The Palace of the Dead is an ever-changing dungeon whose architecture is never quite the same each time players enter to explore its depths. All players will begin at level one, and only by fighting the enemies within will they be able to gain the strength and experience needed to explore its shadowy depths.
Players who choose to leave and return later can continue playing from where they last saved. We challenge all who enter to make it to the last floor!

Any Disciple of War or Magic (excluding limited jobs) Lv. 17
New Gridania (X:12.0 Y:13.1)
Nojiro Marujiro
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Into a Copper Hell."
Entering the Palace of the Dead
Players can enter the Palace of the Dead by speaking with the Wood Wailer expeditionary captain in the South Shroud at Quarrymill (X:25.2 Y:20.6). When entering as a party, only the party leader can start the instance.
* Players may enter with a cross-world party.

South Shroud (X:25.2 Y:20.6)
Wood Wailer Expeditionary Captain

Fixed Party
Players may enter with a group of up to four players, with no restrictions to classes, jobs, or roles.
Entering as a Fixed Party
After speaking with the Wood Wailer expeditionary captain, select "Enter the Palace of the Dead," then choose an unused save slot. Next, select "Enter with a fixed party." All future forays into the Palace of the Dead must be done with the party members and party composition chosen upon registering.
Party Composition
When creating a fixed party, players are free to choose any combination of jobs and classes they desire.
Save Data
Your character's level, aetherpool arm and armor strength, inventory, and floor progression will be recorded.
Resuming Play
Players in a fixed party must have uniform save data. Moreover, this save data can only be used with the party members and party composition chosen when first entering the Palace of the Dead.
Matched Party
Similar to the Duty Finder, players may choose to be randomly matched with other players on the same data center. Matched parties will always be comprised of four players. When registering with less than four players, any open party slots will be filled automatically.
Entering as a Matched Party
After speaking with the Wood Wailer expeditionary captain, select "Enter the Palace of the Dead," then choose an unused save slot. Next, select "Enter with a matched party." All future forays into the Palace of the Dead must be done with the class or job chosen when first registering.
Party Composition
Players in matched parties are free to choose any composition of jobs and classes they desire. It is not necessary to register with the same players each time. However, you must use the class or job you selected when first registering as a matched party.
Save Data
Your character's level, aetherpool arm and armor strength, and floor progression data will be saved.
Resuming Play
Players will be matched with party members who have the same floor progression saved. In order to be matched, players must enter with the same class or job that was equipped when progression was first saved. Furthermore, aetherpool weapons and gear strength must be above the requisite for the given floor.
Players can join a party in progress by first checking the "Join Party in Progress" box in the Duty Finder menu, then speaking with the Wood Wailer expeditionary captain.
* Character level may be adjusted when joining a party in progress.
Recording Progress
Boss enemies will appear every 10 floors. Upon defeating them, players will be able to record their progress, at which time they may choose to leave the deep dungeon. Please note that progress made in strengthening aetherpool arms and armor is saved independently and shared across all save data. See below for more details.
* Save data will not be updated in the event you log out or lose connection before defeating the boss and recording your progress.

Additional Floors
Players who have cleared floor 50 of the Palace of the Dead will be given the option to start from floor 1 or floor 51 when creating a new save file. When starting from floor 51, players will be set to level 60 and their inventories will be cleared of pomanders.
* A quest will become available after clearing floor 50 which must be completed before proceeding to floor 51.
* All floors after floor 100 are designed strictly as a challenge for players. As such, you cannot enter with a matched party. Furthermore, your Party KO count must be zero in order to enter.
Unlocking Floor 51 and Beyond
What Lies Beneath

