
Ninja Melee DPS

Hailing from the war-torn lands of the Far East, the secret arts of the ninja were born of necessity, and have since given rise to a unique breed of highly-trained combatants.

Able to manipulate the vital energies of the land, the air, and living beings, they manifest their power through the weaving of signs, unleashing a wide array of attacks against their foes. Master the arts of the ninja and learn to bend the tide of battle to your will.

Last Update: -

All descriptions are based on action attributes and bonuses attained by level 100.
For further details on changes to actions and traits in Patch 7.01 and Patch 7.05, please refer to the patch notes.
For further details on changes to actions and traits in Patch 7.0, please refer to the job guide.

Actions & Traits

Job Actions

Action Name





MP Cost




Spinning Edge

Lv. 1

Weaponskill Instant 2.12s - 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 300.
Additional Effect: Increases Ninki Gauge by 5

Shade Shift

Lv. 2

Ability Instant 120s - 0y
Create shadows that nullify damage up to 20% of maximum HP.
Duration: 20s

Gust Slash

Lv. 4

Weaponskill Instant 2.12s - 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 240.
Combo Action: Spinning Edge
Combo Potency: 400
Combo Bonus: Increases Ninki Gauge by 5


Lv. 10

Ability Instant 20s - 0y
Blend in with your surroundings, making it impossible for most enemies to detect you, but reducing movement speed by 50%. Has no effect on enemies 10 levels higher than your own, or certain enemies with special sight.
Additional Effect: Restores 2 charges to all mudra
The effect of Doton ends upon execution of Hide.
Cannot be executed while in combat.
Effect ends upon use of any action other than Sprint, or upon reuse of Hide.

Throwing Dagger
Class Quest

Lv. 15

Weaponskill Instant 2.12s - 20y
Delivers a ranged attack with a potency of 120.
Additional Effect: Increases Ninki Gauge by 5

Lv. 15

Ability Instant 120s - 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 150.
Additional Effect: Increases target's damage taken by 5%
Duration: 20s
Additional Effect: Increases the chance of additional items being dropped by target if Mug is dealt before, or as, the finishing blow

Trick Attack

Lv. 18

Ability Instant 60s - 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 300.
400 when executed from a target's rear.
Additional Effect: Increases damage you deal target by 10%
Duration: 15s
Can only be executed while under the effect of Hidden.

Aeolian Edge

Lv. 26

Weaponskill Instant 2.12s - 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 200.
260 when executed from a target's rear.
Combo Action: Gust Slash
Combo Potency: 380
Rear Combo Potency: 440
Potencies are increased by 100 while under the effect of Kazematoi.
Combo Bonus: Increases Ninki Gauge by 15

Job Quest

Lv. 30

Ability Instant 20s - 0y
Make the ritual mudra hand gesture for "heaven."
Duration: 6s
Maximum Charges: 2
Triggers the cooldown of weaponskills, mudra, and Ninjutsu upon execution.
Conversely, execution of weaponskills triggers the cooldown of this action.


Lv. 30

Ability Instant 1.5s - 0y
Executes a specific ninjutsu action coinciding with the combination of mudra made immediately beforehand.
If any other action is used before the mudra are combined and the ninjutsu executed, Ninjutsu will fail.
Triggers the cooldown of weaponskills, mudra, and Ninjutsu upon execution.
Conversely, execution of weaponskills triggers the cooldown of this action.
Restores 2 charges to all mudra when Hide is executed while outside of combat.

Job Quest

Lv. 35

Ability Instant 20s - 0y
Make the ritual mudra hand gesture for "earth."
Duration: 6s
Maximum Charges: 2
Triggers the cooldown of weaponskills, mudra, and Ninjutsu upon execution.
Conversely, execution of weaponskills triggers the cooldown of this action.

Death Blossom

Lv. 38

Weaponskill Instant 2.12s - 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Increases Ninki Gauge by 5


Lv. 40

Ability Instant 60s - 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 200.

Job Quest

Lv. 40

Ability Instant 60s - 20y
Move quickly to the specified location.
Maximum Charges: 2
Cannot be executed while bound.

