
Patch 3.5 Notes (Full Release)

We are pleased to announce that the patch notes for Patch 3.5 - The Far Edge of Fate have been released in their entirety. Be sure to pore over the comprehensive list of additions and refinements to the realm of Eorzea, including new story quests, dungeons, and more!


As with other patches released after 3.0, patch 3.5 contains content that can only be accessed by registering FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward to your service account. To distinguish between adjustments that are and are not affected by the registration of FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward, the following notations will be used throughout the patch notes:

  • These additions and adjustments require the purchase and registration of FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward.
  • These additions and adjustments do not require the purchase of FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward.
  • These additions and adjustments contain elements that may require the purchase and registration of FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward.

Playable Content


New main scenario quests have been added.

Tidings from Gyr Abania

Disciple of War or Magic level 60
The Rising Stones (X:6.6 Y:6.1)
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "An Ending to Mark a New Beginning."


Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Tidings from Gyr Abania."


Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "???"


Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "???"


Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "???"

New Chronicles of a New Era quests have been added.

Dun Scaith

Where Shadows Reign

Disciple of War or Magic level 60
The Sea of Clouds (X:6.2 Y:5.8)
Players must first complete the quest "Freedom for Our Skies."

A Redbill Farewell

Disciple of War or Magic level 60
The Parrock (X:7.0 Y:6.9)
Players must first complete the quest "Where Shadows Reign."

Warring Triad

The Last Pillar to Fall

Disciple of War or Magic level 60
The Rising Stones (X:6.1 Y:5.2)
Players must first complete the quest "Balance unto All."

A Demonic Duplicate

Disciple of War or Magic level 60
The Rising Stones (X:6.1 Y:5.2)
Players must first complete the quest "The Last Pillar to Fall."

New side story quests have been added.


The Student Body's Revenge

Disciple of War or Magic level 60
The Pillars (X:8.7 Y:7.9)
Players must first complete the quest "Finding Ulaa."

The Whipping Boy

Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Saint Endalim's Scholasticate (X:6.0 Y:5.9)
Players must first complete the quest "The Student Body's Revenge."

Letters from No One

Disciple of War or Magic level 60
The Pillars (X:10.4 Y:9.8)
Players must first complete the quest "The Whipping Boy."

The Life and Lies of Father Saturnois

Disciple of War or Magic level 60
The Pillars (X:10.5 Y:9.8)
Players must first complete the quest "Letters from No One."


The Proud and the Pointy-eyed

Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Foundation (X:9.9 Y:11.4)
Players must first complete the quest "Don't Trust Anyone over Sixty."


Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Players must first complete the quest "The Proud and the Pointy-eyed."

New anima weapon quests have been added.

Born Again Anima

Job level 60
Azys Lla (X:7.4 Y:11.5)
Players must first complete the quest "Future Proof."

Some Assembly Required

Job level 60
Azys Lla (X:7.0 Y:11.4)
Processing Node
Players must first complete the quest "Born Again Anima."

Body and Soul

Job level 60
Players must first complete the quest "Born Again Anima."

The anima weapon quests added in this patch will allow players to enhance their job-specific anima weapons. How players choose to enhance their weapons is completely up to them.

Class/Job-specific Quests

Anima weapon quests employ a system which will require players to proceed using the same class or job with which they accepted the quest.

The Aetheric Condensation of Anima Weapons

Completing duties with a sharpened anima weapon equipped will increase your anima weapon's aetheric condensation. Once the weapon's aetheric condensation reaches its highest level, the anima will be prepared to reach new heights of power. The amount your weapon's condensation increases will depend on the duty, but it is possible to obtain bonuses by fulfilling certain requirements. Players can check their weapon's aetheric condensation by using enhanced anima glass while their weapon is equipped.

New beast tribe quests have been added.

When Good Dragons Go Bad

Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Idyllshire (X:6.9 Y:7.2)
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Heavensward," and Heavensward beast tribe quests "The Nest of Honor," "A Symbiotic Friendship," and "The Zenith of Craftsmanship."

Who Was That Masked Man

Disciple of War or Magic level 60
The Churning Mists (X:15.7 Y:28.8)
Master Mogzin
Players must first complete the quest "When Good Dragons Go Bad."

Lift Me to the Moon

Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Coerthas Western Highlands (X:16.8 Y:22.6)
Vath Deftarm
Players must first complete the quest "Who Was That Masked Man."

Eternity, Loyalty, Honesty

Disciple of War or Magic level 60
The Sea of Clouds (X:6.6 Y:14.3)
Vath Deftarm
Players must first complete the quest "Lift Me to the Moon."

New side story quests have been added.

The Fires of Sohm Al

Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Idyllshire (X:4.6 Y:8.4)
Gossamer Moogle
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Heavensward."

An Egi by Any Other Name

Summoner level 50
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (X:4.7 Y:11.4)
Players must first complete the quest "Primal Burdens."

Fiery Wings, Fiery Hearts

Level 1
Idyllshire (X:7.5 Y:6.1)
Walking Atlas
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Heavensward" and have obtained the white lanner, rose lanner, round lanner, warring lanner, dark lanner, sophic lanner, and demonic lanner mounts.

The amount of EXP gained from level 15–50 Disciple of the Hand and Land quests has been increased.


FATEs have been adjusted as follows:

  • The rate at which the following FATEs appear has been increased:
    Steel Reign/Behold Now Behemoth/Long Live the Coeurl/Prey Online
  • Prey Online's time limit has been changed from fifteen minutes to thirty minutes.
  • The location of It's Not Lupus has been adjusted, and Acubens' HP has been lowered.
  • The location of One Prince has been adjusted.
  • The algorithm for selecting duties from Duty Roulette when registering as a party has been adjusted.

Treasure Hunt

Additions and adjustments have been made to rewards for Aquapolis as follows:

  • New items that can be earned as rewards have been added.
  • The drop rate has been increased for certain rewards.

[3.0] Additions have been made to the rewards obtainable from the archaeoskin, wyvernskin, and dragonskin treasure maps.

Grand Companies

New craftable items have been added to the Company Workshop.

  • Paissa Cottage Wall
  • Paissa House Wall
  • Paissa Mansion Wall

The window displayed when you exchange seals for items when talking to a Grand Company quartermaster has been redesigned.

The following additions and adjustments have been made to Adventurer Squadrons:

  • The Squadron Attributes section of the Adventurer Squadrons menu now displays the maximum limit for the value of a squadron at the player's rank.

  • Pop-up help is now displayed when players hover their cursor over classes and attributes in the Adventurer Squadrons menu.

  • It has been made easier to see if your squadron meets strength requirements when selecting squadron missions.

  • Players will now be able to turn off squadron status updates during cutscenes in the same way that they can turn off system messages.
  • The time limits for priority missions are now clearly displayed both before beginning missions and after completing them.
  • The default cursor position has been changed from "OK" to "Cancel" and "Yes" to "No" for the following confirmation messages:
    • When you change squadron chemistry
    • When the squadron sergeant cancels the mission
    • When canceling training on the regimen board

The following items can now be purchased from the Resident Caretakers in each of the residential districts:

Forever Friends

Required Seals

The following item can now be purchased from the OIC Quartermasters at each Grand Company Headquarters in exchange for company credits:

Moongrass Plot

Required Seals
Outdoor Furnishing


Adjustments have been made to apartments as follows:

  • Players can now select the "Go to your own apartment" option even when they are in other players' apartments.
  • Delivery moogles can now be found in apartment lobbies.

Picture frames, which allow you to hang up paintings, have been added.

Picture frames can be used to hang up paintings. There are three sizes of frame which can all be hung up in free company estates, private estates, and apartments. There will be no restrictions on the number of frames you can use in one estate.

  • Grade 1 Picture Frame (small)
  • Grade 2 Picture Frame (medium)
  • Grade 3 Picture Frame (large)

Selecting a picture frame will allow players to choose which painting they wish to display.

* Removed paintings will be permanently discarded.

Obtaining Paintings

Players can purchase paintings from the Joyous Painter NPC in Idyllshire (X:4.5 Y:6.4).

Players are now able to sell and purchase paintings on the market board. Players can check what paintings they have up for sale in the "Paintings" section of the Housing category of the market board. The number of paintings for sale will increase when you obtain the following achievements:

Out of Sight
Complete entries 1-20 in your sightseeing log.
Out of Sight Out of Mind
Complete entries 1-80 in your sightseeing log.

* Paintings which are unlocked for purchase by obtaining the "Out of Sight Out of Mind" achievement will appear in shops after players collect their achievement reward from Jonathas (X:10.6 Y:6.3) in Old Gridania.

Previewing Paintings

Players can view paintings before they purchase them by selecting the "Preview" subcommand after selecting the painting name. Paintings can be previewed in the following menus:

  • Shops
  • Market Board
  • Items linked in the log window
  • Inventory

New furnishings have been added.

New harvestable crops have been added.

Saplings can be purchased from the following NPCs:

  • Mist (X:11.0 Y:11.4) – Material Supplier
  • The Lavender Beds (X:11.9 Y:8.3) – Material Supplier
  • The Goblet (X:10.9 Y:8.9) – Material Supplier
  • Apartment Lobby - Housing Merchant

The following items, that allow players to employ material suppliers, junkmongers, and armor menders with new appearances, have been added:

Material Supplier Permit A-2 / Junkmonger Permit A-2 / Mender Permit A-2

To help facilitate the remodeling of estates and apartments, the following NPCs now sell estate-related items:

  • Mist (X:10.8 Y:11.5) - Housing Merchant
  • The Lavender Beds (X:11.8 Y:8.4) - Housing Merchant
  • The Goblet (X:11.4 Y:9.4) - Housing Merchant
  • Apartment Lobby (X:6.1 Y:6.0) - Apartment Merchant
  • Estate Manservant and Maidservant

The prices of certain items have been adjusted.

New aquarium fishes have been added.

Name (Size)
Water Type
Chub (small)
Cupfish (medium)
Mirrorscale (medium)
Goblin Perch (large)
Giant Takitaro (extra large)
Harbor Herring(small)
Mummer Wrasse (large)
Dinichthys(extra large)

* The item help text for the fishes listed above has been adjusted.

New aquarium interior items have been added.

  • Crystalscape Tank Trimmings

Players can now purchase crystalscape tank trimmings from the following NPCs:

  • Mist (X:11.0 Y:11.4) – Material Supplier
  • The Lavender Beds (X:11.9 Y:8.3) – Material Supplier
  • The Goblet (X:10.9 Y:8.9) – Material Supplier
  • Apartment Lobby - Housing Merchant

New orchestrion rolls have been added.

Gold Saucer

Adjustments have been made to Triple Triad tournaments as follows:

Tournaments can now only be held in the Battlehall.
In accordance with this change, players will be unable to play Triple Triad tournament matches with other players or NPCs outside of the Battlehall.

Entering a Tournament

Players can enter tournaments by talking to the following NPCs:

  • Battlehall (X:3.3 Y:3.5) - Tournament Recordkeeper
  • Gold Saucer, Card Square (X:4.2 Y:7.0) - Tournament Recordkeeper.

* Players will still be able to check their rank and accept rewards from the Tournament Recordkeeper at the Card Square (X:4.2 Y:7.0).

Battling Other Players

Players can take part in tournament matches by registering with the Hall Assistant NPC in the Battlehall.

After players have registered for a tournament, they will be randomly matched with another player. Players will continue to be randomly matched every time a match finishes, unless they cancel their registration in the window that is displayed at the end of matches. This is done by checking the relevant option and closing the window.

* Players will appear in the Gold Saucer Card Square after finishing tournament matches, regardless of where they started the match.
* Players will be removed from the Battlehall 15 minutes before the end of tournaments. In the event players are in the middle of a match at this time, they will leave the Battlehall once their match has finished.
* Players will not be paired with players they have already battled while they are in the same Battlehall.

Battling NPCs

Players can battle the following NPCs in tournament matches by talking to them in the Battlehall:

  • Wyra "Greenhands" Lyehga (X:3.3 Y:3.3)
  • Prideful Stag (X:3.7 Y:3.3)
  • Nell Half-full (X:3.3 Y:3.7)
  • Flichoirel the Lordling (X:3.7 Y:3.7)

Number of Matches

The number of playable matches has been lowered.

  • The Spinner's Pull
    50 matches → 20 matches
  • The Rowena Cup Classic
    45 matches → 20 matches
  • The Manderville Tournament of Champions
    40 matches → 20 matches
  • The Durai Memorial
    35 matches → 20 matches


New items have been added as tournament ranking rewards.

The Spinner's Pull

  • 4th–6th place: Gold Spinner's Pull Card
  • 7th–10th place: Silver Spinner's Pull Card
  • 11th–20th place: Bronze Spinner's Pull Card

The Rowena Cup Classic

  • 4th–6th place: Gold Rowena Cup Classic Card
  • 7th–10th place: Silver Rowena Cup Classic Card
  • 11th–20th place: Bronze Rowena Cup Classic Card

The Manderville Tournament of Champions

  • 4th–6th place: Gold Tournament of Champions Card
  • 7th–10th place: Silver Tournament of Champions Card
  • 11th–20th place: Bronze Tournament of Champions Card

The Durai Memorial

  • 4th–6th place: Gold Durai Memorial Card
  • 7th–10th place: Silver Durai Memorial Card
  • 11th–20th place: Bronze Durai Memorial Card

The following additions and adjustments have been made to Triple Triad:

  • New cards have been added.
  • The random rule will now only be available when two players battle. NPCs that previously used the random rule will now use a different rule.
  • Regional rules have been added to Idyllshire.
  • The amount of MGP players can obtain when trading cards to the Triple Triad trader NPC has been increased.
    • ★1 5MGP → 100MGP
    • ★2 10MGP → 300MGP
    • ★3 50MGP → 500MGP
    • ★4 200MGP → 800MGP
    • ★5 600MGP → 1500MGP

The following additions and adjustments have been made to the Wondrous Tails:

  • Completing any floor of the Palace of the Dead will complete the relevant Wondrous Tails objective.
  • Previous requirements have been removed from Frontline. Players can now complete the relevant Wondrous Tails objective by participating in any Frontline campaign.
  • Alexander: The Creator has been added to the Wondrous Tails.

