Users interested in installing the Mac version of FINAL FANTASY XIV can download it here.
Minimum System Requirements
Review the system requirements for the Mac version of FINAL FANTASY XIV.
- Click the "Download" button to begin.
- Double-click the file (FINAL_FANTASY_XIV_ONLINE_x64.dmg) once the download is complete. Follow the on-screen instructions and drag the FINAL FANTASY XIV ONLINE icon into the Applications folder.
- FINAL FANTASY XIV will then be installed in the Applications folder, and the launcher icon will appear on the desktop.
* Refer to the minimum system requirements listed on the System Requirements page to check the available disk space necessary to install the game.
* You will need administration privileges to install the application.
For Users of the 32-bit Application
To carry over settings from the 32-bit application, you need to upload your settings using the Server Backup option, which can be found in the character selection screen.

Back Up Character Settings
Save a backup of local character settings, HUD layout, hotbars, gear sets, and more to the server.
* Item sort settings and inventory location data will not be saved.
Data to Be Saved:
- Character Configuration
- Log Filters
- HUD Layout
- Log Text Colors
- Hotbars and Cross Hotbars
- Character-specific Macros
- Gear Sets
- Social Data (Friend Group Names, Contact Lists, etc.)
- Keybinds
- Miscellaneous Data (Triple Triad, LoVM, etc.)
Back Up Client Settings
Save a backup of local system settings for UI, sound, user macros, and more to the server.
* Display resolution, graphics quality, input device, and other settings dependent on current play environment will not be saved.
Data to Be Saved:
- Display Settings
- Accessibility Settings
- Sound Settings
- Shared Macros
- Input Device Settings
- Miscellaneous Data (Cutscene Settings)