Doman Mahjong Yaku List

The ancient Doman game of mahjong joins the entertainment on offer at the Gold Saucer. Face off against your fellow adventurers or practice against automata, and hone your strategies to triumph in this contest of wits!

Yaku List

Basic Yaku

  • Riichi

    Chance of occurring: ★★★★★

    Han: 1

    Allows calls: No (Cannot be achieved after calling)

    Aiming for this yaku is one of the most basic strategies in Doman mahjong.
    If you enter tenpai without calling chi, pon, or kan, you will be given the option to declare riichi. Once you form a winning hand, you will achieve the Riichi yaku.

  • Double Riichi

    Chance of occurring: ★★☆☆☆

    Han: 2

    Allows calls: No (Cannot be achieved after calling)

    If a player declares riichi on their first discarded tile, they will be eligible for the Double Riichi yaku.
    However, if any player calls chi, pon, or kan on the first turn, this yaku becomes invalid.

  • Menzen Tsumo

    Chance of occurring: ★★★★☆

    Han: 1

    Allows calls: No

    This yaku is achieved by being in menzen (has not called chi, pon, or kan) and calling tsumo. Calling chi, pon, or kan means that player is no longer in menzen and can no longer achieve this yaku.

  • Ippatsu

    Chance of occurring: ★★★☆☆

    Han: 1

    Allows calls: No (also invalidated by other players calling on your discarded tiles)

    Achieved by calling tsumo or ron on the turn after declaring riichi. However, if another player calls chi, pon, or kan during that turn, this yaku is invalidated.

  • Yaku Tiles

    Chance of occurring: ★★★★★

    Han: 1

    Allows calls: Yes

    Achieved by forming a triplet of honor tiles. However, the following conditions apply:

    1. A triplet of dragon tiles (white, green, red) always forms a yaku

    2. A triplet of wind tiles (east, south, west, north) that matches your seat wind forms a yaku

    3. A triplet of wind tiles that matches the round wind (east or south) forms a yaku

    It is possible to fulfill conditions 2 and 3 simultaneously, which awards 2 han.

Number Tile Yaku (Eleven Types)

  • Tanyao

    Chance of occurring: ★★★★☆

    Han: 1

    Allows calls: Yes (only with kuitan enabled)


    A winning hand formed without using any honor tiles or terminals (1 or 9 number tiles).
    With kuitan enabled, this can be achieved after calling chi, pon, or kan, which makes it a very easy yaku in this type of match.

  • Pinfu

    Chance of occurring: ★★★★☆

    Han: 1

    Allows calls: No


    Several conditions must be fulfilled to achieve this yaku:
    1. The hand must be formed without calling chi, pon, or kan
    2. All four melds must be straights
    3. The pair must not be formed of any yaku tiles (dragon tiles or wind tiles that match the seat or round wind)
    4. The final tile used to complete the hand must form a straight that can be completed with one of two different tiles

    Although the conditions are somewhat strict, it is possible to combine Pinfu with other yaku, making it a popular choice.

    The final, and most complex condition, governs the final tile used to complete the hand, and an example is shown in the diagram. In this case, the straight of 5, 6, 7 began as the 5 and 6 tiles. A straight could be completed by drawing a 4 or a 7, thereby fulfilling the final condition. However, if the player had the 5 and 7 tiles in their hand, there is only one tile that could form a straight─a 6─and they would not be eligible for the Pinfu yaku.

  • Triple Chi

    Chance of occurring: ★★★☆☆

    Han: 2

    Allows calls: Yes, but only 1 han is awarded


    Achieved by having the same straight in each suit.
    Not only is this yaku compatible with Pinfu, it can also be achieved at the same time as the Tanyao and Outside Hand yaku, so it may be included in several types of high-scoring winning hands.

  • Pure Straight

    Chance of occurring: ★★★☆☆

    Han: 2

    Allows calls: Yes, but only 1 han is awarded


    Formed with three straights of the same suit. Naturally, this is comprised of 1, 2, 3, then 4, 5, 6, and 7, 8, 9.
    This is compatible with the Half Flush and Full Flush yaku and some that rely on straights, but since you may often be waiting for several specific tiles at once, you must pay close attention to avoid losing an essential tile.

  • Pure Double Chi

    Chance of occurring: ★★★☆☆

    Han: 1

    Allows calls: No


    Requires two identical straights. They must be the same numbers in the same suit. Cannot be achieved after calling chi, pon, or kan.

  • Twice Pure Double Chi

    Chance of occurring: ★★☆☆☆

    Han: 3

    Allows calls: No


    Made from two sets of Pure Double Chi. Since it is particularly difficult to form, it awards 3 han. Calling chi, pon, or kan invalidates this yaku. If you achieve this yaku, you will not receive additional han from Pure Double Chi.

  • Outside Hand

    Chance of occurring: ★★★☆☆

    Han: 2

    Allows calls: Yes, but only 1 han is awarded


    The opposite of Tanyao, in that all melds include honor tiles or terminals (1 or 9 number tiles).
    You are allowed to call chi, pon, or kan beforehand, but this reduces the han awarded to 1.

