Standings based on total company credits earned by free companies.
Tallying Period: 09/30/2024 to 10/06/2024
1 | | Shinra CompanyIfrit [Gaia] | 2072139 | |
2 | | Black StarsIfrit [Gaia] | 1324818 | |
3 | | CHEERFUL'SIfrit [Gaia] | 1058265 | |
4 | | SIOPANIfrit [Gaia] | 1012554 | |
5 | | Duck hatIfrit [Gaia] | 948204 | |
6 | | Abyss GateIfrit [Gaia] | 875310 | |
7 | | Kupo ExpressIfrit [Gaia] | 834873 | |
8 | | To be continueIfrit [Gaia] | 593760 | |
9 | | Aether HeartIfrit [Gaia] | 585165 | |
10 | | Team 151AIfrit [Gaia] | 583585 | |
11 | | Atlas Co., Ltd.Ifrit [Gaia] | 578496 | |
12 | | HomesTeaPartyIfrit [Gaia] | 569811 | |
13 | | Wage SlaverysIfrit [Gaia] | 567924 | |
14 | | S_LissIfrit [Gaia] | 542622 | |
15 | | Lustige ClownsIfrit [Gaia] | 520908 | |
16 | | Hotel-KingdomIfrit [Gaia] | 503823 | |
17 | | UNICORN'S PINKIfrit [Gaia] | 488574 | |
18 | | Re.Goblin'sIfrit [Gaia] | 478578 | |
19 | | Plan Do Pride -PDCA-Ifrit [Gaia] | 434007 | |
20 | | Tea Tabby CompanyIfrit [Gaia] | 432384 | |
21 | | Lalafell_is_GodIfrit [Gaia] | 415920 | |
22 | | andanteIfrit [Gaia] | 398736 | |
23 | | FellowIfrit [Gaia] | 394467 | |
24 | | Mincho CompanyIfrit [Gaia] | 390537 | |
25 | | EnjoymentIfrit [Gaia] | 380268 | |
26 | | sssIfrit [Gaia] | 366621 | |
27 | | NCRTSIfrit [Gaia] | 315087 | |
28 | | lore of canonIfrit [Gaia] | 314415 | |
29 | | mouhuoIfrit [Gaia] | 313986 | |
30 | | TEREAIfrit [Gaia] | 313527 | |
31 | | DeparturesIfrit [Gaia] | 307677 | |
32 | | OASISIfrit [Gaia] | 297045 | |
33 | | Petersilie MaulbeereIfrit [Gaia] | 290400 | |
34 | | Momo CanIfrit [Gaia] | 277668 | |
35 | | RamielIfrit [Gaia] | 274236 | |
36 | | arutinIfrit [Gaia] | 271842 | |
37 | | inu,go,yaIfrit [Gaia] | 270684 | |
38 | | Hechima SabotenIfrit [Gaia] | 269061 | |
39 | | EdelweiSSIfrit [Gaia] | 255090 | |
40 | | Bloom StargazerIfrit [Gaia] | 250389 | |
41 | | Ul'dah-hujinkaiIfrit [Gaia] | 242499 | |
42 | | GeminorumIfrit [Gaia] | 238731 | |
43 | | Noble ExperienceIfrit [Gaia] | 226914 | |
44 | | Beginning and endingIfrit [Gaia] | 211521 | |
45 | | HELLO! PROJECTIfrit [Gaia] | 210879 | |
46 | | BlackIfrit [Gaia] | 209085 | |
47 | | Blue MagesIfrit [Gaia] | 207816 | |
48 | | HK 35XIfrit [Gaia] | 206439 | |
49 | | Fairy PatyIfrit [Gaia] | 205506 | |
50 | | dorayakiIfrit [Gaia] | 202443 | |
51 | | No.3Ifrit [Gaia] | 201819 | |
52 | | Chick PotIfrit [Gaia] | 198063 | |
53 | | FatimaIfrit [Gaia] | 197721 | |
54 | | Pik.Domos MeusIfrit [Gaia] | 195588 | |
55 | | QUARTETOTTOIfrit [Gaia] | 191313 | |
56 | | Jack-Jack-konnichiwaIfrit [Gaia] | 189696 | |
57 | | nagiIfrit [Gaia] | 187257 | |
58 | | PLEIA BellIfrit [Gaia] | 185883 | |
59 | | Re-ElementIfrit [Gaia] | 184932 | |
60 | | OYATSU COMPANYIfrit [Gaia] | 183663 | |
61 | | Bonds of permanentIfrit [Gaia] | 182958 | |
62 | | Asteroid-beltIfrit [Gaia] | 182685 | |
63 | | Give it AllIfrit [Gaia] | 178293 | |
64 | | Step to DepartureIfrit [Gaia] | 178083 | |
65 | | newbIfrit [Gaia] | 174954 | |
66 | | BurloneIfrit [Gaia] | 173700 | |
67 | | MACORONI KINGDOMIfrit [Gaia] | 171834 | |
68 | | Ashitakara HonkidasuIfrit [Gaia] | 171765 | |
69 | | animal paradiseIfrit [Gaia] | 170583 | |
70 | | Mocho Design LabIfrit [Gaia] | 165567 | |
71 | | MIRACLE CLUTCHIfrit [Gaia] | 165393 | |
72 | | Welsh CorgiIfrit [Gaia] | 164811 | |
73 | | dande-lionIfrit [Gaia] | 164436 | |
74 | | Knight RevolutionIfrit [Gaia] | 162549 | |
75 | | RE:MemberIfrit [Gaia] | 162510 | |
76 | | Zassou GundanIfrit [Gaia] | 159279 | |
77 | | Black IvoryIfrit [Gaia] | 158220 | |
78 | | HOPEIfrit [Gaia] | 157320 | |
79 | | oreato7Ifrit [Gaia] | 156705 | |
80 | | Eternal WindIfrit [Gaia] | 153030 | |
81 | | oasisIfrit [Gaia] | 150774 | |
82 | | BraveflameIfrit [Gaia] | 150660 | |
83 | | Wings to AltairIfrit [Gaia] | 149136 | |
84 | | HomeAwayfromHomeIfrit [Gaia] | 147699 | |
85 | | Blamen E.C.Ifrit [Gaia] | 146556 | |
86 | | Fraggle RockIfrit [Gaia] | 143985 | |
87 | | KING & QUEENIfrit [Gaia] | 143427 | |
88 | | Blendshape 100000000Ifrit [Gaia] | 141495 | |
89 | | LuchtIfrit [Gaia] | 140826 | |
90 | | Delta Axel CompanyIfrit [Gaia] | 139650 | |
91 | | JADE PLANTIfrit [Gaia] | 139560 | |
92 | | Colibri of OursIfrit [Gaia] | 138846 | |
93 | | Neko no NikukyuIfrit [Gaia] | 137940 | |
94 | | Dark RepulserIfrit [Gaia] | 137883 | |
95 | | ChainCloverIfrit [Gaia] | 135177 | |
96 | | GANBA-RANAIIfrit [Gaia] | 132723 | |
97 | | Dosuru Ie YasuIfrit [Gaia] | 132690 | |
98 | | MuniniIfrit [Gaia] | 132168 | |
99 | | Hyakki YakouIfrit [Gaia] | 131805 | |
100 | | deskIfrit [Gaia] | 131169 |
* Standings displayed are based on the list of Worlds and data centers available at the last calculation.
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