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to join you on your adventures in FINAL FANTASY XIV!

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  • About Free Companies

    A community to play together with friends on the same World.

    Free companies are player-run organizations which allow their members to pool resources, be it items or gil, to accomplish feats that would be difficult or impossible for a single individual.
    The benefits of joining a free company include a dedicated chat channel for all members, the ability to purchase an estate to serve as the group's base of operations, and the use of free company actions that grant bonuses such as increased experience points.
    No two free companies share the same goals and motivations, so be sure to choose the free company that's right for you.

  • About Linkshells and Cross-world Linkshells

    A dedicated chat channel for players who share a common aim.

    Linkshells and cross-world linkshells are chat groups which allow for quick and easy communication between players who are not necessarily in a party or free company. Unlike free companies, players are able to join multiple linkshells, making it possible to join different communities dedicated to various aspects of the game.

    Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same World.
    Cross-world Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same data center.
  • About PvP Teams

    A team dedicated to enjoying PvP duties.

    Teamwork is key, so be sure to find a team with whom you're confident you can hone your skills together.

    PvP duties: allow players to compete against one another in unique instanced arenas.
Free Company

FINAL FANTASY Recruiting Additional Members



Recruiting Additional Members

Balmung [Crystal]

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#Lore Enthusiasts
#Socially Active
#High-end Duties
#Roleplay Enthusiasts
★"FINAL FANTASY"★ 18+ Free Company "LOVE" ★ (https://fantasycommunity.org). Bienvenido! You are a wonderful and fantastic person! This free company is the most amazing brightest nurturing free company in the universe and galaxy and love existence! ♥ All welcome! Seeking those building a dynamic, no limits, cosmos, dynamic, exciting community, environment, world, and universal environment! No limits! Palace of the dead, dungeons, housing, fate grinding, mount farming, blu-spells, crafting, crystalline-conflict/frontline, pvp, pvp team, omega, gathering, gold saucer, treasure maps, fate/nut hunt trains, beast-tribes, pve, eureka, MSQ progression, relax, hang out, do nothing, do everything, end game content, new content, beginners, and all levels and interests. Most of all enjoy. Parents, students, workers, at home, more. Play at your own pace, availability, time frame, experiences, more, etc. Also, alt friendly! Discord, real website, 24/7 buffs, max buffs on weekends, amazing wonderful free company house in Shirogane, with an amazing beach-front view along with the sunsets, free-company rooms, swaying palm trees, and a chocobo-stable ready to use in a gaming community. ★Give us a try! ★ Looking forward to seeing and playing with you in advance. Alt friendly! JOIN! ★ENJOY THE SHOW!

TO JOIN: Message in-game: ( 1.) Dragon Kitten, (Crystal-Balmung), or you can submit an application if you are not in a Free Company, by choosing "View Company Profile" and choosing "Submit Application" at the bottom of our profile window. You can also do this via the Free Company house placard - Plot #19, Ward 11 - Kugane, as well.

★FINAL FANTASY LOVE FREE COMPANY★ ★FINAL FANTASY★ 18+ https://www.fantasycommunity.org Welcoming new members! Room to grow! Alt Friendly! This Level 30 Free-Company is infinite and the brightest free-company in existence so looking for as many people as possible willing to do MSQ, raids, dungeons, pvp, pve, role-playing, leveling, housing, enjoying the new and older content, of course and more! Smiles. Have discord, 24/7 buffs, real website, an amazing medium-sized, free-company house located in Shirogane, right on the beach with sunsets, swaying palm-trees, free-company rooms, a chocobo-stable ready to use, and a practice level 100 striking-dummy right on the free company grounds! ★ Give us a try. ★ Thank you. We look forward to seeing and playing with you soon! Wishing you well. ★★★★ Enjoy the show! Gods & Dragons! ★

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Plot 19, 11 Ward, Shirogane (Medium)

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Apply Below!

