Search Results
Version: Patch 7.16
Seventh Umbral Era Main Scenario Quests

Eorzea Database Advanced Search
Title | Area | Level |
Close to Home | Gridania | 1 |
Close to Home | Gridania | 1 |
Close to Home | Gridania | 1 |
Close to Home | Limsa Lominsa | 1 |
Close to Home | Limsa Lominsa | 1 |
Close to Home | Ul'dah | 1 |
Close to Home | Ul'dah | 1 |
Close to Home | Ul'dah | 1 |
To the Bannock | Gridania | 4 |
On to Summerford | Limsa Lominsa | 4 |
We Must Rebuild | Ul'dah | 4 |
Passing Muster | Central Shroud | 5 |
Chasing Shadows | Central Shroud | 5 |
Dressed to Call | Middle La Noscea | 5 |
Lurkers in the Grotto | Middle La Noscea | 5 |
Nothing to See Here | Central Thanalan | 5 |
Underneath the Sultantree | Central Thanalan | 5 |
Washed Up | Middle La Noscea | 7 |
Step Nine | Central Thanalan | 6 |
Eggs over Queasy | Central Shroud | 7 |
Double Dealing | Middle La Noscea | 8 |
Surveying the Damage | Central Shroud | 8 |
Prudence at This Junction | Central Thanalan | 8 |
A Soldier's Breakfast | Central Shroud | 9 |
Spirithold Broken | Central Shroud | 9 |
Loam Maintenance | Middle La Noscea | 9 |
Plowshares to Swords | Middle La Noscea | 9 |
Just Deserts | Middle La Noscea | 9 |
Out of House and Home | Central Thanalan | 9 |
Way Down in the Hole | Central Thanalan | 9 |
On to Bentbranch | Gridania | 10 |
You Shall Not Trespass | Central Shroud | 10 |
Sky-high | Limsa Lominsa | 10 |
Takin' What They're Givin' | Ul'dah | 10 |
Supply and Demands | Western Thanalan | 10 |
Give It to Me Raw | Western Thanalan | 10 |
Don't Look Down | Central Shroud | 11 |
In the Grim Darkness of the Forest | Central Shroud | 11 |
Threat Level Elevated | Central Shroud | 11 |
Thanks a Million | Middle La Noscea | 11 |
Relighting the Torch | Western La Noscea | 11 |
On to the Drydocks | Limsa Lominsa | 11 |
The Perfect Swarm | Western Thanalan | 11 |
Last Letter to Lost Hope | Western Thanalan | 11 |
Migrant Marauders | Central Shroud | 12 |
Without a Doubt | Lower La Noscea | 12 |
Righting the Shipwright | Lower La Noscea | 12 |
Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow | Central Thanalan | 12 |
Passing the Blade | Central Thanalan | 12 |
A Hearer Is Often Late | Central Shroud | 13 |