Eorzea Database

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Version: Patch 7.15




  • Cannot have company crests applied.
  • Cannot be placed in a glamour dresser.
  • Cannot be placed in an armoire.
  • 33
  • 0
A large freshwater fish found in the Hundred Throes.

[Suitable for printing on extra large canvases.]
Desynthesizable: 136.00 (Culinarian)

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Valeryia Vess Exodus [Primal]
Mishbhavin Nulah Hyperion [Primal]
Lilith Wynter Coeurl [Crystal]
Iam Cubz Midgardsormr [Aether]
Momochi Momo Balmung [Crystal]
Althea Keres Zalera [Crystal]
Suria Sanddusk Behemoth [Primal]
Fran Jote Malboro [Crystal]
Mokoto Kusanagi Seraph [Dynamis]
Ferris Adler Faerie [Aether]
Fari Deltk Goblin [Crystal]
Kreyn Srokmar Phantom [Chaos]
Seni Sato Midgardsormr [Aether]
Mikasa Acker Zodiark [Light]
Urvilan Stardust Balmung [Crystal]
Rhea Saffron Louisoix [Chaos]
Fraeha Mei-leona Faerie [Aether]
Tazaran Reese Coeurl [Crystal]
Liofette Drapair Balmung [Crystal]
Kazhuma Kaz Faerie [Aether]
Ai Wolfy Leviathan [Primal]
Kal Argiros Gilgamesh [Aether]
Urma Wrma Famfrit [Primal]
Pia Frey Diabolos [Crystal]
Little Foxypoff Exodus [Primal]
Mackie Roni Hyperion [Primal]
Taratect Fenrir Jenova [Aether]
Leludar Mildew Cerberus [Chaos]
Wight Ravencrest Brynhildr [Crystal]
Hidden Moon Marilith [Dynamis]

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