Any Disciple of War or Magic (excluding limited jobs) Lv. 17
South Shroud (X:25.2 Y:20.6)
Wood Wailer Expeditionary Captain
Players must first complete the quest "The House That Death Built," and have also cleared floor 50 of the Palace of the Dead.
Level Requirement | Disciple of War or Magic |
Item Level Requirement | - |
Item Level Sync | - |
Number of Participants | Up to four players |
Time Limit | 60 minutes |
* All floors after floor 100 are designed strictly as a challenge for players. As such, you cannot enter with a matched party. Furthermore, your Party KO count must be zero in order to enter.
Character Growth
Players will start the Palace of the Dead at level 1 regardless of their current class or job level. By defeating enemies that appear in the dungeon, players will be able to gain EXP and level their characters up to 60. Your Palace of the Dead level is not directly related to your level outside of the dungeon.
* Players currently on their free trial or who have not yet purchased FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward will also be able to level their characters to 60 inside the Palace of the Dead.
Dungeon EXP
All enemies players encounter in the Palace of the Dead will give a fixed amount of EXP regardless of the number of members in your party or the difference in level between you and the enemy. Rested experience and experience bonuses will also be ignored.
* Attribute points will not be accounted for in the Palace of the Dead.
There will be no adjustments to or restrictions on any actions, additional actions, or statuses. However, players must first reach the required level in the dungeon to have access to them. Players will even have the opportunity to gain actions and statuses above their current level regardless of whether or not they have completed the necessary class or job quests.
* Please note that players who have entered the deep dungeon with a class will be restricted from using any job actions.
Aetherpool Gear
Players will be restricted to the use of an aetherpool arm and aetherpool armor when inside the Palace of the Dead. In addition to gaining levels, players must enhance these items as they progress through the dungeon. Note that aetherpool armor will take the appearance of your current gear upon entering the instance.
* Normal gear has no effect on your character's attributes inside Palace of the Dead.
* Aetherpool gear progress in Palace of the Dead is tracked separately to that of aetherpool gear in Heaven-on-High and Eureka Orthos.

Strengthening Aetherpool Gear
Aetherpool gear can be enhanced by accessing silver coffers. These coffers appear randomly on each floor and after defeating certain enemies. When enhancing gear, there is a chance of failure that varies depending on the current level of your gear and the floor where the silver coffer is found. Aetherpool gear can be enhanced to a maximum strength of +99. In the event the strength of your aetherpool gear exceeds the maximum allowed by your current level, its attributes will be synced.
Gear Durability and Spiritbonding
Aetherpool gear is not subject to durability loss, nor can it gain spiritbond when inside the Palace of the Dead.
* This also applies to any gear equipped upon entering the instance.
Players will, on occasion, obtain pomanders from treasure chests within the Palace of the Dead. These items have various uses ranging from displaying the entire map of your current floor, to providing party members with beneficial effects. Up to three of each pomander can be held at any time. These items can be found in a shared inventory to be used by all party members.
* Normal items such as potions can still be used independently of this shared inventory.

Pomanders cannot be taken outside of the Palace of the Dead. When in a matched party, they cannot be used after the completion of a set of floors. Pomanders that affect the map cannot be overwritten with the same item when their effect is already in play. Please note, however, that they will still be consumed upon use.
Certain pomanders can be used to transform the player into an enemy NPC. The effect lasts for one minute, and will grant the user a different attack for the duration.

Moving to Lower Floors
Floors are generated at random, and players may only progress by locating and activating the Cairn of Passage stone on each floor. These stones have three phases, and will always be inactive when arriving at a new floor. Before the stone can be fully activated, players must defeat the enemies that appear on the floor. As the phases progress, the color of the stone's map icon will change, and the perimeter around the stone will glow when it becomes fully activated.

In addition to resurrection items and actions, players can use a Cairn of Return to raise all KO'd players. These stones, like the Cairn of Passage, have three phases of activation and can only be used when fully activated. The stone will be inactive when arriving at a new floor. Players must defeat the enemies that appear on the floor before the stone can be fully activated. As the phases progress, the color of the stone's map icon will change, and the stone itself will glow when it becomes fully activated.

Traps and Floor Effects
As players progress, they will arrive at floors with traps that will be set off when walked across. These traps are invisible unless a player has a special item which can reveal their locations. In addition to traps, some floors have the below effects which may benefit or provide some challenge to the player's ability to progress:

Status Effects
Some floors may inflict detrimental or beneficial statuses on players.

Prohibited Magic or Special Actions
Some floors may prohibit certain actions.

Floor Effect: Gloom
Some floors may have strengthened enemies.
Navigation Map
A special navigation map will be displayed, which can be used to progress through the rooms on a given floor. When any party member enters a room on the floor, the map will automatically update. The icons for the Cairn of Return and the Cairn of Passage will appear in their location on the map.
* Players can display or hide the map by pressing the M key. This is the same key for the Hold button to lock the map in position.
* The default navigational map will not be displayed in the Palace of the Dead.

Cairn of Return
Nearing activation
Cairn of Passage
Nearing activation
Treasure Coffers
There are three types of treasure coffers which will randomly appear somewhere on the floor at the same time as enemies. While most of these coffers will give players various benefits, some will have traps, such as surprise enemy attacks.

