Standings based on total company credits earned by free companies.
401 | | CROSS ReIfrit [Gaia] | 1912575 | |
402 | | LiberteIfrit [Gaia] | 1905327 | |
403 | | WheelbarrowRidill [Gaia] | 1902000 | |
404 | | assortDurandal [Gaia] | 1894107 | |
405 | | Xenos TribeRidill [Gaia] | 1891950 | |
406 | | Kayanites AugenBahamut [Gaia] | 1890714 | |
407 | | OyatsuCompanyBahamut [Gaia] | 1890666 | |
408 | | Royal Blue ShipUltima [Gaia] | 1888867 | |
409 | | Petite BlanBahamut [Gaia] | 1887774 | |
410 | | La LavandeBahamut [Gaia] | 1883571 | |
411 | | NOPLANTiamat [Gaia] | 1878906 | |
412 | | Very burnt bellyRidill [Gaia] | 1873902 | |
413 | | Paradise Of GardenAlexander [Gaia] | 1868619 | |
414 | | Spice and WolfRidill [Gaia] | 1868046 | |
415 | | FirstFangAlexander [Gaia] | 1866123 | |
416 | | VerschwindeIfrit [Gaia] | 1864800 | |
417 | | Feuerrote PhonixUltima [Gaia] | 1863192 | |
418 | | ELASTICODurandal [Gaia] | 1861413 | |
419 | | Shunajunc CompanyUltima [Gaia] | 1860738 | |
420 | | HK 35XIfrit [Gaia] | 1860024 | |
421 | | Gerbera TriggerUltima [Gaia] | 1856961 | |
422 | | Handmade CB HouseIfrit [Gaia] | 1856625 | |
423 | | Risk Assessment?Tiamat [Gaia] | 1855836 | |
424 | | la maisonFenrir [Gaia] | 1852557 | |
425 | | Frill HeartAlexander [Gaia] | 1850268 | |
426 | | MatatabiRidill [Gaia] | 1848306 | |
427 | | Petal of PhloxTiamat [Gaia] | 1846164 | |
428 | | KAZOKUniNAROUYOFenrir [Gaia] | 1843356 | |
429 | | Breeze CaravanFenrir [Gaia] | 1843128 | |
430 | | Le lienFenrir [Gaia] | 1837530 | |
431 | | ALTERATIONTiamat [Gaia] | 1834266 | |
432 | | PA?Tiamat [Gaia] | 1830642 | |
433 | | biscuitAlexander [Gaia] | 1823490 | |
434 | | Dark ReunionIfrit [Gaia] | 1823292 | |
435 | | AREA AREADurandal [Gaia] | 1821729 | |
436 | | Uzu KoubouFenrir [Gaia] | 1819776 | |
437 | | Baron Dragon KnightsRidill [Gaia] | 1813113 | |
438 | | Arcadia KnightsRidill [Gaia] | 1806300 | |
439 | | Lala Kas KickRidill [Gaia] | 1803222 | |
440 | | fmoDurandal [Gaia] | 1800204 | |
441 | | StrollDurandal [Gaia] | 1798677 | |
442 | | ROAMERBahamut [Gaia] | 1797264 | |
443 | | Ocean Tug BoatsFenrir [Gaia] | 1796727 | |
444 | | DEFFERENT SENSEFenrir [Gaia] | 1796685 | |
445 | | fellow houseTiamat [Gaia] | 1794735 | |
446 | | SunnySide-ClarityRidill [Gaia] | 1794000 | |
447 | | Follow your own starUltima [Gaia] | 1793256 | |
448 | | PandaFull LifeFenrir [Gaia] | 1792860 | |
449 | | The Fourteenth SeatRidill [Gaia] | 1779924 | |
450 | | PootakuDaisukiFamilyBahamut [Gaia] | 1778790 | |
451 | | LowAwarenessIfrit [Gaia] | 1776951 | |
452 | | Tree of CandyTiamat [Gaia] | 1773456 | |
453 | | Queue Du ChatTiamat [Gaia] | 1773183 | |
454 | | BABYSUltima [Gaia] | 1771617 | |
455 | | Re:EoroomFenrir [Gaia] | 1771413 | |
456 | | Floor Perolin LoversFenrir [Gaia] | 1771284 | |
457 | | To the skyFenrir [Gaia] | 1771179 | |
458 | | TabbyCatFenrir [Gaia] | 1770426 | |
459 | | Casa de camaradaBahamut [Gaia] | 1768605 | |
460 | | Chocobon!!Ridill [Gaia] | 1768503 | |
461 | | kanidourakuFenrir [Gaia] | 1767936 | |
462 | | LoCoDurandal [Gaia] | 1762950 | |
463 | | yakinagonFenrir [Gaia] | 1760148 | |
464 | | Iwagon'sIfrit [Gaia] | 1758189 | |
465 | | palingenesisBahamut [Gaia] | 1755486 | |
466 | | Harem ParadiseRidill [Gaia] | 1753794 | |
467 | | Golden Hops FriendsIfrit [Gaia] | 1753770 | |
468 | | Use Of BlatAlexander [Gaia] | 1750428 | |
469 | | Silver GardenUltima [Gaia] | 1749399 | |
470 | | Brilliant EchoRidill [Gaia] | 1749222 | |
471 | | Easy BreezyFenrir [Gaia] | 1748100 | |
472 | | EorzeaDefenseForceDurandal [Gaia] | 1747890 | |
473 | | BitterblossomAlexander [Gaia] | 1746258 | |
474 | | BellunoAlexander [Gaia] | 1745646 | |
475 | | Ami d'enfanceAlexander [Gaia] | 1744929 | |
476 | | Shiro16Ridill [Gaia] | 1744650 | |
477 | | Kaerite.1stTiamat [Gaia] | 1741191 | |
478 | | SHINY COLORSUltima [Gaia] | 1738395 | |
479 | | Mario-BrothersDurandal [Gaia] | 1736394 | |
480 | | On the WhimAlexander [Gaia] | 1735104 | |
481 | | Le lapin libreRidill [Gaia] | 1734507 | |
482 | | Harvest moonRidill [Gaia] | 1734489 | |
483 | | Black SwanAlexander [Gaia] | 1733580 | |
484 | | Golden MeadRidill [Gaia] | 1733577 | |
485 | | KAMINOMEFenrir [Gaia] | 1733190 | |
486 | | Sakura High SchoolRidill [Gaia] | 1729770 | |
487 | | NecoYokochoTiamat [Gaia] | 1726203 | |
488 | | WanNyaNyaTiamat [Gaia] | 1724871 | |
489 | | Kyou Ka Sui GetuUltima [Gaia] | 1717392 | |
490 | | GleamKnightsFenrir [Gaia] | 1716738 | |
491 | | CiaoChuruAlexander [Gaia] | 1716639 | |
492 | | Belice LeidivilFenrir [Gaia] | 1716495 | |
493 | | Moyatube-FF-SectionBahamut [Gaia] | 1716318 | |
494 | | POP LIFEDurandal [Gaia] | 1715631 | |
495 | | SunmateTiamat [Gaia] | 1714089 | |
496 | | Un Endroit LenitifIfrit [Gaia] | 1711035 | |
497 | | Gardens of AvalonDurandal [Gaia] | 1708281 | |
498 | | YUHACOMFenrir [Gaia] | 1707915 | |
499 | | Unity in DiversityIfrit [Gaia] | 1704996 | |
500 | | MolcarsDurandal [Gaia] | 1703757 |
* Standings displayed are based on the list of Worlds and data centers available at the last calculation.
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