Recruiter Profile

Community Member

Dragon Kitten Balmung [Crystal]

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★ FINAL FANTASY ★ 18+ http://fantasycommunity.org - TO JOIN: (1.) Fill out an application! OR (2.) Message: "Dragon Kitten" (maia-selch.carrd.co), in-game. Welcoming all members! This Free Company is infinite and is the biggest, brightest, most brilliant free company out there in existence. Real-life dragons. Seeking those willing to do dungeons, PvP, PvE, fates, raiding, mount-hunting, end-game content, new content, role-playing, socializing and enjoying. No limits together! Discord. 24/7 buffs. Amazing, Shirogane, free-company house: beach-front view, with sunsets, swaying palm trees, free company rooms and an active chocobo-stable. All classes, races, jobs, experiences, availabilities welcome! Alt friendly! JOIN! ★ BIENVENIDO! ★ GODS & DRAGONS! ★ ENJOY THE SHOW! ★


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Jason Lambo Balmung [Crystal]

hi im a new player can i join?


Drago Draktar Balmung [Crystal]

night shifter and new to the game, looking for a chill group of people to hang out with while journeying through eorzea. Usually on Wednesday - Saturday nights. Hope to here from you.


Abaddon Leonheart Balmung [Crystal]

Looking to join a casual FC that is up for anything


Community Member Hloth Ura Balmung [Crystal]

Looking for an FC


Tarius Gazaro Balmung [Crystal]

Hello, somewhat new player here. I am interested in joining this FC if it's posible. Honestly, looking for a place to lay back and socialize and I'm up for anything really.

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Vylona Irinith Balmung [Crystal]

Hey, I'd be very interested in joining your free company. I would appreciate an invite.


Mighty Showtunes Balmung [Crystal]

I am intersted in joining as well!


Zz Sleeping Balmung [Crystal]

I am interested in joining. Kind of new to the game, but I have done all the MSQ up to the first dungeon in EndWalker. I am looking for people to level with, Role Play, Gold Saucer events, Fate train, and just hang out with. I play randomly throughout the day then at night. Hope I can get an add.


Community Member Brother John Balmung [Crystal]

Hello, I would like to join a free company. I have been on and off FFXIV since way back. Casual player, no drama.


Community Member Kizzy Hart Balmung [Crystal]

Hi! I'm just getting started with Stormblood now and would love a chance to hangout if you are still recruiting.


Wind Barlow Balmung [Crystal]

Good Morning, I am a new player and would love to join your FC.


Community Member Faolan Oakheart Balmung [Crystal]

Hey! I'm a new player (started in August) and I'm nearly at the end of SHB, I'd love to join <3
I main dancer, bard, and astrologian :)
Hope to hear back!!


Arthrimos Greave Balmung [Crystal]

Hello, I'm a lvl 60 summoner looking for an FC. I'm on every day. Hoping to max every class someday.


Blake Kisa Balmung [Crystal]

Hello, i'm looking to join a fc, im on most days.

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Community Member Artorias Reinfeldt Balmung [Crystal]

Hi, I'm a casual player looking to join. Feel free to send me an invite when able. I'm also reachable at Velkein#4578!

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Hydros Oceanic Balmung [Crystal]

First time joing FC? am I qualified?


-- -- ----

Hi, looking for an FC to join.


Kalzaar Kollskegg Balmung [Crystal]

Hello, Wow Refugee swapping to FFXIV. I still actively Raid in Wow TBC at the moment. But I intend to catch up and take on everything FFXIV has to offer! enjoy most aspects, be it fashion hunting, mount collecting, Raiding, PVP, RP, and much more! Would love to get to know more players, and get an experienced friend or two to help show me the ins and outs of the game!
currently in shadow bringers MSQ, finishing up the after story quests. I have DRK lv82 / MCH 80 / FSH 86.


Kalzaar Kollskegg Balmung [Crystal]

Still very interested in joining an FC and getting into endgame content / making more friends. Please consider my application! :)

Line breaks will be counted as one character.

