Search Results
Version: Patch 7.15
The Minstrel's Ballad: Tsukuyomi's Pain
Lv. 70Trials
- 0
- 0
* Must first complete the quest "Triple Triad Trial."
* Drops at a fixed rate.
Treasure Coffer
Item Lv. 365 / Gear Lv. 70
Item Lv. 365 / Gear Lv. 70
Item Lv. 365 / Gear Lv. 70
Item Lv. 365 / Gear Lv. 70
Item Lv. 365 / Gear Lv. 70
Item Lv. 365 / Gear Lv. 70
Item Lv. 365 / Gear Lv. 70
Item Lv. 365 / Gear Lv. 70
Item Lv. 365 / Gear Lv. 70
Item Lv. 365 / Gear Lv. 70
Item Lv. 365 / Gear Lv. 70
Item Lv. 365 / Gear Lv. 70
Item Lv. 365 / Gear Lv. 70
Item Lv. 365 / Gear Lv. 70
- Time Limit: 60m
- Castrum Fluminis
- The Echo: Applied on total party incapacitation
- 1-8 Players (2 Tanks, 2 Healers, 4 DPS)
- Class: Disciples of War or Magic
- * Limited jobs can participate only in a preformed party meeting party size requirements or an unrestricted party, and if duty rules allow.
- Level: 70
* Level will be synced upon entry. - Avg. Item Level: 350
- Explorer Mode Unavailable
- * Role and item level restrictions are lifted for parties meeting minimum size requirements.
Upon hearing of your final encounter with Yotsuyu─and the primal to whom she surrendered her will─the wandering minstrel composes a tanka tinged with sorrow. Had Yotsuyu been born in a different time, a different place, would she have lived a simple life unsullied by acts of violence and cruelty? Or were the seeds of villainy always there, their growth merely hastened by circumstance? These questions bring to mind Tsukuyomi's overwhelming malice, your memories now suffused by the tragedy of the minstrel's verse...
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