Eorzea Database

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Version: Patch 7.16


Hildibrand Sidequests

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Title Area Level
Hildibrand Adventures The Rise and Fall of Gentlemen Ul'dah 50
Hildibrand Adventures Back in the Saddle Southern Thanalan 50
Hildibrand Adventures After Her Own Heart Ul'dah 50
Hildibrand Adventures The Immaculate Deception Ul'dah 50
Hildibrand Adventures The Science of Deduction Eastern Thanalan 50
Hildibrand Adventures The Hammer Western Thanalan 50
Hildibrand Adventures Manderville Men Northern Thanalan 50
Hildibrand Adventures The Three Collectors Western Thanalan 50
Hildibrand Adventures The Business of Betrothal Western Thanalan 50
Hildibrand Adventures A Burst of Inspiration Eastern La Noscea 50
Hildibrand Adventures Seeds of Rebellion Western La Noscea 50
Hildibrand Adventures A Case of Indecency Eastern La Noscea 50
Hildibrand Adventures Eight-armed and Dangerous Eastern La Noscea 50
Hildibrand Adventures What Price Victory Ul'dah 50
Hildibrand Adventures The Trouble with Truffles Ul'dah 50
Hildibrand Adventures The Coliseum Conundrum Ul'dah 50
Hildibrand Adventures Shades of Sil'dih Ul'dah 50
Hildibrand Adventures Sibling Strife Western Thanalan 50
Hildibrand Adventures Beneath the Mask Ul'dah 50
Hildibrand Adventures Truths Untold Ul'dah 50
Hildibrand Adventures Her Last Vow Ul'dah 50
Further Hildibrand Adventures A Gentleman Falls, Rather than Flies Ishgard 60
Further Hildibrand Adventures Don't Call It a Comeback Coerthas Western Highlands 60
Further Hildibrand Adventures The Gigi Situation Ishgard 60
Further Hildibrand Adventures The Measure of a Mammet Ishgard 60
Further Hildibrand Adventures A Gazebo to Call Our Own Ishgard 60
Further Hildibrand Adventures Don't Trust Anyone over Sixty Idyllshire 60
Further Hildibrand Adventures The Proud and the Pointy-eyed Ishgard 60
Further Hildibrand Adventures If I Could Turn Back Time The Dravanian Forelands 60
Even Further Hildibrand Adventures A Hingan Tale: Nashu Goes East Kugane 70
Even Further Hildibrand Adventures Life Imitates Art Imitates Life Kugane 70
Even Further Hildibrand Adventures Of Wolves and Gentlemen The Ruby Sea 70
Even Further Hildibrand Adventures In the Eye of the Hingan Kugane 70
Even Further Hildibrand Adventures The Blade Mislaid Kugane 70
Even Further Hildibrand Adventures The Black Heart Beneath Kugane 70
Even Further Hildibrand Adventures Good Swords, Good Dogs Kugane 70
Even Further Hildibrand Adventures The Past Is Never Past Kugane 70
Even Further Hildibrand Adventures Don't Do the Dewprism Kugane 70
Somehow Further Hildibrand Adventures The Sleeping Gentleman Radz-at-Han 90
Somehow Further Hildibrand Adventures A Soulful Reunion Lakeland 90
Somehow Further Hildibrand Adventures Lunar Conspiracy Radz-at-Han 90
Somehow Further Hildibrand Adventures The Imperfect Gentleman Mare Lamentorum 90
Somehow Further Hildibrand Adventures The Spectacle of Inspection Radz-at-Han 90
Somehow Further Hildibrand Adventures Generational Bonding Thavnair 90
Somehow Further Hildibrand Adventures By Agents Unknown Radz-at-Han 90
Somehow Further Hildibrand Adventures Not from Around Here Thavnair 90
Somehow Further Hildibrand Adventures Of Duplicity and Duplication Radz-at-Han 90
Somehow Further Hildibrand Adventures Gentlemen at Heart Thavnair 90
Manderville Weapons  Make It a Manderville Radz-at-Han 90
Manderville Weapons  Make Another Manderville Radz-at-Han 90

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