The user interface, or UI for short, refers to the various on-screen elements and menus through which a player interacts with the game. The UI in FFXIV can be adjusted in myriad ways to ensure an enjoyable gaming experience.
This guide will explain how to adjust the UI, and offer tips to help you navigate the game.
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Review a selection of popular and recommended topics.
What is the HUD?
HUD Overview
Modifying the HUD Layout, Step by Step
HUD Overview
Additional Methods for Registering Actions
Using the Cross Hotbar, Step by Step
Cross Hotbar
Why did I suddenly switch to walking?
What are Enhancements & Enfeeblements?
Enhancements & Enfeeblements
Saving Current Gear Set
Gear Sets
Exchanging Tomestones
Allagan Tomestones
Chat Modes
Why are some quest icons different than others?
Navigating the Game Screen
Changing the Appearance of Gear
Using the Same Hotbar for Other Classes/Jobs
What is the adventurer plate?
Adventurer Plates
Is there a difference between instant portraits and the adventurer plate portrait?
Status Ailments Cured by Esuna
Enhancements & Enfeeblements
Can I interrupt enemy attacks?
Item Level (IL)
Parts of the HUD
HUD Overview
Equipping Your Best Gear
Recommended Gear
Why do certain enemies have different icons next to their names?
Enemy Display Names
What is Group Pose?
Group Pose
What are portraits?
Using Player Actions, Step by Step
Player Actions
Changing the Color of Equipment
Dyeing Gear
Can you change how a target's HP is displayed?
Changing Your Whole Outfit at Once
How can I get a mount?
Can I stop error messages from appearing when I repeatedly press action buttons?
Gear Durability
Glamour Dresser