Job Quest

Lv. 45

Ability Instant 20s - 0y
Make the ritual mudra hand gesture for "man."
Duration: 6s
Maximum Charges: 2
Triggers the cooldown of weaponskills, mudra, and Ninjutsu upon execution.
Conversely, execution of weaponskills triggers the cooldown of this action.

Job Quest

Lv. 50

Ability Instant 60s - 0y
Allows the execution of a single ninjutsu without consumption of mudra charges.
Additional Effect: Increases damage for the next ninjutsu action by 30%
Duration: 15s
Recast timer of mudra is not affected by the execution of this action.

Hakke Mujinsatsu
Job Quest

Lv. 52

Weaponskill Instant 2.12s - 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 to all nearby enemies.
Combo Action: Death Blossom
Combo Potency: 130
Combo Bonus: Increases Ninki Gauge by 5

Armor Crush
Job Quest

Lv. 54

Weaponskill Instant 2.12s - 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 220.
280 when executed from a target's flank.
Combo Action: Gust Slash
Combo Potency: 420
Flank Combo Potency: 480
Combo Bonus: Grants 2 stacks of Kazematoi
Kazematoi Effect: Increases potency of Aeolian Edge by 100
Maximum Stacks: 5
Combo Bonus: Increases Ninki Gauge by 15

Dream Within a Dream
Job Quest

Lv. 56

Ability Instant 60s - 3y
Delivers a threefold attack, each hit with a potency of 150.

Hellfrog Medium

Lv. 62

Ability Instant 1s - 25y
Deals fire damage with a potency of 160 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Ninki Gauge Cost: 50
Shares a recast timer with Bhavacakra.


Lv. 66

Ability Instant 120s - 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 300.
Additional Effect: Increases target's damage taken by 5%
Duration: 20s
Additional Effect: Increases the chance of additional items being dropped by target if Dokumori is dealt before, or as, the finishing blow
Additional Effect: Increases Ninki Gauge by 40
Additional Effect: Grants Higi
Duration: 30s


Lv. 68

Ability Instant 1s - 3y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 380.
Meisui Bonus: Potency is increased to 530 when under the effect of Meisui
Ninki Gauge Cost: 50
Shares a recast timer with Hellfrog Medium.

Ten Chi Jin
Job Quest

Lv. 70

Ability Instant 120s - 0y
Temporarily converts each of the three mudra into a ninjutsu action. Executing one of these actions will convert the remaining mudra into different ninjutsu actions until all three have been executed or the Ten Chi Jin effect expires.
Duration: 6s
Additional Effect: Grants Tenri Jindo Ready
Duration: 30s
Only ninjutsu available while active. The same ninjutsu cannot be executed twice.
Cannot be executed while under the effect of Kassatsu. Effect ends upon moving.


Lv. 72

Ability Instant 120s - 0y
Dispels Shadow Walker, increasing the Ninki Gauge by 50.
Additional Effect: Grants Meisui
Duration: 30s
Meisui Effect: Increases the potency of Zesho Meppo to 850 and Bhavacakra to 530
Can only be executed while in combat and under the effect of Shadow Walker.


Lv. 80

Ability Instant 90s - 0y
Grants 5 stacks of Bunshin, each stack allowing your shadow to attack enemies each time you execute a weaponskill. Shadow attack potency varies based on the attack executed, but is not affected by combo bonuses.
Melee Attack Potency: 160
Ranged Attack Potency: 160
Area Attack Potency: 80
Ninki Gauge increases by 5 each time your shadow lands an attack.
Duration: 30s
Additional Effect: Grants Phantom Kamaitachi Ready
Duration: 45s
Ninki Gauge Cost: 50

Phantom Kamaitachi

Lv. 82

Weaponskill Instant 2.12s - 20y
Your shadow deals wind damage to target and all enemies within 5 yalms with a potency of 600 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Increases Ninki Gauge by 10
Can only be executed while under the effect of Phantom Kamaitachi Ready.

Hollow Nozuchi

Lv. 86

Ability Instant - - 100y
All enemies standing in the corrupted earth of Doton take additional earth damage with a potency of 50.
Requires Hakke Mujinsatsu to be executed as a combo action or upon executing Katon, Goka Mekkyaku, or Phantom Kamaitachi.
Effect can only be triggered while Doton is active.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Forked Raiju

Lv. 90

Weaponskill Instant 2.12s - 20y
Rushes target and delivers a lightning attack with a potency of 700.
Additional Effect: Increases Ninki Gauge by 5
Can only be executed while under the effect of Raiju Ready.
Cannot be executed while bound.

