Introducing Yourself / Portraits
Instant portraits are linked to gear sets and displayed during member introductions for certain duties, whereas the adventurer plate portrait is used exclusively for the adventurer plate. Each type of portrait must be created separately.
Instant Portraits
Adventurer Plate Portrait
Create and edit instant portraits by accessing Character from the main menu and selecting "Portraits."
One portrait may be created per gear set.
Instant portraits are displayed upon entering instanced duties, when giving player commendations, and during participant introductions at the beginning of duties such as Crystalline Conflict or Doman mahjong.
Learn more about instant portrait creation.
Create and edit adventurer plate portraits by accessing Character from the main menu and selecting "Adventurer Plate."
You may create one portrait for the adventurer plate, and it will remain unchanged even if you change your class or job.
This portrait will be used exclusively for the adventurer plate. Learn more about adventurer plate portrait creation.