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to join you on your adventures in FINAL FANTASY XIV!

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  • About Free Companies

    A community to play together with friends on the same World.

    Free companies are player-run organizations which allow their members to pool resources, be it items or gil, to accomplish feats that would be difficult or impossible for a single individual.
    The benefits of joining a free company include a dedicated chat channel for all members, the ability to purchase an estate to serve as the group's base of operations, and the use of free company actions that grant bonuses such as increased experience points.
    No two free companies share the same goals and motivations, so be sure to choose the free company that's right for you.

  • About Linkshells and Cross-world Linkshells

    A dedicated chat channel for players who share a common aim.

    Linkshells and cross-world linkshells are chat groups which allow for quick and easy communication between players who are not necessarily in a party or free company. Unlike free companies, players are able to join multiple linkshells, making it possible to join different communities dedicated to various aspects of the game.

    Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same World.
    Cross-world Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same data center.
  • About PvP Teams

    A team dedicated to enjoying PvP duties.

    Teamwork is key, so be sure to find a team with whom you're confident you can hone your skills together.

    PvP duties: allow players to compete against one another in unique instanced arenas.
Free Company

Recruiting The Twelvesend Members



Active Hours
18:00 24:00
7:00 2:00
Active Members


Data Center


Home World




#Cozy and inclusive
#Beginner & Novice Friendly
#Work-life Balance
#Socially Active
A safe place for everyone.

That is this Free Company's personal goal, to provide a place where everyone is free to be themselves with no judgement.

We have a ZERO hate tolerance policy. No one will ever have to fear for their wellbeing while a part of this FC. This is your home, your safe space.

We will provide a space where you can flourish and grow.

We are looking to welcome members who are both new and veterans, casual or hardcore focused! We hope as a new member you will be friendly, open-minded and accepting of others. Introverts, omniverts and extroverts are all welcome!

We do not accept people who will disturb the carefully constructed safe environment we have provided for our members.

Swift action will be taken against those who seek to disturb others, but not with out fair and just action first.

Let's all build a happy and safe community together. ♥

Group Profile



Active Members




Primary language



Plot 30, 29 Ward, Shirogane (Large)

Estate Profile

The Sanctuary


Apply Below!

Recruiter Profile

Community Member

Merida Llewellyn Adamantoise [Aether]

Looking for a fun and active FC with cozy vibes? Come join the Twelvesend! We are always up to trouble, whether it be getting silly with maps, goofing off in PVP or progressing through savage content. We have something for everyone here, because we have members of all kinds and interests! We hope you will join our little family and meet all of our amazing members. ♥



Wynn Bamu Midgardsormr [Aether]

Hi! I was wondering if you would have space in your family for me? I'm a newish player and kind of an introvert but I wanted to make some friends to play with and y'all seem really nice!


Trix Berry Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello! Very interested to see if you have space for a new adventurer who's interested in experiencing the game with friends and good community.

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Luna Voras Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi! I'm newer as well and would love to join if you have room for a new friend :) I'm a bit introverted but would love to make some friends to play with.

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Grandma Deneb Adamantoise [Aether]

My son and I are looking for a FC to join. We seek help :) Thank you. Not sure how to do the application.


Mia Stormhawk Diabolos [Crystal]

Hey. I’ve been playing by myself from time to time and it gets lonely. I mostly play Xbox but I do get on from time to time. I’m looking for a FC to join so I can join others or just get help. Sometimes the queues take so long because I’m a dps.


-- -- ----

I'm very new to the game, have played for a couple days, recently subcribed too. I'm hooked, I recently did a All-nighter and did a couple of Dungeons, recently beat Ifrit alittle over leveled. I'm interested in being apart of a community of Players, make new friends and everything. I haven't played a MMO with such a huge community in a long time and playing this game as well as this character takes me back to these times. hope you guys have enough room for me

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Morat Gurgeh Phoenix [Light]

Hello, looking for a welcoming, inclusive FC to join. Casual player who is looking for a FC for chat and to learn the game with! Almost at level 50 just now and will be getting onto the expansions soon hopefully :)


Prosh Skyrairderofker Behemoth [Primal]

Hello, i am Looking for an FC that is active, had some friends get me into the game. Ihave really enjoyed the story so far. I am in an FC that is inactive and its getting hard to move forward with the game when you have to rely on the duty finder. Just looking for a good group of people to enjoy an amazing game with, learn and grow


Prosh Skyrairderofker Behemoth [Primal]

Is there anything else that i need to do to join?


Laisren Finsternis Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi hi! Id like to join this fc <3


Certified Goon Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey, My Name’s Goon and I haven’t joined any FCs on this game yet. I just got out the free trial and I’m just tryna make some friends on the game since I’m really new. I’m chill and communicative, hopefully there’s a spot so I can join.


Lina Astral Adamantoise [Aether]

Currently in an FC with a friend but looking for one that's more active with more people. I've been playing the game for some months alone since I've started and would much rather like some company.

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Misaroe Indari Mateus [Crystal]

Hi! My husband and I just came back to the game and our FC isn't active anymore. We're both casual players with hardcore raid experience in other MMOs. We're looking for a home with friendly people to learn from and play with.


Donn Godfather Zalera [Crystal]

Hiiii. I am coming back after a long time and hoping to join a FC! Yall seem super cozy.

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Ayator Girfandel Phantom [Chaos]

Hi, looking for a casual FC, would you guys mind taking me in?


Yami Yoru Midgardsormr [Aether]

Hi, I would like to join. I'm a veteran that hasn't played since the dancer class came out. I'm stuck with all these high level characters and i don't know what to do, how to get back into things, or even how to use my own classes. I would greatly appreciate the help, and the opportunity to make friends. :)

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