Fleeting Raiju

Lv. 90

Weaponskill Instant 2.12s - 3y
Deals lightning damage with a potency of 700.
Additional Effect: Increases Ninki Gauge by 5
Can only be executed while under the effect of Raiju Ready.

Kunai's Bane

Lv. 92

Ability Instant 60s - 3y
Deals damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 600 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Afflicts target with Kunai's Bane
Kunai's Bane Effect: Increases damage you deal target by 10%
Duration: 15s
Can only be executed while Hidden.

Deathfrog Medium

Lv. 96

Ability Instant 1s - 25y
Deals fire damage with a potency of 300 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Ninki Gauge Cost: 50
Can only be executed while under the effect of Higi.
Shares a recast timer with Bhavacakra.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Hellfrog Medium changes to Deathfrog Medium when requirements for execution are met.

Zesho Meppo

Lv. 96

Ability Instant 1s - 3y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 700.
Meisui Bonus: Potency is increased to 850
Ninki Gauge Cost: 50
Can only be executed while under the effect of Higi.
Shares a recast timer with Hellfrog Medium.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Bhavacakra changes to Zesho Meppo when requirements for execution are met.

Tenri Jindo

Lv. 100

Ability Instant 1s - 20y
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 1,100 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Tenri Jindo Ready.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Ten Chi Jin changes to Tenri Jindo when requirements for execution are met.

Deleted Huraijin in Patch 7.0.


Action Name





MP Cost




Fuma Shuriken

Lv. 30

Ability Instant 1.5s - 25y
Delivers a ranged ninjutsu attack with a potency of 500.
Mudra Combination: Any one of the Ten, Chi, or Jin mudra
Triggers the cooldown of weaponskills, mudra, and Ninjutsu upon execution.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Ninjutsu changes to Fuma Shuriken when requirements for execution are met.


Lv. 35

Ability Instant 1.5s - 20y
Deals fire damage with a potency of 350 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Mudra Combination: Chi→Ten or Jin→Ten
Triggers the cooldown of weaponskills, mudra, and Ninjutsu upon execution.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Ninjutsu changes to Katon when requirements for execution are met.


Lv. 35

Ability Instant 1.5s - 20y
Deals lightning damage with a potency of 740.
Additional Effect: Grants a stack of Raiju Ready
Duration: 30s
Maximum Stacks: 3
Effect of Raiju Ready ends upon execution of any melee weaponskill.
Mudra Combination: Ten→Chi or Jin→Chi
Triggers the cooldown of weaponskills, mudra, and Ninjutsu upon execution.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Ninjutsu changes to Raiton when requirements for execution are met.


Lv. 45

Ability Instant 1.5s - 25y
Deals ice damage with a potency of 350.
Additional Effect: Bind
Duration: 15s
Mudra Combination: Ten→Jin or Chi→Jin
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.
Triggers the cooldown of weaponskills, mudra, and Ninjutsu upon execution.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Ninjutsu changes to Hyoton when requirements for execution are met.


Lv. 45

Ability Instant 1.5s - 20y
Deals wind damage with a potency of 240 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Grants Shadow Walker
Shadow Walker Effect: Allows execution of actions which require the effect of Hidden, without being under that effect
Duration: 20s
Mudra Combination: Jin→Chi→Ten or Chi→Jin→Ten
Triggers the cooldown of weaponskills, mudra, and Ninjutsu upon execution.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Ninjutsu changes to Huton when requirements for execution are met.


Lv. 45

Ability Instant 1.5s - 0y
Creates a patch of corrupted earth, dealing damage with a potency of 80 to any enemies who enter.
Duration: 18s
Additional Effect: Heavy +40%
Mudra Combination: Ten→Jin→Chi or Jin→Ten→Chi
Triggers the cooldown of weaponskills, mudra, and Ninjutsu upon execution.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Ninjutsu changes to Doton when requirements for execution are met.