0 / 500


Community Member Jean Sittoix Balmung [Crystal]

Looking to join! I'm a new player, currently a level 50 black mage DPS :D reachable at Pandacg#0007

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Kotosuki Mizuhiki Balmung [Crystal]

Hello, looking to stop playing by myself and enjoy more of the game. Interested in joining.


Jinro Omi Balmung [Crystal]

Hello i've been playing for a little over a year but now interested in joining an active free company! I play very regularly and hope you will accept me!


Vivo'a Menmo Balmung [Crystal]

I'd like to join, i'd love to be in a fun laid back FC


Roric Ironwolfe Balmung [Crystal]

I'd love to join, looking for an active FC!


Lunaa Starfire Balmung [Crystal]

Hiya, l'm interesting in joining. How can I get into contact with someone?


Ruby Rod Balmung [Crystal]

Hello returning player looking for a active company with a active discord. Please contact me ingame.


Brigid Faughart Halicarnassus [Dynamis]

Looking for a home. Feel free to reach out in game.


Blue Paws Balmung [Crystal]

Casual new player looking for a chill group of people :) Thanks!


Kano Naizen Balmung [Crystal]

Hello! Casual player looking to join an active FC. Feel free to reach out at nillie#1529
Thanks :)


Foxxy Lilly Balmung [Crystal]

Heyaa, I'm looking for a friendly and helpful community/fc to join to just have fun together, do some awesome content and have a great time. I would love to join you! :D


Akitsu Yuma-el Lamia [Primal]

I would love to join this FC, sounds like a really fun and chill community!

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Bartelby Oni Balmung [Crystal]

Hello I'd love to join your FC! Feel Free to reach out on this comment, in game, or on discord I am Bart#4954

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Alistair Rose Balmung [Crystal]

Hello! :) I am interested in joining your free company! I am looking for a home to talk, raid, role play and make this experience the best!


Yasue Tatsuo Balmung [Crystal]

Hello, I'm Yasue been playing since Heavensward mostly active, and want to join an FC for more fun!
hope you can invite me, I would love to join thanks!


Auriana Hawke Balmung [Crystal]

Hey, I'm pretty new to the game but I'm looking for a guild to RP with. I play almost every day.


Rakuyo Farnsworth Balmung [Crystal]

Howdy - Relative newbie, wow refugee, I'm interested in having a community with some mount / glam farming and maybe hunts and such, could be talked into higher end content if the timing worked out and there was room, but happy to be just super casual right now. Would love to join if you have room! Thanks!


Little Violence Odin [Light]

Just recently got back into the game - Hope y'all don't mind sending me an invite?


Dark Tide Balmung [Crystal]

Do you accept alts? My primary FC has gone on extended hiatus and I'd like to meet some new folks to play with. I plan to play this character a lot but wanted to be up front. I'm looking for friendly folks to chat with as I replay through the MSQ. I'm pretty casual but I have done some normal raiding in Endwalker. Mostly against my will *wink*


Bebe Snowblossom Balmung [Crystal]

I'd like to join an active FC .


Macen Dracus Balmung [Crystal]

Greetings! I'm a 1.0 casual player still on Heavenward looking for a fun and active FC to join for dungeons, raids, and general companionship together.


T'alarea Taraf Jenova [Aether]

Are alt characters allowed?


Gold Magikarp Midgardsormr [Aether]

Hi i was hoping to get a few answered questions im currently going to be returning and wanted to find a FC to do Savage raid and other endgame things does this FC do all that like actually have a timeframe for it not like everyone for themself the last i joined said they raided but it was like 3 people who just randomly puged


Carbuncle Connoisseur Jenova [Aether]

is ti still possible to join?


Wifey Materia Sargatanas [Aether]

Would love to join!


Dis Meowsef Balmung [Crystal]

Are you still looking for people to join? I need a group of people I can learn from and have fun with!


-- -- ----

Hello are you still recruiting as I would like to join

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Cathal Hoff Balmung [Crystal]

Unsure if this is the place to ask to join, but I'll try. Never been in an FC before, but looking to be more social and actually talk to people :)


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