New hairstyles have been added.

New emotes have been added.

New structures have been added to Idyllshire.

Battle System

Players can now change their egi's outward appearance.

Players can change their egi's outward appearance by completing the "An Egi by Any Other Name" side quest.
Once this quest has been completed, players will be taught the egi glamour text command.

Emerald Carbuncle, Topaz Carbuncle, and Ruby Carbuncle.

Read on for details.

After inputting the text command, your egi will assume the appearance of your chosen Carbuncle the next time it is summoned.
In order to change your egi's appearance once more, you will need to withdraw your egi, enter another text command, and then re-summon it.
The appearances you assign each of your three egi will be saved when you log out.

* Egi glamour will not be visible during PvP content.
* Appearance data is saved to a players' client and will not be reflected if they change platforms.

To ensure the execution of actions which require special status effects, the timing with which these status effects are applied or removed has been adjusted.

* In addition, we have made adjustments to prevent connectivity issues which resulted in mudras failing to activate.

New dungeons have been added.

Baelsar's Wall

Level Requirement
Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Item Level Requirement
Average item level 230 or above
Party Size
Four players
Time Limit
90 minutes

Entry Requirements


Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "???"

Sohm Al (Hard)

Level Requirement
Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Item Level Requirement
Average item level 230 or above
Party Size
Four players
Time Limit
90 minutes

Entry Requirements

The Fires of Sohm Al

Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Idyllshire (X:4.6 Y:8.4)
Gossamer Moogle
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Heavensward."

New trials have been added.

Containment Bay Z1T9

Level Requirement
Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Item Level Requirement
Average item level 235 or above
Party Size
Eight players
Time Limit
60 minutes

Entry Requirements

The Last Pillar to Fall

Disciple of War or Magic level 60
The Rising Stones (X:6.1 Y:5.2)
Players must first complete the quest "Balance Unto All."

Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme)

Level Requirement
Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Item Level Requirement
Average item level 250 or above
Party Size
Eight players
Time Limit
60 minutes

Entry Requirements

A Demonic Duplicate

Disciple of War or Magic level 60
The Rising Stones (X:6.1 Y:5.2)
Players must first complete the quest "The Last Pillar to Fall."

Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme) can be accessed from the Raid Finder.
* Item level restrictions do not apply when registering as a full party.

Dun Scaith, a new alliance raid dungeon, has been added.

Level Requirement
Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Item Level Requirement
Average item level 235 or above
Party Size
Eight players
Time Limit
120 minutes

Entry Requirements

Dun Scaith

Disciple of War or Magic level 60
The Sea of Clouds (X:6.2 Y:5.8)
Players must first complete the quest "Freedom for Our Skies."

Role Requirements

Parties matched automatically via the Duty Finder will comprise 1 tank, 2 healers, and 5 DPS. Parties formed prior to registration must also meet these role requirements.

However, these role requirements are not required when registering as an alliance.


You can receive only one reward item per week for completing duties in Dun Scaith.
In the event you are awarded an item from the loot list, you relinquish your right to vie for all remaining items regardless of whether you selected Need or Greed.
If time expires and a reward item is obtained automatically, this will also count toward the weekly limit.

* Reward eligibility is reset every Tuesday at 12:00 a.m. (PST).

Each party in the alliance will receive its own treasure chest, the contents of which will be identical regardless of the route taken.

* Players cannot open a treasure chest belonging to another party.

Completion Reward

Upon completing Dun Scaith, players can also earn a separate reward once per week. This reward can be exchanged with Bertana in Idyllshire (X:5.8 Y:5.2) for items used to enhance equipment purchased with Allagan tomestones of scripture.

Mhachi matter will no longer be obtainable in the Weeping City of Mhach, but can now be obtained in Dun Scaith.

The drop rates for the warring lanner whistle, dark lanner whistle, and the sophic lanner whistle have been increased.

Players will now be able to trade with the NPC Bertana in Idyllshire (X:5.9 Y:5.2) for the above items.

Item Obtained
Item Required
Warring Lanner Whistle
Fiend Totem x 99
Dark Lanner Whistle
Horde Totem x 99

Players will now receive the power of the Echo in the event all party members are incapacitated during the following trials:


Players are incapacitated after having battled enemies for a certain period of time.

Echo Effect

Increased HP, damage dealt, and healing potency.

The effect will be granted in five stackable stages.

Containment Bay P1T6

Each time players restart the aforementioned trials, they will be granted a 10% Echo effect boost, which increases each restart up to a maximum of 50%. If a player restarts after battling for less than three minutes, they will not be granted this effect.

Containment Bay P1T6 (Extreme)

Each time players restart the aforementioned trials, they will be granted a 5% Echo effect boost, which increases each restart up to a maximum of 25%. If a player restarts after battling for less than three minutes, they will not be granted this effect.

The limitation on certain rewards for Alexander have been removed.

* The limitation on the Alexandrian gear reward in Alexander - The Soul of the Creator has not been removed.

The strength of the Echo granted in Alexander: Midas (Savage) has been increased.

The Echo will take effect upon entering Alexander: Midas (Savage), increasing players' maximum HP, damage dealt, and healing magic potency by 20%.

The duties listed within the Duty Finder have been reorganized as follows:

Duty Roulette: Expert

The Great Gubal Library (Hard)
Baelsar's Wall
Sohm Al (Hard)

Duty Roulette: Level 60 Dungeons

Sohr Khai
Hullbreaker Isle (Hard)
The Antitower
The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard)
Saint Mocianne's Arboretum
Pharos Sirius (Hard)
The Fractal Continuum
The Aetherochemical Research Facility
The Great Gubal Library (Hard)

Sohr Khai
Hullbreaker Isle (Hard)
The Antitower
The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard)
Saint Mocianne's Arboretum
Pharos Sirius (Hard)
The Fractal Continuum
The Aetherochemical Research Facility

The following duty has been added to Duty Roulette: Trials:

Containment Bay Z1T9

The following additions have been made to Duty Roulette: Mentor:

Baelsar's Wall / Sohm Al (Hard) / Containment Bay Z1T9 / Dun Scaith

The following duty has been made to the Raid Finder:

Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme)

Trials in the Raid Finder will now be displayed in the order in which they were implemented, the newest trials appearing first.

The following additions and adjustments have been made to Stone, Sky, Sea:

  • Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme) has been added to the list of challenges.
  • The sort data for the list of challenges will now be saved even if players log out of the game.
    * Please note that all information pertaining to the Sort feature is saved on the client, and will not be transferred in the event players switch to a different platform.

The following adjustments have been made to the Palace of the Dead:

  • Players can now check item help text when appraising a piece of the Accursed Hoard by hovering over the item icon.
  • The maps for certain passageways connecting to rooms containing the Cairn of Return and the Cairn of Passage have been adjusted for visibility.

Due to adjustments being made to certain content this patch, players will temporarily be unable to embark on exploratory missions to the Diadem.

The content for the Diadem will be completely reworked for future patches. Players will be unable to access Diadem until these changes are complete.
As such, the following adjustments will be made with patch 3.5:

  • All sales for mission ceruleum vouchers and tanks of mission ceruleum will be temporarily suspended.
    * Mission cerulem vouchers and tanks of mission ceruleum that have already been purchased can be used when embarking on new exploratory missions to the Diadem.
  • The following items obtained via exploratory missions to the Diadem can now be exchanged for blue gatherers' scrips at the Scrip Exchange in Idyllshire (X:5.7 Y:7.0) or in Mor Dhona (X:22.4 Y:6.7):

    Sphalerite / Royal Mistletoe / Cloud Cotton Boll / Pterodactyl / Eurhinosaur / Gem Marimo / Crown Trout / Retribution Staff / Thief Betta / Goldsmith Crab

    The items listed below, which can be crafted using some of the materials listed above and are necessary to complete the Anima Weapons quests, can be purchased in exchange for Grand Company seals:

    Adamantite Francesca / Titanium Alloy Mirror / Dispelling Arrow / Kingcake

    * Players will continue to have access to the Spoils Traders and Spoils Collectors for patches 3.5 and onwards.
  • Players will temporarily be unable to obtain Achievements from the Diadem.
    Once Diadem (Hard) has been updated and re-implemented, players will once again be able to obtain these Achievements.

    * Please keep in mind that the conditions for obtaining said Achievements may change.
  • New courses to Diadem (Hard) via exploratory voyages can no longer be charted.

The following adjustments have been made to Frontline PvP encounters:

  • Players can now register as a freelancer, and will be automatically matched to a Grand Company at random.
    * Learn more about registering as a freelancer.
    * Achievements will only be counted towards your affiliated Grand Company.
  • When participating as a freelancer for PvP encounters, a ★ mark will be displayed beside the Grand Company you have joined.
    * This also applies to players who are not participating as freelancers.
  • Linkshell chat, free company chat, and the Novice Network can now be used.
  • The number of Wolf Marks earned for those that place first, second, and third have been raised:
    • First: 600→1000
    • Second: 450→750
    • Third: 300→500
  • Wolf Marks earned from the Duty Roulette: Frontline have been raised from 600 to 1000.

The following adjustments have been made to the Wolves' Den (Feast and Fold):

  • All chat features will be disabled when participating in a PvP match.
  • Due to the restrictions being placed on the chat feature, a Quick Chat feature has been added, which will allow for communication between players.
    Quick Chat will be added to the PvP tab of the Actions & Traits menu.
    All messages will display in the party chat when using Quick Chat.
  • Icon
    Good Match
    Thank You
    Nice Job
    Purify ready!/Purify not ready!
    Adrenaline Rush ready!/Adrenaline Rush not ready!
    Collecting offensive supplies!
    Collecting defensive supplies!
    Collecting adrenaline supplies!
    Attacking tank!
    Attacking healer!
    Attacking melee!
    Attacking ranged DPS!
    Stopping tank!
    Stopping healer!
    Stopping melee!
    Stopping ranged DPS!
    Collecting medals!
    Get the medals!
    Everyone attack!
    Fall back!
  • If, for some reason, a player is unable to join and the minimum party requirements are not met when the duty commences, all members in the party will be automatically removed from the duty.
  • The Wolf Marks awarded upon both victory and defeat for Wolves' Den (the Feast) has been raised.

    • Win: 300→500
    • Loss: 150→250

    New item level 235 PvP gear has been added.

    The amount of Wolf Marks needed to trade for PvP gear has been lowered.

    The following adjustments have been made to the spectator mode for custom matches:

    • Pressing any movement key while using the player camera will immediately switch to the free camera.
    • The range of movement for the free camera has been increased.
    • When switching to a camera, it will automatically focus on the player that is closest to the selected camera.

    The following adjustments have been made to duels:

    • Players will now be able to sync their item level when requesting a duel.
      • Sync Item Level to Lowest
        Both participants will be synced to match the lowest item level of gear equipped by either player.
      • Sync Item Level 150
        Gear equipped by both participants that is over item level 150 will be automatically synced.
      • Do Not Sync Item Level
        Players will also have the option of dueling without syncing their items levels.
    • The recast time of skills will be reset when a duel commences.
    • The counter for resistance to status afflictions will be reset when starting a duel.
    • Once a duel commences, players will be unable to attack striking dummies.

    The following adjustments have been made to chocobo companions:

    • Players can now access the following while their chocobo companion is summoned:
      • Duty Finder
      • Raid Finder
      • Deep Dungeon
      • Aquapolis
      • Instanced quest battles
      • Hall of the Novice
      * You cannot enter an instance with your chocobo companion.
      * The summoning time for chocobo companions will be paused upon entering an instance, and resume when returning to your World.
    • Players can now undertake the following duties while their chocobo companion is summoned:
      • Grand Company Leves
      • Gathering Leves
    • Players can now access chocobo porters while their chocobo companion is summoned.
    • Players can now summon their chocobo companion in a full party.
    • It is now possible to invite players who have summoned chocobo companions to join a party.
    • The way chocobo companions are displayed in the party list has been adjusted as follows:
      • They will not display when mounted or in cities.
      • Other players' chocobo companions will no longer appear in the party list.
      • They can no longer be assigned a number as a party member.

      * When both your companion and pet have been summoned at the same time, only your pet will be displayed on the party list. (PlayStation®3 version only.)
    • Players will no longer receive a party bonus when summoning a chocobo companion solo.


    New items have been added.

    View the new items.

    New crafting recipes have been added.

    View the new recipes.