Lv. 45

Ability Instant 1.5s - 20y
Deals water damage with a potency of 580.
Additional Effect: Grants Shadow Walker
Shadow Walker Effect: Allows execution of actions which require the effect of Hidden, without being under that effect
Duration: 20s
Mudra Combination: Ten→Chi→Jin or Chi→Ten→Jin
Triggers the cooldown of weaponskills, mudra, and Ninjutsu upon execution.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Ninjutsu changes to Suiton when requirements for execution are met.

Goka Mekkyaku

Lv. 76

Ability Instant 1.5s - 20y
Deals fire damage with a potency of 600 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Mudra Combination: Chi→Ten or Jin→Ten
Can only be executed while under the effect of Kassatsu.
Triggers the cooldown of weaponskills, mudra, and Ninjutsu upon execution.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Ninjutsu changes to Goka Mekkyaku when requirements for execution are met.

Hyosho Ranryu

Lv. 76

Ability Instant 1.5s - 25y
Deals ice damage with a potency of 1,300.
Mudra Combination: Ten→Jin or Chi→Jin
Can only be executed while under the effect of Kassatsu.
Triggers the cooldown of weaponskills, mudra, and Ninjutsu upon execution.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Ninjutsu changes to Hyosho Ranryu when requirements for execution are met.

Role Actions

Role actions are abilities common to classes and jobs with the same role.

Action Name





MP Cost




Second Wind

Lv. 8

Ability Instant 120s - 0y
Instantly restores own HP.
Cure Potency: 800

Leg Sweep

Lv. 10

Ability Instant 40s - 3y
Stuns target.
Duration: 3s


Lv. 12

Ability Instant 90s - 0y
Converts a portion of physical damage dealt into HP.
Duration: 20s


Lv. 22

Ability Instant 90s - 10y
Lowers target's physical damage dealt by 10% and magic damage dealt by 5%.
Duration: 15s

Arm's Length

Lv. 32

Ability Instant 120s - 0y
Creates a barrier nullifying most knockback and draw-in effects.
Duration: 6s
Additional Effect: Slow +20% when barrier is struck
Duration: 15s

True North

Lv. 50

Ability Instant 45s - 0y
Nullifies all action direction requirements.
Duration: 10s
Maximum Charges: 2





All Fours

Lv. 14

Reduces damage taken when falling.

Fleet of Foot

Lv. 20

Increases movement speed.

Increase Attack Speed

Lv. 45

Reduces weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay by 15%.

Adept Assassination
Job Quest

Lv. 56

Upgrades Assassinate to Dream Within a Dream.


Lv. 62

Increases Ninki Gauge by 5 upon successfully landing certain weaponskills or completing certain combos.

Enhanced Shukuchi

Lv. 64

Resets the recast timer for Shukuchi upon executing Katon, Raiton, or Hyoton on most targets.

Mug Mastery

Lv. 66

Upgrades Mug to Dokumori.

Enhanced Shukuchi II

Lv. 74

Allows the accumulation of charges for consecutive uses of Shukuchi.
Maximum Charges: 2

Melee Mastery

Lv. 74

Increases the potency of Gust Slash to 120, Aeolian Edge to 140, and Armor Crush to 140.

Enhanced Kassatsu

Lv. 76

Upgrades Katon and Hyoton to Goka Mekkyaku and Hyosho Ranryu while under the effect of Kassatsu.

Shukiho II

Lv. 78

Increases Ninki Gauge by 10 upon successfully completing a combo with Aeolian Edge or Armor Crush.

Shukiho III

Lv. 84

Increases Ninki Gauge by 15 upon successfully completing a combo with Aeolian Edge or Armor Crush.

Melee Mastery II

Lv. 84

Increases the potency of Spinning Edge to 220 and Gust Slash to 160.

Enhanced Meisui

Lv. 88

Increases the potency of Bhavacakra to 500 while under the effect of Meisui.
Duration: 30s

Enhanced Raiton

Lv. 90

Grants a stack of Raiju Ready upon executing Raiton.
Maximum Stacks: 3
Duration: 30s
Effect of Raiju Ready ends upon execution of any melee weaponskill.

Trick Attack Mastery

Lv. 92

Upgrades Trick Attack to Kunai's Bane.

