Standings based on total company credits earned by free companies.
1 | | M.I.PIfrit [Gaia] | 3621684 | |
2 | | LaLaLandIfrit [Gaia] | 1626358 | |
3 | | Team 151AIfrit [Gaia] | 1465380 | |
4 | | Abyss GateIfrit [Gaia] | 1182529 | |
5 | | Neko to Lala no IEIfrit [Gaia] | 1122390 | |
6 | | the IlluminatiIfrit [Gaia] | 986274 | |
7 | | lore of canonIfrit [Gaia] | 963075 | |
8 | | Shinra CompanyIfrit [Gaia] | 933910 | |
9 | | Cohesion of LightIfrit [Gaia] | 884113 | |
10 | | sconpyIfrit [Gaia] | 880200 | |
11 | | Rising SoulIfrit [Gaia] | 865294 | |
12 | | To be continueIfrit [Gaia] | 861849 | |
13 | | NRC INDUSTRIESIfrit [Gaia] | 755652 | |
14 | | Dark ReunionIfrit [Gaia] | 713661 | |
15 | | Light of HopeIfrit [Gaia] | 667398 | |
16 | | Flames of RebirthIfrit [Gaia] | 666837 | |
17 | | Black StarsIfrit [Gaia] | 644649 | |
18 | | Black LotusIfrit [Gaia] | 600423 | |
19 | | Unity in DiversityIfrit [Gaia] | 588321 | |
20 | | achatesIfrit [Gaia] | 574995 | |
21 | | Malus domesticaIfrit [Gaia] | 571914 | |
22 | | In Lunae lucemIfrit [Gaia] | 567393 | |
23 | | Twilight DivisionIfrit [Gaia] | 548895 | |
24 | | M'sIfrit [Gaia] | 547941 | |
25 | | Night OwlIfrit [Gaia] | 536106 | |
26 | | Pink MonsterIfrit [Gaia] | 526062 | |
27 | | - SAKURA -Ifrit [Gaia] | 522738 | |
28 | | Ultimate_Bahamut.Ifrit [Gaia] | 521601 | |
29 | | Salaheem's SentinelsIfrit [Gaia] | 521322 | |
30 | | Wage SlaverysIfrit [Gaia] | 520761 | |
31 | | Sweet LiqueurIfrit [Gaia] | 504168 | |
32 | | Un Endroit LenitifIfrit [Gaia] | 499017 | |
33 | | Mousquetaire noirIfrit [Gaia] | 489165 | |
34 | | Gateau ChocolatIfrit [Gaia] | 476160 | |
35 | | Food TerroristIfrit [Gaia] | 470499 | |
36 | | WaWaWorldIfrit [Gaia] | 470055 | |
37 | | Vongole RossoIfrit [Gaia] | 458814 | |
38 | | HomesTeaPartyIfrit [Gaia] | 442596 | |
39 | | El DiabloIfrit [Gaia] | 438147 | |
40 | | dedicate heartIfrit [Gaia] | 437853 | |
41 | | Carbo-naraIfrit [Gaia] | 431016 | |
42 | | Liberte CanvasIfrit [Gaia] | 421326 | |
43 | | Windows officeIfrit [Gaia] | 420696 | |
44 | | Free WillIfrit [Gaia] | 418449 | |
45 | | Pon de RingIfrit [Gaia] | 406065 | |
46 | | -crazy bear-Ifrit [Gaia] | 404910 | |
47 | | verbrechenIfrit [Gaia] | 403389 | |
48 | | End of HeartIfrit [Gaia] | 402051 | |
49 | | Goblin,sIfrit [Gaia] | 399951 | |
50 | | SLEEPERSIfrit [Gaia] | 381033 | |
51 | | EastSouth WestNorthIfrit [Gaia] | 368514 | |
52 | | Houshou No IchimiIfrit [Gaia] | 368424 | |
53 | | SKyStarsIfrit [Gaia] | 364881 | |
54 | | Handmade CB HouseIfrit [Gaia] | 359769 | |
55 | | Fairy's BladeIfrit [Gaia] | 358695 | |
56 | | YggdrasillIfrit [Gaia] | 358296 | |
57 | | Iwagon'sIfrit [Gaia] | 354051 | |
58 | | WalhallaIfrit [Gaia] | 351432 | |
59 | | Lightning BrigateIfrit [Gaia] | 350055 | |
60 | | Stand Alone ComplexIfrit [Gaia] | 345822 | |
61 | | Yorozu-YaIfrit [Gaia] | 340578 | |
62 | | moco fuwaIfrit [Gaia] | 336492 | |
63 | | EnjoymentIfrit [Gaia] | 335349 | |
64 | | SEKIREIIfrit [Gaia] | 334332 | |
65 | | GatheringIfrit [Gaia] | 333531 | |
66 | | Madam-DeltaIfrit [Gaia] | 331845 | |
67 | | Be Our GuestIfrit [Gaia] | 330336 | |
68 | | Momo CanIfrit [Gaia] | 329766 | |
69 | | Circle MoshIfrit [Gaia] | 324975 | |
70 | | EVAIfrit [Gaia] | 322860 | |
71 | | Ever FreeIfrit [Gaia] | 321441 | |
72 | | XIVIfrit [Gaia] | 319236 | |
73 | | Duck hatIfrit [Gaia] | 315699 | |
74 | | PoorIfrit [Gaia] | 315594 | |
75 | | hangoutIfrit [Gaia] | 315057 | |
76 | | WhitetakeIfrit [Gaia] | 314724 | |
77 | | ZitrusfruchteIfrit [Gaia] | 313986 | |
78 | | Le sojaIfrit [Gaia] | 311568 | |
79 | | PANIfrit [Gaia] | 310620 | |
80 | | Parm CookieIfrit [Gaia] | 310416 | |
81 | | L'Oiseau bleuIfrit [Gaia] | 306954 | |
82 | | Step up!Ifrit [Gaia] | 306855 | |
83 | | Snow GlowIfrit [Gaia] | 303813 | |
84 | | TakoyaIfrit [Gaia] | 298449 | |
85 | | Iris FlastaIfrit [Gaia] | 295857 | |
86 | | HeartilyIfrit [Gaia] | 291885 | |
87 | | OkameTaroIfrit [Gaia] | 291063 | |
88 | | Mofu-Mofu LoporritsIfrit [Gaia] | 289590 | |
89 | | O'nigiriIfrit [Gaia] | 289527 | |
90 | | MagnoliaIfrit [Gaia] | 285486 | |
91 | | The Chosen KidsIfrit [Gaia] | 283398 | |
92 | | MuniniIfrit [Gaia] | 283167 | |
93 | | Mirror Night KnightsIfrit [Gaia] | 283047 | |
94 | | Wild BeastIfrit [Gaia] | 279354 | |
95 | | Part of LifeIfrit [Gaia] | 278295 | |
96 | | STRSIfrit [Gaia] | 277884 | |
97 | | Neo BuLuIfrit [Gaia] | 272874 | |
98 | | IridescentIfrit [Gaia] | 268494 | |
99 | | Test.Tube.BabiesIfrit [Gaia] | 267747 | |
100 | | around the worldIfrit [Gaia] | 265536 |
* Standings displayed are based on the list of Worlds and data centers available at the last calculation.
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