    The following adjustments have been made to crafting recipes and items:

      Star Velvet Himation of Healing

      Star Velvet x 3
      Hemicyon Leather
      Sewing Thread
      Gold Ingot
      Grade 3 Mind Dissolvent x 3
      Star Velvet x 3
      Hemicyon Leather
      Sewing Thread
      Gold Ingot
      Grade 3 Mind Dissolvent x 3

      Star Velvet Himation of Casting

      Star Velvet x 3
      Hemicyon Leather
      Sewing Thread
      Gold Ingot
      Grade 3 Intelligence Dissolvent x 3
      Star Velvet x 3
      Hemicyon Leather
      Sewing Thread
      Gold Ingot
      Grade 3 Intelligence Dissolvent x 3

      Hemiskin Open-toe Boots of Healing

      Hemicyon Leather x 2
      Star Velvet
      Griffin Leather Strap
      Grade 3 Mind Dissolvent x 2
      Hemicyon Leather x 2
      Star Velvet
      Griffin Leather Strap
      Grade 3 Mind Dissolvent x 2

      Hemiskin Open-toe Boots of Casting

      Hemicyon Leather x 2
      Star Velvet
      Griffin Leather Strap
      Grade 3 Intelligence Dissolvent x 2
      Hemicyon Leather x 2
      Star Velvet
      Griffin Leather Strap
      Grade 3 Intelligence Dissolvent x 2

    The effects of the following items have been changed:

      Company-issue Engineering Manual

      EXP Bonus: +50% (up to a maximum of 20,000 points)
      EXP Bonus: +50% (up to a maximum of 50,000 points)

      Company-issue Survival Manual

      EXP Bonus: +50% (up to a maximum of 20,000 points)
      EXP Bonus: +50% (up to a maximum of 50,000 points)

      Company-issue Engineering Manual II

      EXP Bonus: +50% (up to a maximum of 40,000 points)
      EXP Bonus: +50% (up to a maximum of 100,000 points)

      Company-issue Survival Manual II

      EXP Bonus: +50% (up to a maximum of 40,000 points)
      EXP Bonus: +50% (up to a maximum of 100,000 points)

      Commercial Engineering Manual

      EXP Bonus: +150% (up to a maximum of 300,000 points)
      Duration: 20:00
      EXP Bonus: +150% (up to a maximum of 300,000 points)
      Duration: 60:00

      Commercial Survival Manual

      EXP Bonus: +150% (up to a maximum of 300,000 points)
      Duration: 20:00
      EXP Bonus: +150% (up to a maximum of 300,000 points)
      Duration: 60:00

    The following items can now be crafted without a specialization:

  • Carpenter
    • Teak Lumber
    • Tier 4 Aquarium
    • Heavy Metal Lance
    • Teak Composite Bow
    • Teak Cane
    • Teak Choker of Fending
    • Teak Choker of Slaying
    • Teak Choker of Aiming
    • Teak Choker of Healing
    • Teak Choker of Casting
    • Teak Bracelet of Fending
    • Teak Bracelet of Slaying
    • Teak Bracelet of Aiming
    • Teak Bracelet of Casting
    • Teak Bracelet of Healing
  • Blacksmith
    • Heavy Metal Longsword
    • Heavy Metal War Axe
    • Heavy Metal Greatsword
    • Heavy Metal Culverin
    • Heavy Metal Daggers
    • Heavy Metal Ingot
  • Armorer
    • Alexander Miniature
    • Heavy Metal Kite Shield
    • Heavy Metal Coif of Fending
    • Heavy Metal Coif of Maiming
    • Heavy Metal Cuirass of Fending
    • Heavy Metal Cuirass of Maiming
    • Heavy Metal Gauntlets of Fending
    • Heavy Metal Gauntlets of Maiming
    • Heavy Metal Plate Belt of Maiming
    • Heavy Metal Tassets of Striking
    • Heavy Metal Tassets of Aiming
    • Heavy Metal Tassets of Scouting
    • Heavy Metal Sabatons of Fending
    • Heavy Metal Sabatons of Maiming
    • Heavy Metal Ingot
  • Goldsmith
    • Scintillant Ingot
    • Sophia Miniature
    • Sophic Barding
    • Scintillant Staff
    • Scintillant Planisphere
    • Scintillant Circlet of Striking
    • Scintillant Circlet of Aiming
    • Scintillant Circlet of Scouting
    • Scintillant Earring of Slaying
    • Scintillant Earring of Aiming
    • Scintillant Earring of Casting
    • Scintillant Earring of Healing
    • Scintillant Ring of Fending
    • Scintillant Ring of Slaying
    • Scintillant Ring of Aiming
    • Scintillant Ring of Casting
    • Scintillant Ring of Healing
  • Leatherworker
    • Hemicyon Leather
    • Hemiskin Gloves of Striking
    • Hemiskin Gloves of Aiming
    • Hemiskin Gloves of Scouting
    • Hemiskin Brais of Fending
    • Hemiskin Brais of Maiming
    • Hemiskin Trousers of Aiming
    • Hemiskin Trousers of Scouting
    • Hemiskin Leggings of Striking
    • Hemiskin Leggings of Aiming
    • Hemiskin Leggings of Scouting
    • Hemiskin Open-toe Boots of Casting
    • Hemiskin Open-toe Boots of Healing
    • Scintillant Earring of Healing
    • Scintillant Ring of Fending
    • Scintillant Ring of Slaying
    • Scintillant Ring of Aiming
    • Scintillant Ring of Casting
    • Scintillant Ring of Healing
  • Weaver
    • Star Velvet
    • Star Velvet Hood of Casting
    • Star Velvet Hood of Healing
    • Star Velvet Tabard of Striking
    • Star Velvet Tabard of Aiming
    • Star Velvet Tabard of Scouting
    • Star Velvet Himation of Casting
    • Star Velvet Himation of Healing
    • Star Velvet Long Gloves of Casting
    • Star Velvet Long Gloves of Healing
    • Star Velvet Sash of Casting
    • Star Velvet Sash of Healing
    • Star Velvet Bottoms of Casting
    • Star Velvet Bottoms of Healing
  • Alchemist
    • Grade 3 Strength Dissolvent
    • Grade 3 Dexterity Dissolvent
    • Grade 3 Vitality Dissolvent
    • Grade 3 Intelligence Dissolvent
    • Grade 3 Mind Dissolvent
    • Supramax-Potion of Strength
    • Supramax-Potion of Dexterity
    • Supramax-Potion of Vitality
    • Supramax-Potion of Intelligence
    • Supramax-Potion of Mind
    • Hemiskin Grimoire
    • Hemiskin Codex
  • Culinarian
    • Spaghetti Carbonara
    • Spaghetti Pescatore
    • Loaghtan Cordon Bleu
    • Wildwood Scrambled Eggs
    • Priestly Omelette
    • Heavenly Eggnog
    • Flaugnarde
  • The number of sacks of Camphor created from a single synthesis has been increased from one to three.

    The following items obtained from Alexander (Savage) can now be dyed:

    Alexandrian Visor of Fending / Alexandrian Mail of Fending / Alexandrian Gauntlets of Fending / Alexandrian Breeches of Fending / Alexandrian Sollerets of Fending / Alexandrian Visor of Maiming / Alexandrian Jacket of Maiming / Alexandrian Gauntlets of Maiming / Alexandrian Breeches of Maiming / Alexandrian Sollerets of Maiming / Alexandrian Mask of Striking / Alexandrian Jacket of Striking / Alexandrian Gloves of Striking / Alexandrian Breeches of Striking / Alexandrian Thighboots of Striking / Alexandrian Circlet of Aiming / Alexandrian Jacket of Aiming / Alexandrian Gloves of Aiming / Alexandrian Gaskins of Aiming / Alexandrian Thighboots of Aiming / Alexandrian Mask of Scouting / Alexandrian Coat of Scouting / Alexandrian Gloves of Scouting / Alexandrian Gaskins of Scouting / Alexandrian Thighboots of Scouting / Alexandrian Hood of Healing / Alexandrian Jacket of Healing / Alexandrian Gloves of Healing / Alexandrian Bottoms of Healing / Alexandrian Boots of Healing / Alexandrian Hood of Casting / Alexandrian Coat of Casting / Alexandrian Gloves of Casting / Alexandrian Bottoms of Casting / Alexandrian Boots of Casting

    Certain items can now be exchanged for crafting materials at Material Suppliers in each of the residential districts.

    Item Required
    Item Obtained
    Althyk Lavender
    Bearskin x 1
    One of the following items
    Floss Silk x 1
    Blue Fox Hide x 1
    Rush Grass x 1

    The UI category for the following items has been changed from Miscellany to Seasonal Miscellany.

    Pumpkin Cookie / Starlight Gift

    The icons for the following items have been changed:

    Oldrose Seeds / Viola Seeds

    Help text has been added for the following sharpened anima weapons:

    Sharpened Sword of the Twin Thegns / Sharpened Sultan's Fists / Sharpened Axe of the Blood Emperor / Sharpened Trident of the Overlord / Sharpened Bow of the Autarch / Sharpened Spurs of the Thorn Prince / Sharpened Guillotine of the Tyrant / Sharpened Flame of the Dynast / Sharpened Cane of the White Tsar / Sharpened Rod of the Black Khan / Sharpened Book of the Mad Queen / Sharpened Word of the Magnate / Sharpened Sphere of the Last Heir / Sharpened Shield of the Twin Thegns

    Sections of the descriptions for the following aquarium specimens have been adjusted:

    Thunderbolt Eel / Noontide Oscar / Vampiric Tapestry

    New tradable items are available for exchange from Ardolain in Foundation (X:13.0 Y:11.8).

    Item Obtained
    Item Required
    Legendary Clan Mark Log
    Centurio Seals x 500

    New tradable items are available for exchange from Bertana in Idyllshire (X:5.8 Y:5.2).

    The difficulty for synthesizing HQ items using Quick Synthesis has been reduced.

    Higher gear attributes in relation to the recipe's difficulty will increase your chances of crafting HQ items.

    Should players consume a food item while already under its effects, the duration of the effects will be extended.

    The effects will be extended up to twice the duration of the original time. If you combine the food's effect with Grand Company actions, however, the effects may be extended further.
    * Please note that the HQ and NQ versions of an item cannot be used together.

    The following items can now be sold, desynthesized, or submitted for expert delivery missions.

    Yafaemi Circlet of Fending / Yafaemi Mail of Fending / Yafaemi Gauntlets of Fending / Yafaemi Chain Hose of Fending / Yafaemi Sabatons of Fending / Yafaemi Belt of Fending / Yafaemi Circlet of Maiming / Yafaemi Mail of Maiming / Yafaemi Gauntlets of Maiming / Yafaemi Chain Hose of Maiming / Yafaemi Sabatons of Maiming / Yafaemi Belt of Maiming / Yafaemi Circlet of Striking / Yafaemi Cyclas of Striking / Yafaemi Gloves of Striking / Yafaemi Gaskins of Striking / Yafaemi Sandals of Striking / Yafaemi Belt of Striking / Yafaemi Turban of Aiming / Yafaemi Tabard of Aiming / Yafaemi Halfgloves of Aiming / Yafaemi Brais of Aiming / Yafaemi Boots of Aiming / Yafaemi Belt of Aiming / Yafaemi Circlet of Scouting / Yafaemi Cyclas of Scouting / Yafaemi Gloves of Scouting / Yafaemi Gaskins of Scouting / Yafaemi Sandals of Scouting / Yafaemi Belt of Scouting / Yafaemi Hat of Healing / Yafaemi Jacket of Healing / Yafaemi Halfgloves of Healing / Yafaemi Trousers of Healing / Yafaemi Boots of Healing / Yafaemi Belt of Healing / Yafaemi Hat of Casting / Yafaemi Jacket of Casting / Yafaemi Halfgloves of Casting / Yafaemi Trousers of Casting / Yafaemi Boots of Casting / Yafaemi Belt of Casting

    EXP gained for crafting and gathering has been increased for levels 1 to 55.

    The amount of EXP rewarded for successfully completing crafter and gatherer guildleves has been increased.

    Only guildleves for levels 1 to 55 will be affected by this change.

    * Crafting EXP bonuses awarded for the first-time synthesis of each of the recipes has been raised.
    * EXP awarded upon completing fishing and crafting leves, as well as supply and provisioning missions, will not be affected by this change.

    The following gathering items are no longer classified as hidden or rare:

    Bamboo Stick / Waterfowl Feather

    The gathering yield bonus at legendary gathering points has been increased for certain items.

    The following additions and adjustments have been made to fishing:

    • New big fish have been added to fishing spots in Ishgard.
    • Players will now be able to fish for the following fishes, regardless of prevailing weather conditions:
      Moogle Spirit / Vampiric Tapestry / Loosetongue
    • Success rates for catching the following fish while using a giant crane fly as bait have been adjusted:
      Stupendemys / Vampiric Tapestry
    • Success rates for catching the following fish while using a brute leech as bait have been adjusted:
      Thunderbolt Eel / Loosetongue / Noontide Oscar
    • The amount of time it takes to catch an amber salamander has been adjusted.

    New items have been added to certain NPC shops.

    The following adjustments and additions have been made to Rowena's House of Splendors:

    • Additional items will now be accepted at the Splendors Exchange for Disciples of the Land.

      Red Alumen / Violet Quartz / Blue Quartz / Lumythrite Ore / Smithsonite Ore / Meteorite

      Wattle Bark / Dravanian Paprika / Snurbleberry / Frost Cotton Boll / Old-growth Camphorwood Log / Crystallized Sap

      Moogle Spirit / Vampiric Tapestry / Amber Salamander
    • The following items will always be accepted at the Splendors Exchange:
      Capelin / Loosetongue
    • The number of red gatherers' scrips rewarded in exchange for the following items has been increased:

    The item "Gnath Thorax" has been changed to "Vath Thorax."

    New Chocobo Barding has been added.

    New mounts have been added.

    New minions have been added.


    New achievements have been added.