  • Terminals in All Groups

    Chance of occurring: ★★★☆☆

    Han: 3

    Allows calls: Yes, but only 2 han are awarded


    Similar to Outside Hand, but all melds include terminals.
    You are allowed to call chi, pon, or kan beforehand, but this reduces the han awarded to 2.

  • All Terminals and Honors

    Chance of occurring: ★★☆☆☆

    Han: 2

    Allows calls: Yes


    Another yaku similar to Outside Hand, but all melds are triplets or kan made from terminals or honor tiles.
    Calling chi, pon, or kan does not reduce the han awarded, and since it also includes the 2 han from the All Pon yaku, it awards a total of 4 han.

  • Half Flush

    Chance of occurring: ★★★★☆

    Han: 3

    Allows calls: Yes, but only 2 han are awarded


    A hand comprised of number tiles from a single suit and honor tiles.
    Although calling chi, pon, or kan reduces the han to 2, this yaku can be combined with yaku tiles and the Pure Straight yaku to earn high scores.

  • Full Flush

    Chance of occurring: ★★☆☆☆

    Han: 6

    Allows calls: Yes, but only 5 han are awarded


    Includes only number tiles from a single suit. Being able to quickly identify which tiles are needed to complete the hand after entering tenpai is the mark of an advanced player.
    Calling chi, pon, or kan reduces the han earned to 5, which is still very high. Unfortunately, it is easy for your opponents to identify when you are attempting to complete this yaku, which greatly reduces the chances of forming it before they produce a winning hand.

Yaku Using Character Tiles (One Type)

  • Little Three Dragons

    Chance of occurring: ★☆☆☆☆

    Han: 2

    Allows calls: Yes


    Made from two triplets and a pair of dragon tiles.
    Although the yaku itself is only worth 2 han, it includes two triplets of dragon tiles, which are themselves yaku tiles, so a total of 4 han are awarded.

Yaku Using Matching Tiles (Four Types)

  • All Pon

    Chance of occurring: ★★★☆☆

    Han: 2

    Allows calls: Yes


    Made from four triplets (can include kan) and a pair.
    Calling chi, pon, or kan does not reduce the han awarded, and it is easy to combine this with other yaku, such as yaku tiles.

  • Triple Pon

    Chance of occurring: ★★☆☆☆

    Han: 2

    Allows calls: Yes


    Includes three triplets of the same number in each suit.
    Calling chi, pon, or kan does not reduce the han awarded, and it is easy to combine this with All Pon and yaku tiles.

  • Three Concealed Pon

    Chance of occurring: ★★☆☆☆

    Han: 2

    Allows calls: Yes, but not on the triplets


    Comprised of three triplets. You may call chi to form a straight or call pon to form a fourth triplet but cannot call pon to complete any of the three concealed triplets. Additionally, calling ron to complete the third concealed triplet invalidates this yaku.

  • Three Kan

    Chance of occurring: ★☆☆☆☆

    Han: 2

    Allows calls: Yes


    A hand that includes three kan. These can be either concealed or open, and calling chi, pon, or kan does not reduce the han awarded. The kan used add three dora, making it an attractive choice, although this may hand the advantage to your opponents instead.

Special Yaku (Six Types)

  • Seven Pairs

    Chance of occurring: ★★★☆☆

    Han: 2

    Allows calls: No (incompatible with this yaku)


    While most winning hands are comprised of four melds and a pair, there are two yaku that do not follow this format, Seven Pairs being one of them.
    As the name suggests, the yaku is made from seven pairs of identical tiles. Although it may not seem to be compatible with other yaku, it can in fact be used in conjunction with a few specific kinds, such as Tanyao, All Terminals and Honors, Half Flush, and Full Flush, often leading to high scores.
    It is important to note that in Doman mahjong, four identical tiles do not count as two separate pairs. Each of the seven pairs must be unique.

  • After a Kan

    Chance of occurring: ★★☆☆☆

    Han: 1

    Allows calls: Yes

    Similar in some respects to Menzen Tsumo, but must be completed using the tile drawn after forming a kan. Unlike Menzen Tsumo, this yaku can be used after calling chi, pon, or kan.

  • Robbing a Kan

    Chance of occurring: ★☆☆☆☆

    Han: 1

    Allows calls: Yes

    When a player has called pon, that triplet will be exposed (open) for other players to see. The owner of that triplet can then call kan to add a fourth tile.
    However, this tile can be robbed at that moment by calling ron. The player that claims that tile will achieve this yaku.

  • Last-tile Draw

    Chance of occurring: ★★☆☆☆

    Han: 1

    Allows calls: Yes

    Achieved by forming a winning hand with the last tile drawn.

  • Last-tile Claim

    Chance of occurring: ★★☆☆☆

    Han: 1

    Allows calls: Yes

    Achieved by claiming the last discarded tile and forming a winning hand.

