Search Results
Version: Patch 7.16

Memoria Misera (Extreme)
Lv. 80Trials
- 0
- 0

* Must first complete the quest "Triple Triad Trial."
* Drops at a fixed rate.
- Time Limit: 60m
- Transmission Control
- The Echo: Applied on total party incapacitation
- 1-8 Players (2 Tanks, 2 Healers, 4 DPS)
- Class: Any Disciple of War or Magic (excluding limited jobs)
- * Limited jobs can participate only in a preformed party meeting party size requirements or an unrestricted party, and if duty rules allow.
- Level: 80
* Level will be synced upon entry. - Avg. Item Level: 470
- Explorer Mode Unavailable
- * Role and item level restrictions are lifted for parties meeting minimum size requirements.
The Emperor was said to be a cruel man, ruling Garlemald with an iron fist. But he was no less cruel when still known as High Legatus Varis yae Galvus, commander of armies. Few are the men who would dare recall the dark days of his military career, and yet reliving such memories was the key to Bozja's liberation. As you recount your harrowing journey into the past to the wandering dramaturge, a wan smile plays across his face─inspiration strikes. He quickly sets quill to paper and prepares to immortalize your deeds in words─an otherworldly tale of adventure that would leave even the boldest men aquiver with fear, and the Warrior of Light perhaps aghast at the embellishments to this climactic encounter.
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