    Hey Now, You're an All-star
    Complete the quest "Eternity, Loyalty, Honesty."
    Zurvan Safari
    Defeat Zurvan in Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme).
    Mapping the Realm: Baelsar's Wall
    Discover every location within Baelsar's Wall.
    Remapping the Realm: Sohm Al
    Discover every location within Sohm Al (Hard).
    Mapping the Realm: Dun Scaith
    Discover every location within Dun Scaith.
    What's Dun Is Done
    Complete Dun Scaith.
    Back to School III
    Complete the quest "The Life and Lies of Father Saturnois."
    That Is What You Are
    Complete the quest "."
    Just Like Fire
    Obtain a phoenix whistle.
    I Made That: Carpenter V
    Craft and record completion of 320 unique carpenter recipes.
    I Made That: Blacksmith V
    Craft and record completion of 380 unique blacksmith recipes.
    I Made That: Armorer V
    Craft and record completion of 300 unique armorer recipes.
    I Made That: Goldsmith V
    Craft and record completion of 550 unique goldsmith recipes.
    I Made That: Leatherworker V
    Craft and record completion of 420 unique leatherworker recipes.
    I Made That: Weaver V
    Craft and record completion of 470 unique weaver recipes.
    I Made That: Alchemist V
    Craft and record completion of 270 unique alchemist recipes.
    I Made That: Culinarian V
    Craft and record completion of 190 unique culinarian recipes.
    I Found That: Miner V
    Gather and record discovery of 160 unique items as a miner.
    I Found That: Botanist V
    Gather and record discovery of 230 unique items as a botanist.
    I Caught That V
    Catch and record discovery of 460 unique fish.
    Go Big or Go Home XIII
    Catch 156 different varieties of big fish.
    Show all available sets of Garo gear to the disreputable priest.
    Echoes of the Golden Wolf
    Obtain the Fanged Wolf and a full five-piece set of paladin Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required.
    Echoes of Undying Twilight
    Obtain Darkness and a full five-piece set of warrior Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required.
    Echoes of Darkness
    Obtain Hell Light and a full five-piece set of dark knight Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required.
    Echoes of the White Night
    Obtain the White Night and a full five-piece set of dragoon Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required.
    Echoes of the Makai Fist
    Obtain a pair of Makai Fists and a full five-piece set of monk Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required.
    Echoes of the Silver Wolf
    Obtain a pair of Silver Wolves and a full five-piece set of ninja Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required.
    Echoes of the Makai Bow
    Obtain a Makai Hand Mortar and a full five-piece set of machinist Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required.
    Echoes of the Makai Arm
    Obtain a Makai Bow and a full five-piece set of bard Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required.
    Echoes of the Makai Dark
    Obtain a Mado Brush and a full five-piece set of black mage Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required.
    Echoes of the Makai Vessel
    Obtain a Mado Chronicle and a full five-piece set of summoner Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required.
    Echoes of the Makai Sun
    Obtain a Mado Staff and a full five-piece set of white mage Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required.
    Echoes of Makai Lore
    Obtain a Mado Annal and a full five-piece set of scholar Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required.
    Echoes of the Makai Star
    Obtain a Mado Sphere and a full five-piece set of astrologian Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required.
    Fatal Feast
    Emerge victorious in 30 Feast matches while using a title recevied from the disreputable priest.
    Frontline Fury
    Emerge victorious in 10 Frontline campaigns while using a title recevied from the disreputable priest.
    Furious Fatalities
    Emerge victorious in a combination of 60 Frontline campaigns and Feast matches while using a title recevied from the disreputable priest.

    * A number of achievements have been omitted from the patch notes to prevent spoilers.

    As of patch 3.5, the following duties count towards high-level full party duty achievements:

    The Bowl of Embers (Extreme) / The Navel (Extreme) / The Howling Eye (Extreme) / Thornmarch (Extreme) / The Whorleater (Extreme) / The Striking Tree (Extreme) / Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme) / Thok ast Thok (Extreme) / The Limitless Blue (Extreme) / The Minstrel's Ballad: Thordan's Reign / Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme) / The Binding Coil of Bahamut (Excluding Turn 3) / The Second Coil of Bahamut / The Second Coil of Bahamut (Savage) / The Final Coil of Bahamut / Alexander: Gordias / Alexander: Gordias (Savage) / Alexander: Midas / Alexander: Midas (Savage) / The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's Rage / Alexander - The Eyes of the Creator / Alexander - The Breath of the Creator / Alexander - The Heart of the Creator / Alexander - The Soul of the Creator / Alexander - The Eyes of the Creator (Savage) / Alexander - The Breath of the Creator (Savage) / Alexander - The Heart of the Creator (Savage) / Alexander - The Soul of the Creator (Savage) / Containment Bay P1T6 (Extreme) / Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme)

    The help text for certain achievements has been adjusted.

    Party Finder

    The Party Finder has been expanded to include players from all other Worlds on the same data center. Players will now be able to recruit characters from any of these Worlds and form cross-world parties. Players will be able to use the party chat and register for duties in cross-world parties, as they would normally.

    The following features can be used while participating in a cross-world party:

    • Party chat
    • Registering for the Duty Finder
    • Registering for the Raid Finder
    • Ready Check

    The following features cannot be used while participating in a cross-world party:

    • Forming alliances
    • Registering for custom matches
    • The Sort Party List function
    • Actions and functions such as Protect and Teleport Offer, which affect any nearby party members.
      * Spells and other effects will function normally once the duty commences.
    A special icon will be displayed above party members from a different world.
    Upon the commencement of a duty, the party list will revert to the normal display.

    * Subcommands cannot be used from the cross-world party list before a duty commences.
    * Player characters cannot be targeted from the cross-world party list before a duty commences.

    Players can be recruited from other Worlds by doing the following:
    Recruit players from other Worlds by checking the "Recruit Members Across Data Center" option

    * This option is checked by default.

    Please note that cross-world parties cannot be formed for the following duties:
    • Quest Battles
    • FATEs
    • Treasure Hunts
    • The Hunt
    • Exploratory Missions
    • Deep Dungeons

    Players will now be able to form private parties by setting a password.

    Players will be required to set a four-digit number as their password if they wish to form a private party.

    Players will then be able to join the party by inputting the private party password.
    Private parties can be formed with players from other Worlds as well.
    The Event & Party Recruitment section of the Lodestone will now display parties recruiting within data centers and allow players to check the passwords for private parties they have created. Read on for details.

    Private parties will have their own icon in the Party Finder.

    Additions and adjustments have been made to party recruitment as follows:

    • A search feature and search filters have been added to the Party Finder window.
      Using multiple filters at once will allow players to search for specific types of parties.

      The following filters can be applied to searches:

       Displays all available recruiting parties from all Worlds on the same data center

      ・Same World
       Displays all available recruiting parties in your own World.

       Displays parties recruiting privately.
       * Private parties will not be displayed under "All" or "Same World."

      The following filters can be applied when searching by objective:

       Displays all recruiting parties

      ・Duty icons
       Displays recruiting parties for each of the respective duties


      Displays parties recruiting with no specific objective.

      Detailed Search

      Set various search criteria such as your search area (same data center/same World).

      Recruiter Name Search

      You will now be able to search for players recruiting party members by name.
      The search will display up to ten players whose First Name or Last Name matches your search term.

      * You will only be able to search with alphanumeric characters and certain punctuation marks (such as apostrophes and hyphens).
    • Names of players that are recruiting cross-world will be displayed in blue.

      * The current location will not display for recruiters residing on a different World, and you will be unable to send them Tells.
    • Players recruiting from other Worlds will have an icon next to their name.
    • The text in the Comments tab for the Party Finder can now be selected by mouse.
    • The following content will now be displayed in order of difficulty:
    • An icon will be displayed to indicate you are in the middle of forming a cross-world party.

      * Party members' location and free company name will not be displayed for cross-world parties.
    • Players' Worlds will now be displayed when they are talking in the chat window.
      * The World will not be shown for your own character or characters in your World.

    • Search information indicating your current cross-world party status will be added.

    • The following changes have been made to party recruitment subcommands:
      ・The Invite to Company subcommand has been removed from the Party Finder for players on your World server.
      ・View Party Finder will be the only subcommand available under Party Finder for players residing on different Worlds.

    Players will now be able to share information with those they have recently partied with via the Contact List feature.

    The Contact List can be found under Social in the Main Menu.
    The character and World names of the last fifty people you have formed a party with via the Duty Finder and Raid Finder. This also includes any cross-world party members. The following features can be accessed by selecting a player from the Contact List and opening the subcommand menu:

    Player characters on your World Server

    • Send Tell
    • Invite to Linkshell
    • Send Friend Request
    • Add to Blacklist
    • Target
    Player characters on a different World Server
  • Add to Blacklist

  • * You will not be able to register players with whom you have formed an alliance.
    * Please note that contact list information will be saved locally to the client; therefore, all information will be lost upon switching platforms.

    The blacklist has been adjusted as follows:

    • Players from other Worlds can now be registered to the blacklist via the contact list. Once added, their names will appear as the character used at the time of registration.
      * Because the names of characters from other Worlds are saved to the client, they will appear as "(Unable to Retrieve)" when playing on a different platform.
      * Please note this does not affect the functionality of the blacklist when playing on a different platform.
    • Characters from different Worlds will be indicated with a special icon.

    Retainers will be able to obtain up to five of the following items from botany retainer ventures. The number obtained will vary depending on the retainer's gathering rating:

    Bamboo Stick / Waterfowl Feather

    The time at which pets are temporarily disabled while mounted has been changed.

    Pets will now be disabled immediately after using a mount, and will not reappear until players have dismounted.

    The Novice Network has been adjusted as follows:

    • A confirmation prompt will now appear when invited to the Novice Network.
    • A "Leave" button has been added to the Novice Network List window.
    • Mentors can now access the Novice Network at any time via a Novice Network List button located at the bottom of the log window. This button can also be used to rejoin the Novice Network in the event a mentor has left.
      * New adventurers must be invited in order to rejoin the Novice Network.
    • A tooltip will now display when selecting tabs of the log window or the Novice Network List button.

    Players who have not played the game in 45 days or more, and have at least one class or job at level 50 or above, will now receive the Returner status.

    Players who receive the Returner status are eligible to accept the Returner's Bounty, which consists of the following:
    • Access to the Novice Network.
    • An EXP bonus when partying with a Mentor up to level 20.
    • The Returner online status icon.
    Player search can now be used to find players who have set their online status to Returner.

    Players can now invite qualifying offline friends and free company members to return and play the game during certain campaign periods.

    To send an invitation, select a player from your friend list or free company member list who is offline, then select Invite Friend to Return from the subcommand menu.
    Provided they meet the requirements of the campaign, they will receive an e-mail indicating you have invited them to return.
    Review details of the campaign.
    * The campaign site is scheduled to be released on January 17.

    The Duty Finder and Raid Finder have been adjusted as follows:

    • The status of the Duty Finder will now appear in the Duty List.

      * For the PlayStation®3 version, the status will appear via tool tip when selecting the Duty List.
    • An icon will now appear next to duties you have completed.

    • The Duty Finder and Raid Finder will now remember the most recently viewed tab until the game client is closed.
    • The Join Party in Progress option is now located under the Requirements tab of the Duty Finder Settings window.
    • A unique icon has been assigned to each of the settings of the Requirements and Loot Rules tabs of the Duty Finder Settings window. When any of these options are selected, their associated icons will be displayed in the bar above the Duty Finder interface.

    • The Frontline Freelancer option has been added under the Requirements tab of the Duty Finder Settings window.
      By selecting this option before joining a Frontline campaign, Grand Company affiliation will be ignored when matching you with a party.

    • The algorithm for selecting duties from Duty Roulette when registering as a party has been adjusted.
    • A message will be displayed indicating when certain settings cannot be used with a selected duty.
    • A unique icon will now be displayed next to the average item level requirement and item level sync requirement for duties.

    A text auto-advance function has been added for cutscenes.

    • Pressing the space bar (△) during a cutscene will toggle text auto-advance on or off. An icon will be displayed indicating it is on.

    • The text advance speed can be adjusted using the following commands.
      Faster: Tab (Right directional button)
      Slower: Shift+Tab (Left directional button)

    * The Tab and Shift+Tab commands can be assigned to the Confirm/Cancel/Close All UI Components commands under the System tab in Keybind in the Main Menu. These assignments will take priority over any previous key configurations.

    The following features have been added to the group pose and idling camera:

    • When activating the group pose or idling camera functions, your online status will be changed to Camera Mode.
      * This option can be disabled under the Other Settings tab of the System Configuration interface.
    • The Extras tab has been added to the Actions & Traits interface, containing the Group Pose and Idling Camera commands.
      These commands can now be set to your hotbar or cross hotbar.
    • The camera settings menu has been redesigned, and the following functions have been added:

    • Screen effect settings have been added.

    • A window frame setting has been added.

    • New color filter options have been added.

    The following features have been added to the idling camera:

    • The idling camera can now be used when spectating custom matches in the Feast.
    • Switching has been enabled for the following emotes:
      • Step Dance
      • Harvest Dance
      • Ball Dance
      • Manderville Dance
      • Bomb Dance
      • Most Gentlemanly
      • Thavnairian Dance
      • Gold Dance
      • Sundrop Dance
      • Moogle Dance
      • Red Ranger Pose A
      • Black Ranger Pose A
      • Yellow Ranger Pose A
      • Red Ranger Pose B
      • Black Ranger Pose B
      • Yellow Ranger Pose B

    The following features have been added to group pose.

    • A camera zoom function has been added.

      * This function can be used together with screen effects and window frame settings.
    • A roll angle setting has been added.
    • Roll Angle Settings:

      Input Device
      Q/E (Strafe Keys)
      Camera Position Sliders for Group Pose settings

      * In accordance with the above changes, the Q/E keys (Strafe Left/Right) can now only be used to adjust roll angle settings and can no longer be used to adjust frame composition. Instead, please use the A/D keys (Turn Left/Right).

    • The visual effect of certain status effects can now be applied to players using group pose.

      * These effects can only be applied to players, chocobo companions, and pets.
      * In the event players are using an ability with a visual effect such as Darkside when activating group pose, these effects will take priority over group pose settings.
    • The number of adjustable light sources has been increased from one to three.
      * The second and third light sources can be set from the Group Pose Settings window.
    • Lighting settings have been added.

      You may choose from one of three brightness settings, as well as adjust the color of each light source.

    • The following emotes will now function as persistent emotes when using group pose:

      Most Gentlemanly
      Red Ranger Pose A
      Black Ranger Pose A
      Yellow Ranger Pose A
      Red Ranger Pose B
      Black Ranger Pose B
      Yellow Ranger Pose B
    • Toggling character motions will now also stop the visual effects of weapons.
    • NPCs that turn in your direction as you approach will now be affected by group pose.

      * Certain NPCs will not be affected.
    • The camera direction will no longer automatically adjust when changing to first-person view while using group pose.