Melee Mastery III

Lv. 94

Increases the potency of Spinning Edge to 300, Gust Slash to 240, Aeolian Edge to 200, Fuma Shuriken to 500, Raiton to 740, Suiton to 580, Armor Crush to 220, Bhavacakra to 380, Bhavacakra while under the effect of Meisui to 530, Forked Raiju to 700, and Fleeting Raiju to 700.

Enhanced Dokumori

Lv. 96

Grants Higi upon executing Dokumori.
Duration: 30s

Enhanced Ten Chi Jin

Lv. 100

Grants Tenri Jindo Ready upon executing Ten Chi Jin.
Duration: 30s
Ten Chi Jin changes to Tenri Jindo while under the effect of Tenri Jindo Ready.

Deleted Enhanced Mug in Patch 7.0.

Role Traits

Role traits are characteristics common to classes and jobs with the same role.




Enhanced Second Wind

Lv. 94

Increases the healing potency of Second Wind to 800.

Enhanced Feint

Lv. 98

Extends the duration of Feint to 15 seconds.


Performing actions in a certain order increases potency and applies combo bonuses.

Combo Sequence


Spinning Edge

Gust Slash

Aeolian Edge

Deals high damage and increases the Ninki Gauge.

Armor Crush

Increases the Ninki Gauge and grants stacks of Kazematoi.

Death Blossom

Hakke Mujinsatsu

Hits multiple enemies while increasing the Ninki Gauge.

Job Gauge

Kazematoi Gauge

Using the action Armor Crush as part of a combo grants stacks of Kazematoi, represented by this gauge. Up to five stacks can be stored, and are used to increase the potency of Aeolian Edge.

Ninki Gauge

Upon learning the trait Shukiho, the Ninki Gauge will be displayed, indicating the amount of Ninki you have accumulated.

Ninki is accumulated upon executing weaponskills and can be used to execute special ninjutsu such as Hellfrog Medium (acquired at level 62) or Bhavacakra (acquired at level 68).

Simple Mode

Kazematoi Gauge

Ninki Gauge


Ninki Gauge Actions Available

All descriptions are based on action attributes and bonuses attained by level 100.
For further details on changes to actions and traits in Patch 7.01 and Patch 7.05, please refer to the patch notes.
For further details on changes to actions and traits in Patch 7.0, please refer to the job guide.

Last Update: -

For further details on changes to actions, please refer to the patch notes.


Job Actions

Action Name




MP Cost




Spinning Edge

Weaponskill Instant 2s - 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 3,000.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Gust Slash

Weaponskill Instant 2s - 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 4,000.
Combo Action: Spinning Edge

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Aeolian Edge

Weaponskill Instant 2s - 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 5,000.
Combo Action: Gust Slash

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Fuma Shuriken

Weaponskill Instant 10s - 20y
Delivers a ranged attack with a potency of 6,000.
Maximum Charges: 3
This weaponskill does not share a recast timer with any other actions.

※Action changes to Hyosho Ranryu while under the effect of Three Mudra.


Ability Instant 20s - 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 2,000.
Additional Effect: Increases target's damage taken by 10%
Duration: 10s
Additional Effect: Reduces the recast time of Fuma Shuriken by 10 seconds

※Action changes to Goka Mekkyaku while under the effect of Three Mudra.

Three Mudra

Ability Instant 15s - 0y
Grants Three Mudra, allowing for immediate execution of any ninjutsu action. However, the same ninjutsu action cannot be executed consecutively.
Duration: 10s
Maximum Charges: 2

※Action changes to Meisui while under the effect of Three Mudra.
※All actions except Seiton Tenchu will change to their respective ninjutsu actions while under the effect of Three Mudra.


Ability Instant 30s - 0y
For up to five attacks, your shadow becomes animate, attacking enemies each time you execute a weaponskill.
Shadow attack potency will match that of your weaponskills, but will be halved when executing Fuma Shuriken or Assassinate.
Duration: 20s
Additional Effect: Creates a shadow that absorbs damage equivalent to a heal of 8,000 potency
Duration: 10s

※Action changes to Huton while under the effect of Three Mudra.


Ability Instant 20s - 20y
Move quickly to the specified location.
Additional Effect: Grants Hidden
Hidden Effect: Blend in with your surroundings, making it impossible for enemies to see or target you
Duration: 4s
Effect ends upon use of any action or upon taking damage from an enemy.
Cannot be executed while bound.

