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Coming 10.29.2019

New Story


Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty

Hades is no more, and darkness at last returns to the mantle of night. But victory does not come without consequence. How will the Scions mend the wounds of this broken world? What nefarious forces would dare rend them anew?

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New Challenges


Alliance Raid Dungeon

YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse

The Copied Factory

Machina indistinguishable from men in appearance, speech, demeanor─anyone in Norvrandt would dismiss such an idea as the fantastical ramblings of drunken dwarves. The discovery of a white-clad woman identifying herself as an "android," however, may call everything that has long been believed about technology into question...

Yosuke Saito

Yosuke Saito

Member of the Board and Executive Producer, SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD.

Notable works include: NieR (series), DRAGON QUEST X Online, DRAGON QUEST XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age



President and Game Director, BUKKORO

Notable works include: NieR (series), Drakengard (series)


New Dungeon

The Grand Cosmos

Long ago, on the far shore of the Source, a great palace was built by the elves─the Grand Cosmos, an edifice of such magnitude it was said to inspire envy in both the heavens for which it was named and the flowers that pervade its boundless gardens. As with so many wonders of the world that once was, its radiance quickly faded in the wake of the Flood, its halls falling silent, the throne sitting empty. That is, until the palace was given new purpose when a mage claimed it as their sanctuary, their only company being solace, solitude, and the legion of familiars barring entrance to any foolish enough to seek an audience.

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The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy

Hearken unto a requiem for a hero fallen. A man who lived a thousand thousand of our lives clinging desperately to faint hope, never shirking his sworn duty to his long-lost brethren. A man who stood proud and did avow his true name on the threshold of the battle that would see him fall to his rival─the light to quench his shadow. Borrowing liberally from the funereal rites of the Night's Blessed, the minstreling wanderer weaves an elegy in that hero's honor─the tragic yet triumphant tale of a man and a battle that ne'er shall be forgotten.

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PATCH 5.11


The Epic of Alexander (Ultimate)

The clockwork fortress that manifested itself in verdant Dravania did bear an uncanny resemblance to the great steel giant sung of in the legends of the Hotgo, an Auri tribe hailing from far across the sea. Inspired by this tragic tale of a mechanical god who placed his trust in a single mortal soul, the wandering minstrel spreads the proverbial wings of imagination and takes flight, weaving an impassioned ballad of hope and despair profound.

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PATCH 5.15

Blue Mage Update

Since last you met, Martyn has been striving to further the interests of the fledgling Blue Mages' Guild. Not only has he uncovered a wealth of powerful spells for you to master, he has also arranged for groups exclusively comprised of blue mages to journey into perilous territory to test the limits of their abilities.

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PATCH 5.15


Onsal Hakair (Danshig Naadam)

The Xaela of the Azim Steppe are renowned for their ferocity in battle, a traditional preoccupation that culminates once each Tsagaan Sar as they clash to earn the right to rule in the Naadam. Such infrequent conflict is insufficient to sate the Steppe's most zealous warriors, however, thus the Danshig Naadam─smaller contests to which the Grand Companies of Eorzea have now been welcomed. Join forces with the Maelstrom and the Orben people, the Adders and the Ejinn, or the Flames and the Horo in this grand demonstration of martial prowess, and may the mightiest prevail!

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PATCH 5.11

Ishgard Restoration

With the Dragonsong War brought to its conclusion, the Houses of Lords and Commons have approved large-scale reconstruction works aimed at revitalizing the Holy See of Ishgard. The principal site for the project is the Firmament district, which sustained extensive damage during the millennium-long conflict. Appointed overseer of this endeavor is the young Lord Francel of House Haillenarte, who now seeks able and willing artisans the realm over to contribute to this great and noble cause.

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Beast Tribe Quests

Vrandtic folklore holds that pixies have a penchant for visiting the dreams of mortals. Assuming there is truth to this legend, what manner of dreams might these mischief-loving souls bring with them? If you would know the answer, close your eyes, suspend disbelief, and step into Lyhe Mheg─the fantastical Garden of Dreams...

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Custom Deliveries

Kai-Shirr has at long last been reunited with his childhood friends in Eulmore, though he finds the city itself undergoing sweeping changes following the fall of Vauthry. In the hope of helping to forge a brighter future for his new home, Kai-Shirr devises a plan to attract visitors to Eulmore, with the Beehive playing a central role. However, in order to cater to the needs of customers from every walk of life, he must seek the aid of none other than the Warrior of Darkness.

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The Gold Saucer

The Slice is Right

Hailing from the Far East, the mysterious swordsman Yojimbo descends upon the Gold Saucer! Only those with lightning-quick reflexes and the providence of the kami will be able to withstand his onslaught and reign victorious in the ultimate test of skill...and sheer luck.

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New Systems


Crafting and Gathering Overhaul

A great many changes are coming to the world of crafting and gathering in Patch 5.1 and Patch 5.2, enhancing the experience for beginners and veterans alike. Patch 5.1 will include various adjustments to actions, the removal of additional actions, improvements to the UI, and much more. There have also been adjustments to quick synthesis, desynthesis, and a new quick gathering option has been added.

Updates to Crafting Updates to Gathering


Performance Update

For budding musicians who want to form their own band, the new ensemble mode makes it easier to synchronize with party members, while Performance Assistance shows you how to play a number of fan-favorite songs. There is even a host of brand-new instruments to try!

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New Game+

Take a trip down memory lane to revisit previously completed quests, cutscenes, dialogue, and battles not found in the Unending Journey, all while keeping your current character and level. Patch 5.1 includes the main scenario quests for Heavensward, Stormblood, and Shadowbringers, allowing you to relive all your favorite moments.

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Fellowships offer a new way for adventurers with common interests to band together. Join up to 10 fellowships on your data center, or make your own and invite up to 1,000 players. Use them to announce community events, recruit for raids and dungeons, relay information to track down elite marks, and more!

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New Items

New Mounts

Be it by land, sky, or sea, these new mounts will take you where you need to go.

New Minions

Be the envy of your fellow adventurers with these adorable wind-up toys.

New Hairstyles

These new hairdos are bound to leave an impression!

New Emotes

Express yourself with these new gestures and poses!

New PvP Gear

A range of brand-new PvP gear is available, giving you even more ways to customize your character.