  • Nagashi-mangan

    Chance of occurring: ★★☆☆☆

    Han: 4

    Allows calls: No (including having opponents claim a tile you have discarded)

    A special yaku that is only awarded in the event of a draw and all of your discarded tiles being terminals or honor tiles.
    If any of your discarded tiles were claimed by an opponent at any point during the hand, you will not be eligible for this yaku.
    However, this is not counted as a winning hand in Doman mahjong. Since the hand is classed as having ended in a draw, it will be replayed.

Yakuman (The Twelve Most Valuable Yaku)

  • Blessing of Heaven

    Chance of occurring: ☆☆☆☆☆

    Han: 13 (Yakuman)

    Allows calls: Not applicable

    If the dealer forms a winning hand with the first tile they draw, they will achieve this yaku, regardless of the type of hand used.
    One of the twelve yakuman, which are worth 13 han.

  • Blessing of Earth

    Chance of occurring: ☆☆☆☆☆

    Han: 13 (Yakuman)

    Allows calls: No (prevented by any call of chi, pon, or kan by any player)

    If any non-dealer forms a winning hand with the first tile they draw, they will achieve this yaku, regardless of the type of hand used.
    However, if any player calls chi, pon, or kan before that player produces the winning hand, this yaku can no longer be achieved.
    One of the twelve yakuman, which are worth 13 han.

  • Four Concealed Pon

    Chance of occurring: ★☆☆☆☆

    Han: 13 (Yakuman)

    Allows calls: No


    Made from four triplets without calling pon.
    One of the twelve yakuman, which are worth 13 han.

  • Big Three Dragons

    Chance of occurring: ★☆☆☆☆

    Han: 13 (Yakuman)

    Allows calls: Yes


    Made from three triplets of dragon tiles.
    One of the twelve yakuman, which are worth 13 han.

  • Little Four Winds

    Chance of occurring: ★☆☆☆☆

    Han: 13 (Yakuman)

    Allows calls: Yes


    Includes three triplets and a pair using the four types of wind tile.
    One of the twelve yakuman, which are worth 13 han.

  • Big Four Winds

    Chance of occurring: ★☆☆☆☆

    Han: 13 (Yakuman)

    Allows calls: Yes


    Includes four triplets of wind tiles.
    One of the twelve yakuman, which are worth 13 han.

  • All Honors

    Chance of occurring: ★☆☆☆☆

    Han: 13 (Yakuman)

    Allows calls: Yes


    Comprised entirely of honor tiles.
    Since there are only 28 honor tiles in total, it is very difficult for a single player to collect exactly half of them for a winning hand of 14 tiles.
    One of the twelve yakuman, which are worth 13 han.

  • All Terminals

    Chance of occurring: ★☆☆☆☆

    Han: 13 (Yakuman)

    Allows calls: Yes


    Similar to All Terminals and Honors, but uses only terminals.
    Due to requiring 14 of the 24 terminals, this yaku is very rarely seen.
    One of the twelve yakuman, which are worth 13 han.

  • All Green

    Chance of occurring: ★☆☆☆☆

    Han: 13 (Yakuman)

    Allows calls: Yes


    While this looks like a Half Flush, the designs on each tile are predominately green in color.

    Having a hand that consists entirely of green tiles awards this yaku.
    One of the twelve yakuman, which are worth 13 han.

  • Nine Gates

    Chance of occurring: ★☆☆☆☆

    Han: 13 (Yakuman)

    Allows calls: No


    This is a special version of a Full Flush with the shape 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, plus any additional tile from the same suit.
    This yaku may produce a final wait in which any of the tiles from 1 to 9 can be used to complete the hand, hence the name "Nine Gates."
    As the diagram above shows, any of the Character tiles from 1 to 9 can be combined with the 13 tiles in the player's hand to complete a winning hand.

    While a 2, 3, or 5 tile would all form a winning hand, a 2 or 3 would result in a Full Flush, whereas a 5 would complete Nine Gates.

    One of the twelve yakuman, which are worth 13 han.

  • Thirteen Orphans

    Chance of occurring: ★☆☆☆☆

    Han: 13 (Yakuman)

    Allows calls: No


    Besides Seven Pairs, this is the only other winning hand that does not conform to the format of four melds and a pair.
    It consists of one of each type of terminal and honor tile─13 tiles in total. However, a fourteenth tile is required to complete the hand, and it must form a pair with one of the player's tiles.
    One of the twelve yakuman, which are worth 13 han.

  • Four Kan

    Chance of occurring: ☆☆☆☆☆

    Han: 13 (Yakuman)

    Allows calls: Yes


    A hand that includes four kan. These can be either concealed or open, and calling chi, pon, or kan does not reduce the han awarded. Collecting four sets of four identical tiles is a difficult task, especially since there is a rule that only permits the formation of four kans over the course of a single hand. Therefore, it is one of the rarest yaku in Doman mahjong.

    One of the twelve yakuman, which are worth 13 han.