※Action changes to Doton while under the effect of Three Mudra.
※Aeolian Edge Combo changes to Assassinate while under the effect of Hidden.

Forked Raiju

Weaponskill Instant 2s - 20y
Rushes target and delivers an attack with a potency of 4,000.
Additional Effect: Stun
Duration: 2s
Additional Effect: Grants Fleeting Raiju Ready
Duration: 10s
Cannot be executed while bound.

※Aeolian Edge Combo changes to Fleeting Raiju while under the effect of Fleeting Raiju Ready.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Fleeting Raiju

Weaponskill Instant 2s - 20y
Rushes target and delivers an attack with a potency of 4,000.
Additional Effect: Stun
Duration: 2s
Can only be executed while under the effect of Fleeting Raiju Ready.
Cannot be executed while bound.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Hyosho Ranryu

Spell Instant 2s - 20y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 16,000.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Three Mudra.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Goka Mekkyaku

Spell Instant 2s - 20y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 4,000 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Damage over time
Potency: 4,000
Duration: 12s
Can only be executed while under the effect of Three Mudra.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.


Spell Instant 2s - 30y
Restores own or target party member's HP.
Cure Potency: 8,000
Additional Effect: Grants healing over time effect to target
Cure Potency: 4,000
Duration: 15s
Can only be executed while under the effect of Three Mudra.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.


Spell Instant 2s - 0y
Grants Huton, creating a barrier that absorbs damage equivalent to a heal of 16,000 potency, and increasing movement speed by 25%.
Duration: 10s
Movement speed returns to normal when barrier is completely absorbed.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Three Mudra.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.


Spell Instant 2s - 0y
Creates a patch of corrupted earth under your feet, dealing damage with a potency of 3,000 to any enemies who enter.
Duration: 10s
Can only be executed while under the effect of Three Mudra.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Hollow Nozuchi

Ability Instant - - 100y
All enemies standing in the corrupted earth of Doton take additional earth damage with a potency of 3,000.
Requires the execution of a weaponskill, Hyosho Ranryu, or Goka Mekkyaku.
Additional Effect: Heavy +75%
Duration: 3s

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.


Weaponskill Instant 2s - 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 12,000.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Hidden.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Limit Break

The limit break gauge can be filled through combating enemies and completing other objectives, dependent on the PvP duty. Your limit break will become available upon filling the gauge.

Action Name



MP Cost




Seiton Tenchu

Instant 10s - 20y
Rushes target and delivers an attack with a potency of 12,000, incapacitating foes whose HP is below 50%.
Additional Effect: Afflicts target with Death Link
Duration: 4s
Defeating an enemy with this action, or one under the effect of Death Link, will grant Unsealed Seiton Tenchu, allowing a second execution of this action.
Duration: 8s
Effect duration is reduced by 1s each time it is applied to a target with a minimum duration of 4s.
Effect cannot be applied to players riding machina or non-player combatants.
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full or while under the effect of Unsealed Seiton Tenchu.
Gauge Charge Time: 105s
Cannot be executed while bound.

Common Actions

These actions are shared by all jobs.

Action Name




MP Cost




Standard-issue Elixir

Ability 4.5s 5s - 0y
Restores your HP and MP to maximum.
Casting will be interrupted when damage is taken.


Ability Instant 1s 2500 MP 0y
Restores own HP.
Cure Potency: 15,000


Ability Instant 30s - 0y
Removes Stun, Heavy, Bind, Silence, Half-asleep, Sleep, and Deep Freeze.
Additional Effect: Grants Resilience
Resilience Effect: Nullifies status afflictions that can be removed by Purify
Duration: 5s
Can be used even when under the effect of certain status afflictions.


Ability Instant 30s - 0y
Reduces damage taken by 90% and grants immunity to Stun, Heavy, Bind, Silence, Half-asleep, Sleep, Deep Freeze, and knockback and draw-in effects.
Duration: 5s
Movement speed is reduced by 50% for the duration of this effect.
Effect ends upon reuse, using another action, or when the effect duration expires.


Ability Instant 1.5s - 0y
Increases movement speed by 50%.
Effect ends upon reuse or execution of another action.

For further details on changes to actions, please refer to the patch notes.