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to join you on your adventures in FINAL FANTASY XIV!

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  • About Free Companies

    A community to play together with friends on the same World.

    Free companies are player-run organizations which allow their members to pool resources, be it items or gil, to accomplish feats that would be difficult or impossible for a single individual.
    The benefits of joining a free company include a dedicated chat channel for all members, the ability to purchase an estate to serve as the group's base of operations, and the use of free company actions that grant bonuses such as increased experience points.
    No two free companies share the same goals and motivations, so be sure to choose the free company that's right for you.

  • About Linkshells and Cross-world Linkshells

    A dedicated chat channel for players who share a common aim.

    Linkshells and cross-world linkshells are chat groups which allow for quick and easy communication between players who are not necessarily in a party or free company. Unlike free companies, players are able to join multiple linkshells, making it possible to join different communities dedicated to various aspects of the game.

    Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same World.
    Cross-world Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same data center.
  • About PvP Teams

    A team dedicated to enjoying PvP duties.

    Teamwork is key, so be sure to find a team with whom you're confident you can hone your skills together.

    PvP duties: allow players to compete against one another in unique instanced arenas.
Free Company

Moonlight Mewgles Recruiting Additional Members


Moonlight Mewgles

Recruiting Additional Members

Ultros [Primal]

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Active Hours
6:00 2:00
6:00 2:00
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#Beginner & Novice Friendly
#Parent Friendly
#High-end Duties
#Socially Active
Hello! We're a MEDIUM SMOL group, looking for more actives to liven things up! We have members at all stages of the game, and are recruiting for any who are seeking a smaller, cozier sense of community; something you don't really find in massive, auto-invite companies.

We have an active discord, and hold weekly Gold Saucer get-togethers/movie watching afternoons on Saturdays and seasonal glam contests, as well as map trains, mount farms, eureka/bozja stuff and EX clears as members are available.

Want some new buddies for dailies? Yep! Newer player with questions? We've got you! We also do some savage/ultimates on occasion as there are two statics organized by our members.

Group Profile



Active Members





Plot 7, 10 Ward, Shirogane (Large)

Estate Profile

Moonlight Mewgles


Apply Below!

Recruiter Profile

Community Member

Shiori Rhikii Ultros [Primal]

I’m not good at profiles so let’s just skip that XD If you are interested in joining us, even if it’s just to see if you’d like it here, please send me a message on discord, Shi_chan4. I’d love to answer any questions there as well! If you leave a comment here it may not be seen as quickly as I have two young children who tend to distract me, but I’ll try to respond as soon as I can!


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Cyrus Arvad Ultros [Primal]

Hi! I'd like to join if you're still recruiting :3

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Community Member Hatsu Hasu Ultros [Primal]


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0 / 500


Community Member Hatsu Hasu Ultros [Primal]



Community Member Exrael Swordheart Ultros [Primal]

Hello! I'm curious about joining and have a couple questions. What's the best way to get in touch with someone from the FC?


Community Member Hatsu Hasu Ultros [Primal]

Sorry I didnt get back sooner, but it seems like you found us! :D Welcome aboard :3

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0 / 500


Community Member Xartsaga Geneq Ultros [Primal]

Hello there! I was hoping to join in with a smaller more tightly knit FC,and found this to be great. I just got back into the game about to start Heavensward (I'm late I know) so I'm a noob.

If you wanna contact my my discord is dripzama. (I dislike the new username system for discord.)


Community Member Hatsu Hasu Ultros [Primal]

We have a few people who are in HW/SB area as well, Ill send u a msg on disc!

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0 / 500

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Ash Noctus Ultros [Primal]

Hi there, wondering if it would be possible for me to join? I am more of a casual player though. My discord is di3m


Community Member Shiori Rhikii Ultros [Primal]

Casual players are also welcome! I sent you a friend request on discord.

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0 / 500


Community Member Apple Skittle Ultros [Primal]

Hiii! I was wondering if my boyfriend and I could join? My name is Apple Skittle and his is Lime Skittle. I'm new to the game and he's much more experienced than I am. We're looking for a FC to hang out and make friends! ? Thanks! My discord is seasidal.


Community Member Shiori Rhikii Ultros [Primal]

Of course! I sent you a friend request on discord

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0 / 500


Community Member Death Soulreaper Ultros [Primal]

Looking to possibly join. Name on discord is Shaunm2.

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Josheux Bupelle Ultros [Primal]

helloo! im interested in joining this FC. my name on discord is jai.1.


Community Member Hatsu Hasu Ultros [Primal]


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Community Member Hatsu Hasu Ultros [Primal]

feel free to come by our FC house and chat, everyone should be able to inv to FC :) if I dont catch u! Me and another officer have added u on disc! (also u can app at our house)

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0 / 500

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Caruel Xeon Ultros [Primal]

Heyo! I'd like to join your FC~ please contact me on Discord, my username is _caruel


Community Member Hatsu Hasu Ultros [Primal]


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0 / 500


Yozora Mortensen Ultros [Primal]

Returning player looking to make some new friends to enjoy the game with! Discord is yozora0590


Community Member Hatsu Hasu Ultros [Primal]

I sent u a request!

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Community Member Auriel Nocte Ultros [Primal]

Hi, I'd love to join your FC! My discord is its_auri !! Feel free to contact me there ~ !!


Community Member Hatsu Hasu Ultros [Primal]

oki! i sent u a disc request :> hope you're still looking!

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Community Member Justice Lazer Ultros [Primal]

Hi, hoping to see if I’d be a good fit for your FC. Please hit me up on Discord at sprackett


Community Member Hatsu Hasu Ultros [Primal]

oki ill msg!

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Community Member Bolinho Dechuva Ultros [Primal]

I would like to apply, so if you guys are still recruiting my discord is [bolinho_de_chuva5490]


Community Member Hatsu Hasu Ultros [Primal]

Sure thing! I add u :3

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Community Member Shane Locke Ultros [Primal]

Hi I'm a returning player looking for a group to tackle the next expac with! I would be interested in joining to do some group end game content. Disc: mr.rat_


Community Member Hatsu Hasu Ultros [Primal]

sure! will dm

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Community Member Koji Jijimo Ultros [Primal]

Hello, I am interested in joining your FC and I am wondering if you are still recruiting. My discord is FallenBucko


Community Member Hatsu Hasu Ultros [Primal]

ill dm u!

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Community Member Hatsu Hasu Ultros [Primal]

I cant DM u because of ur privacy settings but if u are on sometime today i will try and find u :)

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Community Member Koji Jijimo Ultros [Primal]

Oh I am so sorry about that. I changed my settings and hopefully i will be able to receive messages now.

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Null Ara Ultros [Primal]

Hello, seeking out an FC and was hoping to check yours out. My Discord is bobathechef.


Community Member Hatsu Hasu Ultros [Primal]

oki sounds good! ill msg u

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Community Member Mykonos Trem Ultros [Primal]

Hello I'm interested in joining your fc if you're still recruiting, my discord is Mykonos.


Community Member Hatsu Hasu Ultros [Primal]

oki i msg!

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0 / 500

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Vileum Riftsnow Ultros [Primal]

Looking to join.


Community Member Hatsu Hasu Ultros [Primal]

hello! if youre still looking lmk!

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0 / 500

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Raomimi Raomi Ultros [Primal]

Interested in joining! Discord is oniwankinetic

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