    The Fitting Room window has been adjusted as follows:

    • Gear slot icons have been added to the Fitting Room window.
      Any gear currently being previewed will appear in its respective slot.
    • When previewing multiple pieces of gear, you can remove a single piece of gear from those being previewed.
      * This option cannot be used when only previewing one piece of gear.
    • You can now enable dye previews while using the Fitting Room window.

    • A confirmation prompt will now be displayed when deleting a saved outfit.
    • Settings for Sheathe/Draw Weapon and Manually adjust visor will be saved even after closing the Fitting Room window.

    Holding the Ctrl key while viewing the map will now prioritize the aetheryte icon over any nearby icons.

    This feature can be used for instances in which you would like to select the aetheryte icon when other nearby icons appear overlapping on the map.
    * This feature does not apply to the mini-map.

    Subcommands to improve the ease of organizing gear sets have been added to the Gear Set window.

    In the event character data for a player on your friendlist, linkshell list, or free company list cannot be found, the message "(Unable to Retrieve)" will be displayed in place of their name.

    The display of item names for glamoured gear in item text help has been adjusted.

    Players can now set the following hotbar layouts via the Character Configuration interface:







    Hotbar layouts can be saved via the HUD Layout interface.

    Flying text for other players has been categorized as pop-up text, which can be disabled via the Character Configuration interface.

    A search function has been added to the list of completed quests in the Journal window.

    Both quest titles and journal entries can be searched by unchecking the Title Only box.

    * It may take several seconds to complete a search.
    * Please note the search function is case-sensitive.

    The position of the auto-attack icon above the target bar has been moved to improve visibility.

    When choosing to return to the starting point of an instance in the middle of a battle, players must now press and hold the confirmation button.

    Help text will now display for all options in the main menu when set to gamepad mode.

    New options are available in the System Configuration interface:

    Gamepad Settings

    Gamepad Settings

    Enable window zoom by holding down R3.

    Other Settings

    Group Pose/Idling Camera Settings

    Switch to idling camera when auto-AFK activates.

    Switch online status to Camera Mode while active.

    * Activating the idling camera via either of these options will change your online status to Camera Mode.

    New options are available in the Character Configuration interface.

    Hotbar Settings

    Display tab

    Hotbar Display Settings

    ・Pet Hotbar 12x1/6x2/4x3/3x4/2x6/1x12

    ・Hotbar 1 12x1/6x2/4x3/3x4/2x6/1x12

    ・Hotbar 2 12x1/6x2/4x3/3x4/2x6/1x12

    ・Hotbar 3 12x1/6x2/4x3/3x4/2x6/1x12

    ・Hotbar 4 12x1/6x2/4x3/3x4/2x6/1x12

    ・Hotbar 5 12x1/6x2/4x3/3x4/2x6/1x12

    ・Hotbar 6 12x1/6x2/4x3/3x4/2x6/1x12

    ・Hotbar 7 12x1/6x2/4x3/3x4/2x6/1x12

    ・Hotbar 8 12x1/6x2/4x3/3x4/2x6/1x12

    ・Hotbar 9 12x1/6x2/4x3/3x4/2x6/1x12

    ・Hotbar 10 12x1/6x2/4x3/3x4/2x6/1x12

    UI Settings

    General tab


    ・Display help text when using cross-type main commands.

    HUD tab

    Character Information

    ・Display Pop-up Text

    ・Pop-up Text Size

    Character Information

    Display duty list

    ・Display registered duties in Timers.

    ・Display duty registration details in Timers.

    Log Window Settings

    General tab

    Log Window Settings

    ・Display World name in chat log when player is on another server.

    New options are available in the Keybind interface.

    Shortcuts tab

    ・Contact List

    Targeting tab

    ・Target Own Companion

    The following text commands have been added:

    →Opens and closes the contact list.
     /novicenetworkinvitation, /nnetworkinvitation
     /novicenetworkinvitation [subcommand]

    →Allow or automatically deny invitations to the Novice Network.
      Allow players to invite you to the Novice Network.
      Automatically refuse invitations to the Novice Network.

    Toggles between on and off when no subcommand is specified.
     /novicenetworkleave, /nnetworkleave
    →Leave the Novice Network.
     /egiglamour "egi name" "glamour"

    →Alter the appearance of your egi. You must resummon the egi for the glamour to take effect. Command not applicable in PvP instances.

    >>Egi Name:

     Emerald Carbuncle
     Topaz Carbuncle
     Ruby Carbuncle

    The glamour will be removed when no glamour is specified.

     /egiglamour "Garuda-Egi" "Ruby Carbuncle"
     (Garuda-Egi will appear glamoured as Ruby Carbuncle.)

     /egiglamour "Garuda-Egi"  (Remove the glamour from Garuda-Egi.)

    →Remove the Returner status.
     /moonlift [subcommand]

    →Perform the moonlift dance.

    Perform motion only.

    Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
     /spectacles [subcommand]

    →Adjust your spectacles.

    Perform motion only.

    Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.

    The following expressions have been added to the auto-translate dictionary:

    【Online Status】
    Baelsar's Wall
    Dun Scaith
    Containment Bay Z1T9
    Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme)
    【Egi Glamours】
    Emerald Carbuncle
    【Egi Glamours】
    Topaz Carbuncle
    【Egi Glamours】
    Ruby Carbuncle

    * Certain additions to the auto-translation dictionary have been omitted to prevent spoilers.

    New music has been added.

    A World on your chosen data center will be selected automatically when creating new characters. Please note that you will be given the option to choose another World before completing character creation.

    The number of hairstyles shown at one time when creating a character has been increased.

    A message will now be displayed at the character selection screen when a character cannot be displayed due to server congestion.

    A link to the official FINAL FANTASY XIV Instagram account has been added to the launcher. (Windows, PlayStation®4, and Mac)

    Resolved Issues

    • The following issues have been addressed.
      • An issue with the blackmage action Sleep wherein the help text stated it only affects a single target in PvP before acquiring the trait Deep Sleep.
      • An issue wherein the summoner action Enkindle does not behave properly under certain conditions.
      • An issue wherein the Raise status effect granted by the arcanist action Resurrection cannot be overwritten by the conjurer action Raise or the astralogian action Ascend.
      • An issue in the Whorleater (Extreme) wherein the help text for the Briny Mirror status was innaccurate.
      • An issue wherein selecting the space between hotbar icons with a mouse would cause the hotbar to become transparent.
      • An issue wherein the display priority of map markers differed between the map and mini-map.
      • An issue when enlisting new recruits in an adventurer squadron wherein the recruit's enlistment papers were not processed properly.
      • An issue when canceling adventurer squadron missions and training courses wherein the default position of the cursor was set to No. (gamepad only)
      • An issue wherein the bard action Warden's Paean could protect against multiple detrimental effects in PvP areas.
      • An issue when participating in an instance via Duty Roulette: Mentor wherein the mentor status would be renounced when returning to an instance after the client crashed.
      • An issue with "The Palace of the Dead" wherein the effects during a combo would not activate properly when a Pomander is used while performing a combo.
      • An issue with the boss battle against Siren in "Pharos Sirius" wherein it would take longer than usual to be defeated when fighting solo and becoming afflicted by "Death Throes".
      • An issue with the boss battle against Cuchulainn in "the Void Ark" wherein the debuff "Bleeding" would constantly be applied under certain conditions.
      • An issue with player duels wherein auto-attack would not activate properly when choosing to have a rematch while still targeting a KOed opponent.
      • An issue wherein the "Raise" effect applied by Resurrection could not be overwritten with the spell Raise.
      • An issue wherein the selling price of the night pegasus whistle was incorrect.
      • An issue when progressing through the Amalj'aa beast tribe daily quests "Douse Them While They're Down" and "Hatchling Humiliation" wherein battle would not come to an end and the user would be unable to ride a mount under certain conditions.
      • An issue with "Grand Company Squadron" wherein the number of times training can be done would not reset if the Training Complete confirmation window was open when it was time for the reset to occur.
      • An issue wherein a summoned retainer would leave when performing an action with the retainer while the Duty Information window was still open.
      • An issue wherein Fixed Cameras would be switched to at the same time when clicking with L2/R2 while using virtual mouse mode in spectator mode for the Feast.
      • An issue wherein camera transitioning would not occur properly when using the idling camera in certain instances.
      • An issue with Containment Bay P1T6 (Extreme) wherein the field would not be displayed properly when a character falls under certain conditions.
      • An issue wherein the minimap would not display properly when changing the window size of the minimap to a certain size while the Display Settings under "System Configuration" were set to a certain configuration.
      • An issue wherein the "Entering Hall of the Novice" window would not display when queuing up to participate in Hall of the Novice and queuing up for a selected instance using the duty finder at nearly the same time.
      • An issue wherein the client would crash when opening the "Yo-kai Medallium" window while riding a mount under certain conditions.
      • An issue when leaving "The Palace of the Dead" wherein the client would crash after leaving the instance under certain conditions,
    • Other various issues have also been addressed.

    Known Issues

    • The following issues have been confirmed.
      • An issue wherein "A" is not displayed for pets in the Party List/the party's Enmity gauge.
      • An issue in "Dun Scaith" wherein the achievement "Mapping the Realm: Dun Scaith" is not unlocked when locations that players are unable to go to cannot be discovered after defeating the boss due to players disconnecting or participating midway via Add Members.
      • An issue in the housing area wherein the direction of the striking dummy's target ring is not displayed correctly when changing the layout of any type of striking dummy.
      • An issue with the market board wherein certain low level equipment is not displayed when performing a search for Lv 60 foot equipment for thaumaturge/conjurer/arcanist/black mage/summoner/white mage/scholar.
        *Items that are not displayed can be seen by performing an item search with SEARCH or setting the search level range to 1~59.
      • An issue wherein the repair/desynthesis class and required catalyst for glamouring the item "Filibuster’s Gauntlets of Striking" is different from the class that it should be.
      • An issue with the Party Finder wherein the recruiter's set language cannot be confirmed when the subcommand "View Search Info" is performed on the party recruitment of a recruiter in the same world.
      • An issue with the Party Finder wherein an underscore is displayed under the "J" when performing the subcommand "View Search Info" regardless of the target's set language.
      • An issue with the Party Finder wherein a party cannot be formed normally when moving to another area while editing the recruitment criteria.
    • New Items

