Ishgardian Restoration

Builders' Progress Report


Builders of the realm,

With each passing day, the Firmament closer resembles─nay, exceeds─what I envisioned it might become at the start of our grand effort. Once-barren streets bustle with activity, and once-crumbling structures stand proud as homes, markets, and centers of culture and innovation. You have gone above and beyond in helping our nation soar to undreamt-of heights, and for this I commend you.

Lord Speaker of the House of Lords
Aymeric de Borel

Saints of the Firmament

Seasonal Score

  • * Only the top 100 players will be displayed.
  • * Standings displayed are based on the list of Worlds and data centers available at the last calculation.


Top-ranking players will be awarded a special achievement and title. These rewards can be obtained by using the following items distributed via the moogle delivery service:

1st to 12th Place
Season Three Writ of Canonization (※1) / Season Three Writ of Beatification (※2)
13th to 100th Place
Season Three Writ of Beatification (※2)

※1 This item grants the achievement “Phase IV Divine Ascension” and the title “Saint of the Firmament.”
※2 This item grants the achievement “Phase IV Minor Miracle” and the title “Beatus / Beata of the Firmament.”

The titles awarded to top players, “Saint of the Firmament” and “Beatus / Beata of the Firmament” are the same as those awarded during the rankings held at the release of Patch 5.21. Please note, however, that because they will be treated as separate titles, players who earn these titles will see more than one instance of them when viewing acquired titles in-game.

Moogle Delivery Service

Rewards will be distributed via the moogle delivery service beginning on Monday, January 25. Please note that it may take time before rewards are delivered. In the event a player enters the rankings with more than one class, they will receive rewards based on their highest ranked class. Furthermore, you cannot receive rewards when your mog letter box is full.