Gold Coffers
Gold Coffers may yield pomanders. The coffer will remain even if these items already exceed the inventory limit.

Silver Coffers
Silver Coffers will strengthen aetherpool arms and armor. However, there is a possibility that the strengthening effects will not take hold even if players' weapons and gear are not at maximum level.
* Opening these coffers will have no effect if the players' weapons and gear are at their maximum level of strength.

Bronze Coffers
Bronze Coffers may yield normal items such as potions or Gelmorran potsherd which can be exchanged for special items.

South Shroud (X:25.0 Y:20.6)
The Accursed Hoard
While exploring the Palace of the Dead, players will, on occasion, discover hidden treasure known as the Accursed Hoard. Upon saving progress and exiting the Palace of the Dead, players can take this treasure to the Expedition Bishop at Quarrymill in the South Shroud to have it appraised and discover what lies within.

South Shroud (X:25.1 Y:20.6)
Expedition Bishop
Uncovering the Accursed Hoard
Players must remain stationary at the location where the treasure is buried for a fixed period of time for the coffer to be unearthed.

Before the Accursed Hoard can be discovered, players must first use the pomander of intuition to reveal its location on the map.

Leaving the Palace of the Dead
If all party members are KO'd inside the Palace of the Dead, they will be removed from the instance.
* Unlike other dungeons, players cannot choose to return to the floor entrance if they are KO'd.
Players can manage their save data by talking with the Wood Wailer expeditionary captain located in the South Shroud at Quarrymill.

South Shroud (X:25.2 Y:20.6)
Wood Wailer Expeditionary Captain

Resetting Progress
Players can reset their level and progression to floor 1. However, aetherpool arm and armor strength will carry over to the new file. This means players can reset and return to floor 1 to continue strengthening their weapons and gear if they have found that previous progression became too difficult.
* Reset save data cannot be recovered.
Disbanding a Fixed Party
Players can convert fixed party saved data to matched party saved data. Aetherpool arm and armor strength will be carried over, but pomander information will be reset. Under these conditions you will be able to be matched with other players who are currently playing on the same floor as you.
* If any members of a fixed party are unable to enter the deep dungeon after the deletion of save data or usage of the Home World Transfer Service, they must select "Disband your fixed party" to carry over their save data.
The following rewards will be given based on the player's level and progress.
If your job or class is level 100 upon entering:
Allagan tomestones and gil will be rewarded based on progress.
If your job or class is between levels 50 and 99 upon entering:
Experience points, gil, and Allagan tomestones of poetics will be rewarded based on progress.
* The Armoury bonus will be applied to these rewards.
If your job or class is under level 50 upon entering:
Experience points and gil will be rewarded based on progress.
If your job or class is under level 90 when entering and there is a mentor and new adventurer in the party, the mentor/new adventurer experience bonus will apply.
* The Armoury bonus will be applied to these rewards.
If you have reached floor 50 or 100:
A Gelmorran potsherd will be awarded. This item can be traded to the NPC E-Una-Kotor in the South Shroud at Quarrymill.

South Shroud (X:25.0 Y:20.6)
Obtaining and Strengthening Aetherpool Weapons
If you have strengthened your aetherpool arm and aetherpool armor to +10 in addition to clearing floor 50 of the Palace of the Dead, you can receive an aetherpool grip, which can be used to exchange for a weapon of your choosing by speaking with the NPC E-Una-Kotor in the South Shroud. Please note that by receiving an aetherpool grip, the strength of your aetherpool arm and armor used in the Palace of the Dead will be reduced by 10.

Upon clearing floor 100, a previously acquired aetherpool weapon may be enhanced further with the use of an additional aetherpool grip.
* The weapon's visual effect will not display in any gear previewing windows.
When challenging floors beyond 100 in the Palace of the Dead, players will receive a score based on a number of factors such as highest floor reached and number of enemies slain. Separate scores for both solo and party play will be assigned after being defeated or clearing certain floors. High scores can be confirmed by speaking with the Wood Wailer expeditionary captain at Quarrymill in the South Shroud.
* High scores are only updated for ventures undertaken on your Home World. Ventures undertaken while using the World Visit or Data Center Travel systems will not be counted.

South Shroud (X:25.2 Y:20.6)
Wood Wailer Expeditionary Captain

These scores may also appear on the rankings page on the Lodestone. The rankings page will be updated daily, so we encourage you to brave the ever-changing corridors of the dungeon, and prove yourself the realm's greatest pathfinder!