      Sharpened Sword of the Twin Thegns Replica
      Gladiator's Arm
      Item Level: 150 / Equipment Level: 60
      The Fanged Wolf
      Gladiator's Arm
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Zurvanite Blade
      Gladiator's Arm
      Item Level: 265 / Equipment Level: 60
      Sharpened Axe of the Blood Emperor Replica
      Marauder's Arm
      Item Level: 150 / Equipment Level: 60
      Marauder's Arm
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Zurvanite Axe
      Marauder's Arm
      Item Level: 265 / Equipment Level: 60
      Sharpened Guillotine of the Tyrant Replica
      Dark Knight's Arm
      Item Level: 150 / Equipment Level: 60
      Hell Light
      Dark Knight's Arm
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Zurvanite Edge
      Dark Knight's Arm
      Item Level: 265 / Equipment Level: 60
      Replica Sharpened Sultan's Fists
      Pugilist's Arm
      Item Level: 150 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Fists
      Pugilist's Arm
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Zurvanite Fists
      Pugilist's Arm
      Item Level: 265 / Equipment Level: 60
      Sharpened Trident of the Overlord Replica
      Lancer's Arm
      Item Level: 150 / Equipment Level: 60
      The White Night
      Lancer's Arm
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Zurvanite Pike
      Lancer's Arm
      Item Level: 265 / Equipment Level: 60
      Sharpened Bow of the Autarch Replica
      Archer's Arm
      Item Level: 150 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Bow
      Archer's Arm
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Zurvanite Bow
      Archer's Arm
      Item Level: 265 / Equipment Level: 60
      Replica Sharpened Spurs of the Thorn Prince
      Rogue's Arm
      Item Level: 150 / Equipment Level: 60
      Silver Wolves
      Rogue's Arm
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Zurvanite Points
      Rogue's Arm
      Item Level: 265 / Equipment Level: 60
      Sharpened Flame of the Dynast Replica
      Machinist's Arm
      Item Level: 150 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Hand Mortar
      Machinist's Arm
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Zurvanite Fire
      Machinist's Arm
      Item Level: 265 / Equipment Level: 60
      Sharpened Cane of the White Tsar Replica
      Two--handed Conjurer's Arm
      Item Level: 150 / Equipment Level: 60
      Mado Staff
      Two--handed Conjurer's Arm
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Zurvanite Cane
      Two--handed Conjurer's Arm
      Item Level: 265 / Equipment Level: 60
      Sharpened Rod of the Black Khan Replica
      Two--handed Thaumaturge's Arm
      Item Level: 150 / Equipment Level: 60
      Mado Brush
      Two--handed Thaumaturge's Arm
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Zurvanite Pole
      Two--handed Thaumaturge's Arm
      Item Level: 265 / Equipment Level: 60
      Sharpened Book of the Mad Queen Replica
      Arcanist's Grimoire
      Item Level: 150 / Equipment Level: 60
      Sharpened Word of the Magnate Replica
      Arcanist's Grimoire
      Item Level: 150 / Equipment Level: 60
      Mado Chronicle
      Arcanist's Grimoire
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Chronicle
      Arcanist's Grimoire
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Zurvanite Word
      Arcanist's Grimoire
      Item Level: 265 / Equipment Level: 60
      Zurvanite Song
      Arcanist's Grimoire
      Item Level: 265 / Equipment Level: 60
      Sharpened Sphere of the Last Heir Replica
      Astrologian's Arm
      Item Level: 150 / Equipment Level: 60
      Mado Sphere
      Astrologian's Arm
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Zurvanite Star
      Astrologian's Arm
      Item Level: 265 / Equipment Level: 60
      Sharpened Shield of the Twin Thegns Replica
      Item Level: 150 / Equipment Level: 60
      Heroic Spirit Shield
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Zurvanite Shield
      Item Level: 265 / Equipment Level: 60
      Blessed Millkeep's Saw
      Carpenter's Primary Tool
      Item Level: 200 / Equipment Level: 60
      Blessed Forgekeep's Hammer
      Blacksmith's Primary Tool
      Item Level: 200 / Equipment Level: 60
      Blessed Hammerkeep's Beetle
      Armorer's Primary Tool
      Item Level: 200 / Equipment Level: 60
      Blessed Gemkeep's Mallet
      Goldsmith's Primary Tool
      Item Level: 200 / Equipment Level: 60
      Blessed Hidekeep's Knife
      Leatherworker's Primary Tool
      Item Level: 200 / Equipment Level: 60
      Blessed Boltkeep's Needle
      Weaver's Primary Tool
      Item Level: 200 / Equipment Level: 60
      Blessed Cauldronkeep's Alembic
      Alchemist's Primary Tool
      Item Level: 200 / Equipment Level: 60
      Blessed Galleykeep's Frypan
      Culinarian's Primary Tool
      Item Level: 200 / Equipment Level: 60
      Blessed Minekeep's Pickaxe
      Miner's Primary Tool
      Item Level: 200 / Equipment Level: 60
      Blessed Fieldkeep's Hatchet
      Botanist's Primary Tool
      Item Level: 200 / Equipment Level: 60
      Blessed Tacklekeep's Rod
      Fisher's Primary Tool
      Item Level: 200 / Equipment Level: 60
      Wool Knit Cap
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      Flannel Knit Cap
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      Zundu Head
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      Red Cherry Blossom Corsage
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      Blue Cherry Blossom Corsage
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      Yellow Cherry Blossom Corsage
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      Green Cherry Blossom Corsage
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      Orange Cherry Blossom Corsage
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      Purple Cherry Blossom Corsage
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      White Cherry Blossom Corsage
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      Black Cherry Blossom Corsage
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      Pink Cherry Blossom Corsage
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      Inspector's Eyeglasses
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      The Face of the Golden Wolf
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      The Face of Undying Twilight
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      The Face of Pressing Darkness
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      The Face of the White Night
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      The Face of the Silver Wolf
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Mauler's Facemask
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Manhandler's Facemask
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Marksman's Eyepatch
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Markswoman's Ribbon
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Sun Guide's Circlet
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Moon Guide's Circlet
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Priest's Coronet
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Priestess's Headdress
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Helm of Fending
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Helm of Maiming
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Scope of Striking
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Beret of Aiming
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Halfmask of Scouting
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Hood of Healing
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Hood of Casting
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Helm of Fending
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Helm of Maiming
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Turban of Striking
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Hat of Aiming
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Turban of Scouting
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Hat of Healing
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Hat of Casting
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Wool Suspenders
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      Flannel Suspenders
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      Zundu Body
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      Vath Thorax
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      Scholasticate Coat
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      Leonhart Jacket
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      The Body of the Golden Wolf
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      The Body of Undying Twilight
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      The Body of Pressing Darkness
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      The Body of the White Night
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      The Body of the Silver Wolf
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Mauler's Oilskin
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Manhandler's Jerkin
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Marksman's Battlegarb
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Markswoman's Battledress
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Sun Guide's Oilskin
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Moon Guide's Gown
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Priest's Doublet Robe
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Priestess's Jerkin
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Heavy Filibuster's Gambison of Fending
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Heavy Filibuster's Gambison of Maiming
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Gambison of Striking
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Gambison of Aiming
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Gambison of Scouting
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Coat of Healing
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Coat of Casting
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Mail of Fending
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Mail of Maiming
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Dolman of Striking
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Coat of Aiming
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Dolman of Scouting
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Coat of Healing
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Coat of Casting
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Zundu Arms
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      Leonhart Gloves
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      The Hands of the Golden Wolf
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      The Hands of Undying Twilight
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      The Hands of Pressing Darkness
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      The Hands of the White Night
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      The Hands of the Silver Wolf
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Mauler's Fingerless Gloves
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Manhandler's Fingerless Gloves
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Marksman's Fingerless Gloves
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Markswoman's Fingerless Gloves
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Sun Guide's Fingerless Gloves
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Moon Guide's Fingerless Gloves
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Priest's Fingerless Gloves
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Priestess's Fingerless Gloves
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Gloves of Fending
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Gloves of Maiming
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Gloves of Striking
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Gloves of Aiming
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Gloves of Scouting
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Gloves of Healing
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Gloves of Casting
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Gauntlets of Fending
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Gauntlets of Maiming
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Gloves of Striking
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Halfgloves of Aiming
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Gloves of Scouting
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Halfgloves of Healing
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Halfgloves of Casting
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      The Belt of the Golden Wolf
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      The Belt of the White Night
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      The Belt of the Makai Monk
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      The Belt of the Makai Mark
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      The Belt of the Silver Wolf
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      The Belt of the Makai Guide
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      The Belt of the Makai Prayer
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Belt of Fending
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Belt of Maiming
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Belt of Striking
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Belt of Aiming
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Belt of Scouting
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Belt of Healing
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Belt of Casting
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Belt of Fending
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Belt of Maiming
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Belt of Striking
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Belt of Aiming
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Belt of Scouting
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Belt of Healing
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Belt of Casting
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Cropped Wool Slops
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      Cropped Flannel Slops
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      Zundu Waist
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      Leonhart Bottoms
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      The Legs of the Golden Wolf
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      The Legs of Undying Twilight
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      The Legs of Pressing Darkness
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      The Legs of the White Night
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      The Legs of the Silver Wolf
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Mauler's Leggings
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Manhandler's Quartertights
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Marksman's Slops
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Markswoman's Quartertights
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Sun Guide's Slops
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Moon Guide's Quartertights
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Priest's Slops
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Priestess's Skirt
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Trousers of Fending
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Trousers of Maiming
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Trousers of Striking
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Trousers of Aiming
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Trousers of Scouting
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Trousers of Healing
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Trousers of Casting
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Bottoms of Fending
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Bottoms of Maiming
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Bottoms of Striking
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Bottoms of Aiming
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Bottoms of Scouting
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Trousers of Healing
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Bottoms of Casting
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Raptorskin Shoes
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      Pteroskin Shoes
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      Zundu Legs
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      Leonhart Boots
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      The Feet of the Golden Wolf
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      The Feet of Undying Twilight
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      The Feet of Pressing Darkness
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      The Feet of the White Night
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      The Feet of the Silver Wolf
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Mauler's Boots
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Manhandler's Longboots
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Marksman's Boots
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Markswoman's Longboots
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Sun Guide's Boots
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Moon Guide's Longboots
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Priest's Boots
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Priestess's Longboots
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Heavy Filibuster's Boots of Fending
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Boots of Maiming
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Boots of Striking
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Boots of Aiming
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Boots of Scouting
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Boots of Healing
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Boots of Casting
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Sabatons of Fending
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Sabatons of Maiming
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Boots of Striking
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Boots of Aiming
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Boots of Scouting
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Boots of Healing
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Diabolic Boots of Casting
      Item Level: 260 / Equipment Level: 60
      Redbills Scarf
      Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
      Makai Choker of Fending
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Choker of Slaying
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Choker of Aiming
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Choker of Healing
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Choker of Casting
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Choker of Fending
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Choker of Slaying
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Choker of Aiming
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Choker of Healing
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Choker of Casting
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Earring of Fending
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Earring of Slaying
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Earring of Aiming
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Earring of Healing
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Earring of Casting
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Earrings of Fending
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Earrings of Slaying
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Earrings of Aiming
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Earrings of Healing
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Earrings of Casting
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Bracelet of Fending
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Bracelet of Slaying
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Bracelet of Aiming
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Bracelet of Healing
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Bracelet of Casting
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Bracelets of Fending
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Bracelets of Slaying
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Bracelets of Aiming
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Bracelets of Healing
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Bracelets of Casting
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Ring of Fending
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Ring of Slaying
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Ring of Aiming
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Ring of Healing
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Makai Ring of Casting
      Item Level: 235 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Ring of Fending
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Ring of Slaying
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Ring of Aiming
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Ring of Healing
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      Filibuster's Ring of Casting
      Item Level: 245 / Equipment Level: 60
      An archbishop among priestfish, and lord of the waters of Clearpool.
      A freshwater fish native to the freshwater runoff of Abalathia's Spine. It is easily distinguishable by its long, ever-twitching whiskers.
      A king among catkillers, and lord of the waters of the Eddies.
      A king among oliphant's trunks, and lord of the skies near the Hyperstellar Downconverter.
      Crystal Pigeon
      A king among stupendemys, and lord of the skies near the Habisphere.
      A king among amber salamanders, and lord of the waters of the Iron Feast.
      A king among magma lice, and lord of the magma flows in Anyx Old.
      The Lord of Lords
      A king among lavalords, and unquestioned ruler of the magma flows near Halo.
      The Speaker
      A king among armored catfish, and lord of the waters of the Upper Thaliak river.
      Thousand Fin
      A king among hundred fins, and lord of the pools of Weston Waters.
      A king among storm chasers, and lord of the skies near Tharl Oom Khash.
      A king among ammonites, and lord of the waters of Banepool.
      A rarely seen Allagan abomination rumored to dwell in the atherochemical pools collecting on the Flagship in Azys Lla.
      Armor Fish
      A massive glowing freshwater fish found living in the Thaliak River.
      Sea Butterfly
      Though oft referred to as king of the skies near Mok Oogl Island, to claim this floating mollusk is elusive would be a gross understatement.
      Lord of the waters of Clearpool, Charibenet is (was) one of the largest, most voracious ice faeries to ever be captured.
      The Moogles of Moghome say that one can live his entire life without ever witnessing a raimdellopterus descend from the upper reaches of Tharl Oom Khash. They also say that some moogles spend a lot of their lives sleeping.
      Void Matter
      Little is known about this deceptively heavy substance save that its origins lie not in this world.
      Sturdy cloth woven with two varieties of thread─wool and cotton.
      Newborn Soulstone
      An artificially crafted soulstone used primarily in the conjuring of arcane entities.
      A peculiar crystalline rock formed from dark matter fused with elementally aspected crystals.
      Cloud Acorn
      The Vanu Vanu will oft use these large seeds in the creation of sacred ornaments, or even armor.
      Zurvanite Carapace Fragment
      A blazing fragment of Zurvan, the Demon's protective armor.
      Ivy Pillar
      The vibrant vines curling about this marble-like pillar have been treated with elemental magicks so that they require no water, never brown, and never grow.
      White Partition
      A simple white wall to provide the purest form of privacy.
      Merchant's Shelf
      When a merchant needs somewhere to stack his wares.
      Tiny Bronco Miniature
      A made-to-scale model of a Bronco-type airship, expertly crafted by Garlong Ironworks engineers.
      Invincible Miniature
      A made-to-scale model of an Invincible-type airship, expertly crafted by Garlong Ironworks engineers.
      Enterprise Miniature
      A made-to-scale model of an Enterprise-type airship, expertly crafted by Garlong Ironworks engineers.
      Invincible II Miniature
      A made-to-scale model of an Invincible II-type airship, expertly crafted by Garlong Ironworks engineers.
      Odyssey Miniature
      A made-to-scale model of an Odyssey-type airship, expertly crafted by Garlong Ironworks engineers.
      Tatanora Miniature
      A made-to-scale model of a Tatanora-type airship, expertly crafted by Garlong Ironworks engineers.
      Viltgance Miniature
      A made-to-scale model of a Viltgance-type airship, expertly crafted by Garlong Ironworks engineers.
      Zurvan Miniature
      A statuette depicting the Meracydian god, Zurvan. (Fetters conveniently missing.)

      ※One per estate only.
      Diabolos Miniature
      A statuette depicting the high voidsent, Diabolos. (Feels too heavy to be hollow.)

      ※One per estate only.
      Scathach Miniature
      A statuette depicting the high voidsent, Scathach. (Guaranteed to cast a shadow, even in complete darkness.)

      ※One per estate only.
      Yarn Basket
      The stuff of feline dreams.
      Riviera Breakfast
      "An eggcellent way to start your day.

      ※Cannot be retrieved once placed.
      ※Can be used up to 10 times.

