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Free companies are player-run organizations which allow their members to pool resources, be it items or gil, to accomplish feats that would be difficult or impossible for a single individual.
The benefits of joining a free company include a dedicated chat channel for all members, the ability to purchase an estate to serve as the group's base of operations, and the use of free company actions that grant bonuses such as increased experience points.
No two free companies share the same goals and motivations, so be sure to choose the free company that's right for you.
Linkshells and cross-world linkshells are chat groups which allow for quick and easy communication between players who are not necessarily in a party or free company. Unlike free companies, players are able to join multiple linkshells, making it possible to join different communities dedicated to various aspects of the game.
Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same World.Teamwork is key, so be sure to find a team with whom you're confident you can hone your skills together.
PvP duties: allow players to compete against one another in unique instanced arenas.Chocobo Pals Recruiting Additional Members
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Recruiter Profile
Grim Moonscar Kujata [Elemental]
Just a Chocobo's soul trapped in the body of a Roegadyn.
?Community Member Schiezka Winters Tonberry [Elemental]
hello. can i join this cwls?
Community Member Grim Moonscar Kujata [Elemental]
Sure! When are you on :D I'll be on anytime from now until like 10PM JST for seal rock ^^ shoot me a /tell!
Community Member Schiezka Winters Tonberry [Elemental]
okay!. i mostly online tho even when afk.
Community Member Grim Moonscar Kujata [Elemental]
Ahh I journeyed to Tonberry to send you a /tell, but you're in restricted area atm? I'll put up a PF! Please search for me. :D I'll add you through that.
Edit: PF is up!
Community Member Una Wolt Garuda [Elemental]
Thanks! I'll be online in minutes.
Community Member Rix Yuuka Tonberry [Elemental]
hello are you guys active only until 10pm JST?
Community Member Grim Moonscar Kujata [Elemental]
Hi! Not really, i just put in a more "common" time for several of members but we usually have people on all throughout the day xD even until late in the evening. :)
Community Member Rix Yuuka Tonberry [Elemental]
ooh, can I join the CWLS? sadly I'm usually active around 10pm JST due to work.
Community Member Grim Moonscar Kujata [Elemental]
Sure! when you're on later, hit me up with a /tell ^^ I'll stay on
Community Member Rix Yuuka Tonberry [Elemental]
Are you online? I can't send /tell to you
Community Member Grim Moonscar Kujata [Elemental]
Ah I was in Frontlines! Welcome to the linkshell ^^
Community Member Jay S'kyl Atomos [Elemental]
Hi Grim!
I just started playing FF14 this month and was looking for community to make friends!
Still a newbie but I was hoping that I could join your CWLS if you are still recruiting.
Thank you!
Community Member Grim Moonscar Kujata [Elemental]
Ofcourse! Let me know when you're on :) Everyone is always welcome!
Community Member Jay S'kyl Atomos [Elemental]
Hello Grim!
Thank you for your kind response. I just logged in and will be around for few hours.
Or please let me know if there are any other convenient time for you and I could login at that time too.
Community Member Grim Moonscar Kujata [Elemental]
Oh! I've also been logged on! i'll travel to atomos to look for you :)
Edit: Saw you! but you're afk. left a friend request and an invite to the CWLS :)
Community Member Rainex Stormcaller Kujata [Elemental]
Hello! I am interested in joining!
Community Member Grim Moonscar Kujata [Elemental]
Sure! What times are you on? :) I'll be on later after maintenance!
Community Member Elite Likethat Kujata [Elemental]
Hi! May i join this CWLS?
Community Member Grim Moonscar Kujata [Elemental]
ofcourse! I'll look for you online :)
Community Member Grim Moonscar Kujata [Elemental]
Can't seem to find you. But I'll be on until later :D just send me a /tell
Community Member Elite Likethat Kujata [Elemental]
yoo so sorry i was offline just now. I'll send you a tell when im ingame later :D
Community Member Elite Likethat Kujata [Elemental]
I'm on right now so try sending me a tell! i'll try to contact you as well :)
Rhyme Oratorio Kujata [Elemental]
Hello! Are you all still active? If so, can I join?
Community Member Grim Moonscar Kujata [Elemental]
Hi there! Sure, ofcourse you are welcome. :) Apologies for the delayed response. Have been out of town with my family. Send me a /tell whenever ^^ or lemme know when you're active/online, I'll come find you!
Community Member Sumire Higashi Kujata [Elemental]
Hi - would love to have a friendly space to join (I'm pretty quiet because social anxiety) if possible. :)
Community Member Grim Moonscar Kujata [Elemental]
Sure, no problem! let me know when you're online :D
Community Member Sumire Higashi Kujata [Elemental]
I'm actually on now!
Community Member Raxi Paxi Tonberry [Elemental]
Hi can I join? I'm really new to the game.
Community Member Grim Moonscar Kujata [Elemental]
Ofcourse ^^ I'll try to catch you online! Or send me a /tell when you can so I can add you.
Community Member Sakura Miyu Kujata [Elemental]
Hi can I join this CWL? I'm looking for new friends to play in the game. I usually go online around dinner time to late night! Tysm !
Community Member Grim Moonscar Kujata [Elemental]
Yes, you're welcome to join us. I'll try to catch you online! Or send me a /tell when you can so I can add you.
Community Member Sakura Miyu Kujata [Elemental]
Ok I will DM you later!
Thoon Thoon Tonberry [Elemental]
Hola, How can I join your CWLS? looking for friends to chill.
Community Member Grim Moonscar Kujata [Elemental]
Sure! When are you usually on? :)
Thoon Thoon Tonberry [Elemental]
I play on GMT +7:00 and usually online evening till midnight :D
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