Eorzea Database

Search Results

Version: Patch 7.16


Eorzea Database Advanced Search

Title Reward Points
Good Things Come to Those Who Bait: La Noscea I - 5
Good Things Come to Those Who Bait: La Noscea II - 5
Good Things Come to Those Who Bait: La Noscea III - 5
Good Things Come to Those Who Bait: La Noscea IV - 5
Good Things Come to Those Who Bait: La Noscea V - 5
A Fisher's Life for Me: La Noscea Title 10
Good Things Come to Those Who Bait: Black Shroud I - 5
Good Things Come to Those Who Bait: Black Shroud II - 5
Good Things Come to Those Who Bait: Black Shroud III - 5
Good Things Come to Those Who Bait: Black Shroud IV - 5
Good Things Come to Those Who Bait: Black Shroud V - 5
A Fisher's Life for Me: Black Shroud Title 10
Good Things Come to Those Who Bait: Thanalan I - 5
Good Things Come to Those Who Bait: Thanalan II - 5
Good Things Come to Those Who Bait: Thanalan III - 5
Good Things Come to Those Who Bait: Thanalan IV - 5
Good Things Come to Those Who Bait: Thanalan V - 5
A Fisher's Life for Me: Thanalan Title 10
A Fisher's Life for Me: Greater Eorzea Equipment 30
Baiting Heavensward - 10
Baiting Stormblood - 10
Baiting Shadowbringers - 10
Baiting the End - 10
Baiting Dawntrail - 10
I Caught That I - 5
I Caught That II - 5
I Caught That III Equipment 10
I Caught That IV - 10
I Caught That V Equipment 10
I Caught That VI Equipment 10
I Caught That VII Equipment 10
I Caught That VIII Title 10
The One That Didn't Get Away I - 5
The One That Didn't Get Away II - 5
The One That Didn't Get Away III - 10
The One that Didn't Get Away IV Title 10
Go Big or Go Home I - 5
Go Big or Go Home II - 10
Go Big or Go Home III - 20
Go Big or Go Home IV - 20
Go Big or Go Home V - 20
Go Big or Go Home VI - 20
Go Big or Go Home VII - 20
Go Big or Go Home VIII - 20
Go Big or Go Home IX Title 20
Go Big or Go Home X Equipment 20
Go Big or Go Home XI - 20
Go Big or Go Home XII - 20
Go Big or Go Home XIII - 20
Go Big or Go Home XIV - 20

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