      Meal benefits when used:
      Critical Hit Rate Bonus: +4% (Max 26)
      VIT Bonus: +4% (Max 24)
      Gear Durability Bonus: +3
      EXP Bonus: +3%
      Duration: 30m
      (Duration can be extended to 60m by consuming multiple servings)"
      Paissa Floor Lamp
      The complete hide of a skinned paissa, cured and then molded into a quaint lampshade...or at least that is what one might think when first viewing this intricately crafted lamp. (No paissas were harmed in the creation of this furnishing.)
      Grade 1 Picture Frame
      A frame suitable for holding small paintings or sketches.
      Grade 2 Picture Frame
      A frame suitable for holding medium-sized paintings or sketches.
      Grade 3 Picture Frame
      A frame suitable for holding large paintings or sketches.
      Forever Friends
      A commissioned oil painting of Paplymo and Yda─Archons, Scions, Heroes...and friends. Original artist unknown.
      Exotic Throw Rug
      Because nothing says "class" like a rug with a treasure coffer sewn into it.
      Barracuda Pier Painting
      A painting of Barracuda Pier based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Astalicia Painting
      A painting of the Astalicia based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Seasong Grotto Painting
      A painting of Seasong Grotto based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Skylift Painting
      A painting of the Skylift based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      La Thagran Eastroad Painting
      A painting of the La Thagran Eastroad based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Salt Strand Painting
      A painting of the Salt Strand based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Red Rooster Stead Painting
      A painting of Red Rooster Stead based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Brewer's Beacon Painting
      A painting of Brewer's Beacon based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Atelier Fen-Yll Painting
      A painting of Atelier Fen-Yll based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Apkalu Falls Painting
      A painting of Apkalu Falls based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Benbranch Meadows Painting
      A painting of Benbranch Meadows based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Sanctum of Twelve Painting
      A painting of the Sanctum of the Twelve based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Little Solace Painting
      A painting of Little Solace based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Royal Promenade Painting
      A painting of the Royal Promenade based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Gold Court Painting
      A painting of the Gold Court based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Jewel of Desert Painting
      A painting of the Jewel of the Desert based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Ruins of Sil'Dih Painting
      A painting of the Ruins of Sil'dih based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Lonely Giant Painting
      A painting of the Lonely Giant based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Invisible City Painting
      A painting of the Invisible City based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Highbridge Painting
      A painting of Highbridge based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Woad Whisper Canyon Painting
      A painting of Woad Whisper Canyon based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Summerford Farms Painting
      A painting of Summerford Farms based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Grey Fleet Painting
      A painting of the Grey Fleet based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Hidden Falls Painting
      A painting of Hidden Falls based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Gullperch Tower Painting
      A painting of Gullperch Tower based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Navigator Painting
      A painting of the Navigator based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Ship Graveyard Painting
      A painting of the Ship Graveyard based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Camp Skull Valley Painting
      A painting of Camp Skull Valley based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Tidegate Painting
      A painting of Tidegate based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Camp Bronze Lake Painting
      A painting of Camp Bronze Lake based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Thalaos Painting
      A painting of Thalaos based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Floating City of Nym Painting
      A painting of the Floating City of Nym based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Camp Overlook Painting
      A painting of Camp Overlook based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      U'Ghamaro Mines Painting
      A painting of U'Ghamaro Mines based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Hermit's Hovel Painting
      A painting of the Hermit's Hovel based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Carline Canopy Painting
      A painting of the Carline Canopy based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Lancers' Guild Painting
      A painting of the Lancers' Guild based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Bannock Painting
      A painting of the Bannock based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Haukke Manor Painting
      A painting of Haukke Manor based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Guardian Tree Painting
      A painting of the Guardian Tree based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Rainbow Bridge Painting
      A painting of Rainbow Bridge based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Seedbed Painting
      A painting of the Seedbed based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Buscarron's Druthers Painting
      A painting of Buscarron's Druthers based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      South Shroud Landing Painting
      A painting of South Shroud Landing based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Urth's Gift Painting
      A painting of Urth's Gift based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Quarrymill Painting
      A painting of Quarrymill based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Ixali Logging Grounds Painting
      A painting of the Ixali Logging Grounds based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Fallen Neurolink Painting
      A painting of the Fallen Neurolink based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Alder Springs Painting
      A painting of Alder Springs based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Castrum Marinum Painting
      A painting of Castrum Marinum based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Vesper Bay Painting
      A painting of Vesper Bay based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Black Brush Station Painting
      A painting of Black Brush Station based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Gate Of Nald Painting
      A painting of Gate of Nald based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Burning Wall Painting
      A painting of the Burning Wall based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Golden Bazaar Painting
      A painting of the Golden Bazaar based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Thal's Respite Painting
      A painting of Thal's Respite based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Nald's Reflection Painting
      A painting of Nald's Reflection based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Zahar'ak Painting
      A painting of Zahar'ak based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Sagolii Desert Painting
      A painting of the Sagolii Desert based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Sunken Temple of Qarn Painting
      A painting of the Sunken Temple of Qarn based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Minotaur Malm Painting
      A painting of Minotaur Malm based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      East Watchtower Painting
      A painting of the East Watchtower based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Ceruleum Pipeline Painting
      A painting of the Ceruleum Pipeline based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Bluefog Painting
      A painting of Bluefog based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Raubahn's Push Painting
      A painting of Raubahn's Push based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Abandoned Amajina Mythril Mine Painting
      A painting of the Abandoned Amajina Mythril Mine based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Nail Painting
      A painting of the Nail based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Observatorium Painting
      A painting of the Observatorium based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Frozen Fang Painting
      A painting of the Frozen Fang based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Holy See of Ishgard Painting
      A painting of the Holy See of Ishgard based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Boulder Downs Painting
      A painting of Boulder Downs based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Fury's Gaze Painting
      A painting of the Fury's Gaze based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Snowcloak Painting
      A painting of Snowcloak based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Camp Dragonhead Painting
      A painting of Camp Dragonhead based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Steel Vigil Painting
      A painting of the Steel Vigil based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Castrum Centri Painting
      A painting of Castrum Centri based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Crystal Tower Painting
      A painting of the Crystal Tower based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Rathefrost Painting
      A painting of Rathefrost based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Keeper of the Lake Painting
      A painting of the Keeper of the Lake based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      La Thagran Checkpoint Watercolor Painting
      A watercolor painting of the La Thagran Checkpoint.
      Marks of the Twelve Sketch
      A rough sketch of the marks of the Twelve.
      Sahagin Landbase Oil Painting
      An oil painting of the Sahagin Landbase.
      Isles of Umber Oil Painting
      An oil painting of the Isles of Umber.
      Jijiroon's Trading Post Painting
      A painting of Jijiroon's Trading Post based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.
      Gabineaux's Bower Oil Painting
      An oil painting of Gabineaux's Bower.
      Hanging Barbs Watercolor Painting
      A watercolor painting of the Hanging Barbs.
      Buscarron's Druthers Sketch
      A rough sketch of Buscarron's Druthers.
      Ixali Logging Grounds Oil Painting
      An oil painting of the Ixali Logging Grounds.
      Hyrstmill Watercolor Painting
      A watercolor painting of Hyrstmill.
      Silver Bazaar Oil Painting
      An oil painting of the Silver Bazaar.
      Coffer & Coffin Oil Painting
      An oil painting of the Coffer & Coffin.
      Bonfire Watercolor Painting
      A watercolor painting of the Bonfire.
      Burgundy Falls Sketch
      A rough sketch of Burgundy Falls.
      Sunken Temple of Qarn Oil Painting
      An oil painting of the Sunken Temple of Qarn.
      Natalan Sketch
      A rough sketch of Natalan.
      Whitebrim Front Oil Painting
      A painting of Whitebrim Front.
      Crystal Tower Sketch
      A rough sketch of the Crystal Tower.
      Tangle Oil Painting
      An oil painting of the Tangle.
      Singing Shards Watercolor Painting
      A watercolor painting of the Singing Shards.
      Jijiroon's Trading Post Sketch
      A rough sketch of Jijiroon's Trading Post.
      Fortemps Manor Interior Wall
      Interior Wall
      An interior wall for those in the mood for a dash of northern sophistication.
      White Interior Wall
      Interior Wall
      A plain white interior wall for those estate owners with minimalistic tastes.
      Pendant Lamp Planter
      Ceiling Light
      All the beauty of a pendant lamp coupled with all the functionality of a garden planter. Why did no one think of this before!?
      Tribunal Flooring
      A close replica of the flooring found in the Supreme Sacred Tribunal of Halonic Inquisitory Doctrine.
      Paissa Cottage Wall
      Exterior Wall
      A set of four walls designed for those who wish to transform their estate into paissa paradise.

      ※Can only be used with cottages on small plots of land.
      Paissa House Wall
      Exterior Wall
      A set of four walls designed for those who wish to transform their estate into a paissa paradise.

      ※Can only be used with houses on medium plots of land.
      Paissa Mansion Wall
      Exterior Wall
      A set of four walls designed for those who wish to transform their estate into a paissa paradise.

      ※Can only be used with mansions on large plots of land.
      Topiary Paissa
      Outdoor Furnishing
      An evergreen shrub, tightly cropped to resemble an adorable paissa.
      Moongrass Plot
      Outdoor Furnishing
      A sweet-smelling plant with delicate flowers that blossom only when kissed by the light of the moon.

      ※Up to ten flower plots may be placed in a single garden, regardless of type.
      Material Supplier Permit A-2
      This permit allows the hiring of material suppliers on the estate.

      ※Cannot be retrieved once placed.
      ※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 2, 3, 4, and 5 vendors, respectively.
      Junkmonger Permit A-2
      This permit allows the hiring of junkmongers on the estate.

      ※Cannot be retrieved once placed.
      ※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 2, 3, 4, and 5 vendors, respectively.
      Mender Permit A-2
      This permit allows the hiring of menders on the estate.

      ※Cannot be retrieved once placed.
      ※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 2, 3, 4, and 5 vendors, respectively.
      Crystalscape Tank Trimmings
      An assortment of items used to outfit an aquarium that it might resemble crystalline wonderland.

      [For use in any tier aquarium.]
      Red Cherry Blossoms
      A bunch of red Shroud cherry blossoms, selectively fertilized to achieve their vibrant color.

      Bouquets can be placed within select vases for display in estates.
      Blue Cherry Blossoms
      A bunch of blue Shroud cherry blossoms, selectively fertilized to achieve their vibrant color.

      Bouquets can be placed within select vases for display in estates.
      Yellow Cherry Blossoms
      A bunch of yellow Shroud cherry blossoms, selectively fertilized to achieve their vibrant color.

      Bouquets can be placed within select vases for display in estates.
      Green Cherry Blossoms
      A bunch of green Shroud cherry blossoms, selectively fertilized to achieve their vibrant color.

      Bouquets can be placed within select vases for display in estates.
      Orange Cherry Blossoms
      A bunch of orange Shroud cherry blossoms, selectively fertilized to achieve their vibrant color.

      Bouquets can be placed within select vases for display in estates.
      Purple Cherry Blossoms
      A bunch of purple Shroud cherry blossoms, selectively fertilized to achieve their vibrant color.

      Bouquets can be placed within select vases for display in estates.
      White Cherry Blossoms
      A bunch of white Shroud cherry blossoms, selectively fertilized to achieve their vibrant color.

      Bouquets can be placed within select vases for display in estates.
      Black Cherry Blossoms
      A bunch of black Shroud cherry blossoms, selectively fertilized to achieve their vibrant color.

      Bouquets can be placed within select vases for display in estates.
      Pink Cherry Blossoms
      A bunch of pink Shroud cherry blossoms, selectively fertilized to achieve a variety of vibrant colors.

      Bouquets can be placed within select vases for display in estates.
      Demon Totem
      This queer idol resembling the primal Zurvan is said to have been used during summoning ceremonies by tribes of centaur-like Meracydians.
      Legendary Clan Mark Log
      A list of elite marks slain by the log's owner─a hunter so great, that her legendary exploits are almost too remarkable to believe.
      Mhachi Shilling
      A small coin of low denomination once used in the long-fallen nation of Mhach. Actively sought by numismatists across Eorzea. There are twelve Mhachi pennies in a shilling.
      Bronze Tournament of Champions Card
      One of five low rarity Triple Triad cards, including limited edition tournament cards.
      Silver Tournament of Champions Card
      One of five medium rarity Triple Triad cards, including limited edition tournament cards.
      Gold Tournament of Champions Card
      One of five high rarity Triple Triad cards, including limited edition tournament cards.
      Bronze Spinner's Pull Card
      One of five low rarity Triple Triad cards, including limited edition tournament cards.
      Silver Spinner's Pull Card
      One of five medium rarity Triple Triad cards, including limited edition tournament cards.
      Gold Spinner's Pull Card
      One of five high rarity Triple Triad cards, including limited edition tournament cards.
      Bronze Durai Memorial Card
      One of five low rarity Triple Triad cards, including limited edition tournament cards.
      Silver Durai Memorial Card
      One of five medium rarity Triple Triad cards, including limited edition tournament cards.
      Gold Durai Memorial Card
      One of five high rarity Triple Triad cards, including limited edition tournament cards.
      Bronze Rowena Cup Classic Card
      One of five low rarity Triple Triad cards, including limited edition tournament cards.
      Silver Rowena Cup Classic Card
      One of five medium rarity Triple Triad cards, including limited edition tournament cards.
      Gold Rowena Cup Classic Card
      One of five high rarity Triple Triad cards, including limited edition tournament cards.
      Imperial Triad Card
      One of six Garlean-themed Triple Triad cards.
      Opo-opo Card
      Triple Triad Card
      A common (★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
      Adamantoise Card
      Triple Triad Card
      An uncommon (★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
      Magitek Vanguard Card
      Triple Triad Card
      An uncommon (★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
      Magitek Gunship Card
      Triple Triad Card
      An uncommon (★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
      Lava Scorpion Card
      Triple Triad Card
      A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
      Magitek Hunter Card
      Triple Triad Card
      A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
      Sky Armor Card
      Triple Triad Card
      A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
      The Griffin Card
      Triple Triad Card
      A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
      Diabolos Hollow Card
      Triple Triad Card
      An epic (★★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
      Armored Weapon Card
      Triple Triad Card
      An epic (★★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
      Zurvan Card
      Triple Triad Card
      A legendary (★★★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
      Runt of the canes pugnaces litter.

      Use item to acquire the bullpup minion.
      Wind-up Estinien
      Absolutely, positively not possessed by an evil dragon bent on ridding the world of mankind.

      Use item to acquire the wind-up Estinien minion.
      Also known as Vivi...but his secret is safe with you.

      Use item to acquire the Gigi minion.
      From your heart and from your hand. Finally people will understand your intentions.

      Use item to acquire the anima minion.
      Wind-up Scathach
      Surprisingly visible despite being a queen of the shadows.

      Use item to acquire the wind-up Scathach minion.
      Wind-up Ohl Deeh
      100% less subject to violent mood swings than its living counterpart.

      Use item to acquire the wind-up Ohl Deeh minion.
      Wind-up Moon
      /poke to adjust elevation. /point to inform others of its location. /blowkiss to get strange looks from passersby.

