Master exclusive PvP actions, and battle your way to victory!
PvP makes use of specialized actions separate from those used in PvE. Knowing how they differ will be key to drawing out the full potential of your favorite jobs and overcoming your rivals.
Stand on the front line of battle, and soak up enemy attacks. Protect your allies, harry your foes, and be the rallying point for your party.
Use restorative arts to heal your party. Provide support from the back line by enhancing your allies and enfeebling your enemies.
Use physical ranged attacks to inflict a steady stream of damage. Offset personal vulnerability through use of impeding actions and high mobility.
Obliterate foes from afar with powerful casted spells. Aim to finish off wounded enemies with high burst damage.
Much like with PvE actions at the release of Dawntrail, we have introduced several new PvP actions, and made adjustments to pre-existing ones to better highlight the unique aspects of each job. We've also made changes to certain jobs' mechanics to provide players with a more enjoyable gaming experience. Because the additions and adjustments made in this patch were so extensive, we have elected to forgo overviews of individual jobs.
To help players better contend with enemy burst damage, all jobs will see an increase to their maximum HP, and the recast time of Purify has been reduced. Moreover, we've increased the potency of basic weaponskills and spells considered to be less effective than most, to help place a greater emphasis on sustained damage.
Patch 7.1 will also usher in improvements to hit detection, which we believe will significantly affect job balance. We will continue to monitor the situation and consider further adjustments as needed, so we encourage you all to join the fray and give us your feedback.
With Season Twelve currently underway, we've made several adjustments based on win rates to strengthen jobs that are currently struggling, temper those that are overperforming, and otherwise improve competitive gameplay.
Changes to action effects that extend beyond numerical adjustments will be considered for future patches based on player feedback.
Following changes made in Patch 7.11, we have made further adjustments to ensure balance between jobs.
Furthermore, feedback regarding adjustments made to the timing of action effects in Patch 7.1 has brought to our attention discomfort felt by players particularly when executing character-centered area of effect attacks. We will continue to consider timing and area of effect adjustments for future patches.
In order to improve playability, we have shortened the time between execution and effect activation for a variety of actions. We will continue to take into account feedback regarding timing that feels inordinately slow and area of effect attacks centered around the player that feel ineffective as we consider adjustments for Patch 7.2.
As healing jobs' recovery abilities currently have a great influence on matches, we have made adjustments to restrain aspects we felt were extreme. Additionally, we have further enhanced jobs that we felt haven't been performing adequately since Patch 7.15.
Considering rankings in higher tiers and custom matches, we have made adjustments with an emphasis on jobs that have a greater influence on team dynamics.
At higher levels, matches tend to run longer due to efficient play during overtime and the effective use of defensive actions. In an effort to improve the tempo of matches, we have reduced the effect duration of Guard for all jobs. Consequently, we have also alleviated its movement speed reduction, allowing players to more easily use obstructions to take cover.