Alice looking to see if i can join the Fc been away from the game for over a year and just come back and looking for a Fc to call home again, looking to make new friends and just go with the flow , single dad here so i be on a much as i can =)
just like to know if you give me a go and thank you


Rowland Jeanne Sephirot [Materia]

Newbie aussie here, can i get an invite please

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Alleria Thel'ar Sephirot [Materia]

I would like to join if possible? I am quite new and still learning.


Community Member Dust Bite Sephirot [Materia]

Hi Alleria your more than welcome to join,sorry for the late reply been busy with the new msq.Players of all skill levels are welcome! I'll try reach out in game asap. What hours do you normally play? If you also would like you can send an application in ingame as well.

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0 / 500


Alleria Thel'ar Sephirot [Materia]

I usually play from about 8pm AWST/11 AES(?)T I will shoot you a message in game!

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Community Member Dust Bite Sephirot [Materia]

Perfect I'll make sure I'll be online around that time

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Community Member Mads Katje Sephirot [Materia]

Hi Dust!
I would be interested in an invite. I'm a casual, new player who could really benefit from a group such as yours so that I can learn how to play ♥


Community Member Dust Bite Sephirot [Materia]

Of course ill try and catch you next ime your online

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Community Member Inyou Endoh Sephirot [Materia]

any chance of an invite im new to that game and keen to find people to do stuff with


Community Member Dust Bite Sephirot [Materia]

will try to invite you next time your online

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Community Member Esther Bacchus Sephirot [Materia]

my account got hacked.Please be very careful, everyone! It's best to remove me from FC.


Community Member Dust Bite Sephirot [Materia]

We limited your acess as soon as we found out.Hopefully everything gets sorted out

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Tamisra Grahana Sephirot [Materia]

Hello, I am a new player and currently considering to joing a free company, mostly for duty completion. I also want to help fellow new players to complete their trials or raids.


Community Member Dust Bite Sephirot [Materia]

sorry didnt see you message i will invite you next time your on if you havent found an fc already

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Community Member Cleavage Battlebra Sephirot [Materia]

Hi, Changed servers to AUS, Have not plaed for many years. I am hoping to get an invite when available. I am shift worker but will be on frequently.


Community Member Dust Bite Sephirot [Materia]

yup ill send you an invite next time your online what times are you normally on?

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Roodee Ookami Sephirot [Materia]

Hi hi! Looking for a new FC. Left the one I was in since I thought I was changing servers (WRONG lol).


Community Member Dust Bite Sephirot [Materia]

We be happy to have you roodee what time are you normaly online? i will send you an invite

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Roodee Ookami Sephirot [Materia]

I'm usually on randomly! Definitely by 6 am in the morning! I can log on right now if needed, if anything I'll be on but I may end up watching something so I won't be able to check for 10-30 minutes! (I'm GMT+8 btw)

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Roodee Ookami Sephirot [Materia]

Gonna try and stay logged on so I can get invited, probably won’t notice until I change channels. Ill check every 15-30 minutes, hopefully. ?

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0 / 500


Community Member Dust Bite Sephirot [Materia]

oh i see im on at the moment if your up up ill stay up and keep trying toinvite every 30mins or so


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