      Use item to acquire the wind-up moon minion.
      Goten Pipe
      An otherworldly flute that, when played, summons the armored Mado steed, Goten.
      Ginga Pipe
      An otherworldly flute that, when played, summons the armored Mado steed, Ginga.
      Raigo Pipe
      An otherworldly flute that, when played, summons the armored Mado steed, Raigo.
      Demonic Lanner Whistle
      This whistle emits a shrill tone that is said to summon a legendary falcon bred to serve the ancient Meracydian god, Zurvan.
      Phoenix Fife
      A short flute that, when used to play a certain melody, summons forth a fiery bird recently risen from ash.
      Archon Throne
      A mysterious floating chair rumored to have been used by the famed Archon Louisoix himself...despite the fact no one actually ever saw him ride it.
      Zurvanite Barding
      A suit of chocobo armor designed to resemble Zurvan, the Demon.
      Flibbertigibbet Orchestrion Roll
      Orchestrion Roll
      Music roll for Flibbertigibbet. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
      Piece of Mind Orchestrion Roll
      Orchestrion Roll
      Music roll for Piece of Mind. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
      Frontiers Within Orchestrion Roll
      Orchestrion Roll
      Music roll for Frontiers Within. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
      Fleeting Rays Orchestrion Roll
      Orchestrion Roll
      Music roll for Fleeting Rays. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
      Saltswept Orchestrion Roll
      Orchestrion Roll
      Music roll for Saltswept. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
      Thicker than a Knife's Blade Orchestrion Roll
      Orchestrion Roll
      Music roll for Thicker than a Knife's Blade. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
      Canticle Orchestrion Roll
      Orchestrion Roll
      Music roll for Canticle. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
      Forever Lost Orchestrion Roll
      Orchestrion Roll
      Music roll for Forever Lost. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
      Breaking Boundries Orchestrion Roll
      Orchestrion Roll
      Music roll for Breaking Boundries. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
      Hallowed Halls Orchestrion Roll
      Orchestrion Roll
      Music roll for Hallowed Halls. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
      Bathed in Woodsin Orchestrion Roll
      Orchestrion Roll
      Music roll for Bathed in Woodsin. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
      Another Brick Orchestrion Roll
      Orchestrion Roll
      Music roll for Another Brick. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
      The Corpse Hall Orchestrion Roll
      Orchestrion Roll
      Music roll for The Corpse Hall. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
      Limitless Blue Orchestrion Roll
      Orchestrion Roll
      Music roll for Limitless Blue. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
      Woe that Is Madness Orchestrion Roll
      Orchestrion Roll
      Music roll for Woe that Is Madness. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
      The Hand that Gives the Rose Orchestrion Roll
      Orchestrion Roll
      Music roll for The Hand that Gives the Rose. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
      Unbending Steel Orchestrion Roll
      Orchestrion Roll
      Music roll for Unbending Steel. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
      Infinity Orchestrion Roll
      Orchestrion Roll
      Music roll for Infinity. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
      Tempest Orchestrion Roll
      Orchestrion Roll
      Music roll for Tempest. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
      Spiral Orchestrion Roll
      Orchestrion Roll
      Music roll for Spiral. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
      Moebius Orchestrion Roll
      Orchestrion Roll
      Music roll for Moebius. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
      Aetherosphere Orchestrion Roll
      Orchestrion Roll
      Music roll for Aetherosphere. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
      Six Fulms Under Orchestrion Roll
      Orchestrion Roll
      Music roll for Six Fulms Under. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
      Teardrops in the Rain Orchestrion Roll
      Orchestrion Roll
      Music roll for Teardrops in the Rain. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
      A Thousand Faces Orchestrion Roll
      Orchestrion Roll
      Music roll for A Thousand Faces. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
      Promises Orchestrion Roll
      Orchestrion Roll
      Music roll for Promises. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
      Shadow of the Body Orchestrion Roll
      Orchestrion Roll
      Music roll for Shadow of the Body. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
      Faded Copy of The Corpse Hall
      Orchestrion Roll
      Timeworn pages of sheet music containing the full score for Odin's theme, The Corpse Hall.
      Faded Copy of Limitless Blue
      Orchestrion Roll
      Timeworn pages of sheet music containing the full score for Bismarck's theme, Limitless Blue.
      Faded Copy of Woe that Is Madness
      Orchestrion Roll
      Timeworn pages of sheet music containing the full score for Bismarck's theme, Woe that Is Madness.
      Faded Copy of The Hand that Gives the Rose
      Orchestrion Roll
      Timeworn pages of sheet music containing the full score for Ravana's theme, The Hand that Gives the Rose.
      Faded Copy of Unbending Steel
      Orchestrion Roll
      Timeworn pages of sheet music containing the full score for Ravana's theme, Unbending Steel.
      Faded Copy of Infinity
      Orchestrion Roll
      Timeworn pages of sheet music containing the full score for Zurvan's theme, Infinity.

      New Recipes



      Material / Crystal
      Grade 1 Picture Frame
      Mahogany Lumber x2
      Walnut Lumber x2
      Linseed Oil x2
      Cotton Canvas x2
      Wind Shard x5
      Ice Shard x4
      Grade 2 Picture Frame
      Dark Chestnut Lumber x3
      Holy Cedar Lumber x3
      Varnish x3
      Linen Canvas x3
      Wind Crystal x4
      Ice Crystal x4
      Grade 3 Picture Frame
      Treated Camphorwood Lumber x4
      Ancient Lumber x4
      Astral Oil x4
      Linen Canvas x4
      Wind Cluster x3
      Ice Cluster x2
      Yarn Basket
      Bamboo Stick
      Woolen Yarn x6
      Wind Cluster
      Ice Cluster
      Paissa Floor Lamp
      Birch Lumber
      Birch Branch x8
      Cotton Canvas x2
      Fire Ward Hi-Potion x2
      Cloud Acorn x2
      Tallow Candle x3
      Wind Crystal x5
      Ice Crystal x5
      Merchant's Shelf
      Spruce Lumber6
      Darksteel Plate x2
      Varnish x2
      Steel Hinge x2
      Pile of Tomes
      Wind Crystal x3
      Ice Crystal x2
      Tiny Bronco Miniature
      Camphorwood Lumber4
      Darksteel Ingot x2
      Saurian Leather
      Linen Canvas x2
      Iron Rivets x2
      Varnish x2
      Wind Cluster x2
      Ice Cluster x2
      Invincible Miniature
      Camphorwood Lumber x4
      Darksteel Ingot x2
      Garlond Steel
      Electrum Ingot
      Steel Rivets x2
      Varnish x2
      Wind Cluster x2
      Ice Cluster x2
      Enterprise Miniature
      Camphorwood Lumber x4
      Wolfram Ingot x2
      Garlond Steel
      Farreach Canvas
      Cobalt Rivets x2
      Varnish x2
      Wind Cluster x2
      Ice Cluster x2
      Invincible II Miniature
      Camphorwood Lumber x4
      Mythrite Ingot x2
      Garlond Steel
      Rose Gold Ingot
      Varnish x2
      Wind Cluster x2
      Ice Cluster x2
      Odyssey Miniature
      Camphorwood Lumber x4
      Ancient Lumber
      Garlond Steel
      Farreach Canvas
      Varnish x2
      Wind Cluster x2
      Ice Cluster x2
      Tatanora Miniature
      Camphorwood Lumber x4
      Cassia Lumber
      Garlond Steel
      High Allagan Chimera Leather
      Varnish x2
      Wind Cluster x2
      Ice Cluster x2
      Viltgance Miniature
      Camphorwood Lumber x4
      Cassia Block
      Galvanized Garlond Steel
      Farreach Canvas
      Astral Oil
      Wind Cluster x2
      Ice Cluster x2


      Material / Crystal
      Zurvan Miniature
      Zurvanite Carapace Fragment
      Heavy Metal Ingot x 3
      Adamantite Ingot x 2
      Ice Cluster x 3
      Earth Cluster x 3
      Zurvanite Barding
      Zurvanite Carapace Fragment
      Heavy Metal Ingot x 3
      Hemicyon Leather
      Griffin Leather Strap
      Ice Cluster x 3
      Earth Cluster x 3


      Material / Crystal
      Ivy Pillar
      Cut Stone x6
      Mortar x4
      Island Seedling x4
      Growth Formula Delta x3
      Wind Crystal x3
      Fire Crystal x2
      Pendant Lamp Planter
      Rose Gold Ingot x3
      Crystal Glass x3
      Tallow Candle x3
      Shroud Seedling x3
      Growth Formula Delta Concentrate x2
      Wind Cluster
      Fire Cluster
      Diabolos Miniature
      Void Matter
      High Mythrite Ingot x3
      Eikon Leather2
      Wind Cluster x3
      Fire Cluster x2
      Scathach Miniature
      Void Matter
      Eikon Iron Ingot x3
      Eikon Cloth
      Iolite x6
      Wind Cluster x3
      Fire Cluster x2
      Tribunal Flooring
      Marble x7
      Black Limestone x3
      Aurum Regis Ingot x2
      Gold Ingot x2
      Mortar x4
      Wind Cluster x2
      Fire Cluster x2


      Material / Crystal
      Raptorskin Shoes
      Undyed Woolen Cloth
      Raptor Leather x 2
      Earth Shard x 6
      Wind Shard x 5
      Pteroskin Shoes
      Pterodactyl Leather x 2
      Garlean Rubber
      Fieldcraft Demimateria II x 2
      Earth Cluster x 2
      Wind Cluster


      Material / Crystal
      Wool Knit Cap
      Undyed Woolen Cloth
      Woolen Yarn x5
      Lightning Shard x6
      Wind Shard x5
      Wool Suspenders
      Undyed Woolen Cloth x2
      Undyed Linen x2
      Raptor Leather
      Linen Yarn x2
      Lightning Shard x6
      Wind Shard x5
      Cropped Wool Slops
      Undyed Woolen Cloth
      Undyed Linen x2
      Linen Yarn x2
      Lightning Shard x6
      Wind Shard x5
      Flannel Knit Cap
      Woolen Yarn x5
      Fieldcraft Demimateria II x2
      Lightning Cluster x2
      Wind Cluster
      Flannel Suspenders
      Flannel x2
      Cloud Cloth x2
      Pterodactyl Leather
      Sewing Thread x2
      Fieldcraft Demimateria II x3
      Lightning Cluster x2
      Wind Cluster
      Cropped Flannel Slops
      Cloud Cloth x2
      Sewing Thread x2
      Fieldcraft Demimateria II x3
      Lightning Cluster x2
      Wind Cluster
      Fortemps Manor Interior Wall
      Astral Silk x2
      Hallowed Ramie Cloth x6
      Sewing Thread x4
      Mortar x4
      Lightning Cluster x2
      Wind Cluster x2


      Material / Crystal
      Topiary Paissa
      Shrub Seedling x 3
      Dark Chestnut Branch x 2
      Growth Formula Epsilon x 4
      Water Crystal x 4
      Lightning Crystal x 4
      Red Cherry Blossom Corsage
      Red Cherry Blossoms
      Bear Fat
      Dravanian Spring Water
      Water Crystal x 4
      Lightning Crystal x 3
      Blue Cherry Blossom Corsage
      Blue Cherry Blossoms
      Bear Fat
      Dravanian Spring Water
      Water Crystal x 4
      Lightning Crystal x 3
      Yellow Cherry Blossom Corsage
      Yellow Cherry Blossoms
      Bear Fat
      Dravanian Spring Water
      Water Crystal x 4
      Lightning Crystal x 3
      Green Cherry Blossom Corsage
      Green Cherry Blossoms
      Bear Fat
      Dravanian Spring Water
      Water Crystal x 4
      Lightning Crystal x 3
      Orange Cherry Blossom Corsage
      Orange Cherry Blossoms
      Bear Fat
      Dravanian Spring Water
      Water Crystal x 4
      Lightning Crystal x 3
      Purple Cherry Blossom Corsage
      Purple Cherry Blossoms
      Bear Fat
      Dravanian Spring Water
      Water Crystal x 4
      Lightning Crystal x 3
      White Cherry Blossom Corsage
      White Cherry Blossoms
      Bear Fat
      Dravanian Spring Water
      Water Crystal x 4
      Lightning Crystal x 3
      Black Cherry Blossom Corsage
      Black Cherry Blossoms
      Bear Fat
      Dravanian Spring Water
      Water Crystal x 4
      Lightning Crystal x 3
      Pink Cherry Blossom Corsage
      Pink Cherry Blossoms
      Bear Fat
      Dravanian Spring Water
      Water Crystal x 4
      Lightning Crystal x 3
      The Corpse Hall Orchestrion Roll
      Blank Grade 2 Orchestrion Roll
      Enchanted Platinum Ink
      Faded Copy of The Corpse Hall
      Water Crystal x 7
      Lightning Crystal x 7
      Limitless Blue Orchestrion Roll
      Blank Grade 3 Orchestrion Roll
      Enchanted Aurum Regis Ink
      Faded Copy of Limitless Blue
      Water Cluster x 2
      Lightning Cluster
      Woe That Is Madness Orchestrion Roll
      Blank Grade 3 Orchestrion Roll
      Enchanted Aurum Regis Ink
      Faded Copy of Woe That Is Madness
      Water Cluster x 2
      Lightning Cluster
      The Hand That Gives the Rose Orchestrion Roll
      Blank Grade 3 Orchestrion Roll
      Enchanted Aurum Regis Ink
      Faded Copy of The Hand That Gives the Rose
      Water Cluster x 2
      Lightning Cluster
      Unbending Steel Orchestrion Roll
      Blank Grade 3 Orchestrion Roll
      Enchanted Aurum Regis Ink
      Faded Copy of Unbending Steel
      Water Cluster x 2
      Lightning Cluster
      Infinity Orchestrion Roll
      Blank Grade 3 Orchestrion Roll
      Enchanted Aurum Regis Ink
      Faded Copy of Infinity
      Water Cluster x 3
      Lightning Cluster x 2


      Material / Crystal
      Riviera Breakfast
      Gastornis Egg x 2
      Fermented Butter
      Abalathian Rock Salt
      Tomato Sauce
      Fire Crystal x 5
      Water Crystal x 4

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